The WD Repeat-containing Protein IFTA-1 Is Required for Retrograde Intraflagellar Transport
Mol. Biol. Cell Blacque et al. 17: 5053 Supplemental Materials
This article contains the following supporting material:
- Supplemental Figure 1 - Amino acid sequence alignment of C. elegans (Ce) and H. sapiens (Hs) IFTA-1 proteins, with identical or conserved residues highlighted in black and gray, respectively. Numbers on the right correspond to the cumulative number of amino acids for each protein.
- Supplemental Figure 2 - ifta-1 mutants phenocopy the retrograde IFT defects of che-11 mutants, as observed in phasmid cilia. (A and B) The anterograde IFT machinery, namely the kinesin-2 motors (A) and IFT-B subcomplex proteins (B), accumulates along ifta-1 and che-11 mutant cilia. Shown are representative fluorescence images of one set of phasmid cilia from wild-type (N2), ifta-1(nx61) and che-11(e1810) animals, expressing the indicated GFP-tagged protein. Images demonstrate that in contrast to wild-type worms, the anterograde IFT motor subunits (KAP-1::GFP and OSM-3::GFP) and IFT-B subcomplex proteins (OSM-1::GFP, OSM-6::GFP and CHE-2::GFP) accumulate (see arrowheads) within the ciliary axonemes of ifta-1 and che-11 mutants, indicating a retrograde IFT defect. Note that in wild-type panels, the ciliary axonemes (ax), transition zones (tz) and dendrites (d) are denoted. Note also that all images are similarly sized and orientated, with the transition zone region denoted in all panels by a bracket.
- Supplemental Video 1 - Real-time movie (5 frames per second) denoting the IFT motility of GFP-tagged IFTA-1 along one set of amphid cilia.