Supplementary material for González-Luque (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97 (17), 9379-9384.

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Fig. 8. (a) CASPT2 energy profiles along the S1 reaction coordinate of the PSBT model 2. The structures (geometrical parameters in Å and degrees) document the progression of the molecular structure along the coordinate. Squares show the S1 energy profile, and filled circles and diamonds show the S2 and S0 CASPT2 energy cross-sections along the same coordinate. Twist 90° CI is the real crossing (CI) structure. (b) CASSCF 6-31G* Mulliken charges along the photoisomerization path of 2. The bar diagrams describe the change in the S0, S1, and S2 charges of the -C-C=N (Right) and the C=C-C=C-C- (Left) fragments for the points indicated in a and Table 5.