Supplementary material for Palfi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.150236097

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Fig. 7.

This figure is a supplement to Fig. 2 of the main paper. Comparison of the seven trypanosome Sm proteins with their human and yeast homologues (hs, H. sapiens; sc, S. cerevisiae; tb, T. brucei; tc, T. cruzi; lc, L. collosoma). The conserved Sm consensus motifs 1 and 2 are shown above ($, hydrophobic residue). Conserved amino acids are outlined by reverse print (red, overall conservation; black, subgroup conservation). Numbers at the end of the line indicate the number of residues not included in the alignment. Trypanosomal Sm proteins: T. cruzi SmG, putative (AA676151), L.collosoma SmE (AF126283). Human: SmD1 (P13641), SmD2 (P43330), SmD3 (P43331), SmE (P08578), SmF (X85372), SmG (S55054), SmB (P14678). Yeast: SmD1 (Q02260), SmD2 (Q06217), SmD3 (P43321), SmE (Q12330), SmF (P54999), SmG (P40204), SmB(P40018).