Supplementary material for Cutler et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97(7), 3718-3723.

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A. pEGAD Vector

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B. Streaming Torus Markers

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Shown is a time series acquired from a hypocotyl epidermal cell of transgenic line C2 expressing an out-of-frame GFP fusion protein. The time series shows several torus-shaped organelles. There appear to exist two populations: doughnut-shaped organelles and more motile tubular forms of the same organelle. Examples of the doughnut-shaped structures converting into motile tubular forms can be seen throughout the movie. Images frames were acquired at 0.75-second intervals and are shown in the movie at 10 frames per second. 

C. Vacuolar Membrane Dynamics

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Shown is a time series acquired from hypocotyl epidermal cells in a transgenic line expressing a GFP::delta TIP fusion protein. The time series demonstrates the remarkably dynamic nature of the vacuolar membrane system. Image frames were acquired at 4.5-second intervals and are shown in the movie at 10 frames per second.

D. Dynamics of Tiny Bubbles

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Shown is a time series acquired from leaf petiole epidermal cells of EGAD line Q10, which expresses an in-frame fusion protein to a glycine-rich protein of unknown function. The marker highlights dynamic bubble-like structures and faintly marks the ER membrane. The bubbles seem to be ER-associated in that their movement is highly correlated with the background ER fluorescence. Image frames were acquired at 3-second intervals and are shown in the movie at 10 frames per second.

E. ER Membrane Dynamics

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Time series at one confocal plane of several hypocotyl epidermal cells of transgenic line Q4, which expresses an in-frame GFP fusion to a novel protein. The marker is localized to what is likely the ER membrane, based on both colocalization with BODIPY FL Ceramide and similarity in appearance to KDEL-tagged GFP (made by Jim Haseloff, Medical Research Council, Cambridge, U.K.). The visible network appears to be composed of elements of varying stability; a more stable peripheral network and rapidly remodeled components likely associated with cytoplasmic strands. Note the mobile cigar-shaped structures at the right of the image. Similar structures have been seen in plants expressing KDEL-tagged GFP. Although KDEL-GFP appears to label the lumen of these structures, Q4-GFP localizes to their surface. The identity of these distinctive structures is not known. Images in the series were acquired at 2-second intervals and are shown in the movie at 10 frames per second.

F. Streaming Q-Balls

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Shown is a time series taken from a hypocotyl cell of EGAD line F2, which expresses an out-of-frame fusion protein. The marker illuminates the outside of a spherical oganelle that contains a large asymetric dot. The identity of this organelle is unknown. Several Q-balls can be seen moving toward the nucleus in the time series. Image frames were acquired at 4.5-second intervals and are shown in the movie at 10 frames per second.