Author Correction
Please note that there is an error in the 5th paragraph, next to last line, in the section DATA SOURCES AND VARIABLES
"ICD10-code K70" should read "100-152, 160-199; ICD10".
The correct paragraph is shown here:
From the school questionnaire, we used the information on IQ and creative potential. The IQ test consisted of spatial, arithmetic and verbal sub-tests. In the spatial test, students were asked to choose one out of four alternative three dimensional figures, corresponding to a flat, two dimensional template. In the arithmetic test, students were to determine the logical sequences for a series of six numbers. In the verbal test, students were to identify, out of four alternatives, the antonym of a given word. Each sub-test included 40 problems, with a correct answer counting for one point, resulting in a range of 040 points. The overall test ranged from 0 to 120 points, with the highest value reflecting the best score. In the creativity test, students were to come up with a word that was associated somehow with three other rather different words. This test included 25 different word series, and each correct answer counted for 1 point, giving a scoring range of 0 to 25 points. Cause of death was based on official death certificates coded using the 7th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases for the years 19681969, the 8th Revision for 19701993, and the 10th Revision for 19941998. Cause of death was classified into the following selected end points: CVD (ICD7-codes 330468; ICD8-codes 390458; ICD10-codes I00-I52,I60-I99; 100-152, 160-199; ICD10); injuries and suicide (ICD7-codes 800999; ICD8-codes 800999; ICD10-codes V01-Y99); and other causes (all other codes).