Supplementary material for Mezey et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.060496197

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Fig. 7.

Schematic drawings of a rat brain at several coronal levels accompanied (to the right of the drawings) by the identical level showing autoradiography images after performing in situ hybridization to detect the mRNA encoding VR1. The drawings are based on the atlas of M. Palkovits and M. J. Brownstein [(1988) Maps and Guide to Microdissection of the Rat Brain (Elsevier, New York)]. Details of the technique are in the main paper. a, accumbens nucleus; Am, amygdala; amb, ambiguus nucleus; ap, area postrema; Aq, cerebral aqueduct; atv, ventral tegmental area; bpc, bed nucleus of the posterior commissure; C, cingulum; CAE, external capsule; Cb, cerebellum; CCA, corpus callosum; Cci, cingulate cortex; CF, frontal cortex; cgl, lateral geniculate body; cgm, medial geniculate body; CI, inferior colliculus; Cin, insular cortex; CO, optic chiasm; CP, posterior commissure; cp, caudate putamen; Cpa, parietal cortex; CPF, pyriform cortex; CS, superior colliculus; cu, cuneate nucleus; DR, dorsal raphe nucleus; DTV, ventral tegmental decussation; F, fornix; FC, cuneate fasciculus; FLM, medial longitudinal fasciculus; FPC, frontopolar cortex; FR, fasciculus retroflexus; GD, dentate gyrus; gp, globus pallidus; HI, hippocampus; hm, medial habenular nucleus; HTh, hypothalamus; io, inferior olive; ip, interpeduncular nucleus; lld, dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; LM, medial lemniscus; LR, linear raphe nucleus; MB, mamillary body; MFB, medial forebrain bundle; MR, nucleus raphe magnus; na, arcuate nucleus; ndm, dorsomedial nucleus; nIII, oculomotor nucleus; nlr, rostral linear nucleus; nrd, medullary reticular nucleus; nrp, paramedian reticular nucleus; nts, nucleus of the solitary tract; nX, dorsal vagal nucleus; Ob, olfactory bulb; P, pyramidal tract; Pa, parietal cortex; Pas, parasubiculum; pbd, dorsal (lateral) parabrachial nucleus; pbv, ventral (medial) parabrachial nucleus; PCS, superior cerebellar peduncle; po, pontine nuclei; pol, lateral preoptic area; pt, paratenial thalamic nucleus; r, red nucleus; rgi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; rl, lateral reticular nucleus; rpc, parvicellular reticular nucleus; S, septum; sco, subcommissural organ; sd, dorsal septal nucleus; si, intermediate septal nucleus; sl, lateral septal nucleus; sm, medial septal nucleus; snc, substantia nigra, compact zone; snr, substantia nigra, reticular zone; Th, thalamus; TO, optic tract; tom, nucleus of the optic tract, medial part; tpc, paracentral thalamic nucleus; tpm, ventroposterior medial thalamic nucleus; TS, solitary tract; ts V., nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract; tu, olfactory tubercle; V, vermis; V., trigeminal nerve; vm, medial vestibular nucleus; vp, ventral pallidum.