Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection of Airway Epithelial Cells Modulates Expression of Kruppel-Like Factors 2 and 6 via RsmA-Mediated Regulation of Type III Exoenzymes S and Y
Infect. Immun. O'Grady et al. 74: 5893 Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Table S1. List of epithelial cell transcripts with significantly altered expression in response to infection with PAO1.
Table S2. List of epithelial cell transcripts with significantly altered expression in response to infection with the rsmA mutant.
Table S3. List of similarly regulated epithelial cell transcripts in response to infection with PAO1 and the rsmA mutant.
Table S4. List of differentially regulated epithelial cell transcripts in response to infection with PAO1 and the rsmA mutant.
Table S4. List of differentially regulated epithelial cell transcripts in response to infection with PAO1 and the rsmA mutant.
Table S5. List of reciprocally regulated epithelial cell transcripts in response to infection with PAO1 and the rsmA mutant.
Zipped Excel document, 56K.