International variation in hip replacement rates
H Merx, K Dreinhöfer, P Schräder, T Stürmer, W Puhl, K-P Günther, and H Brenner

Web-only Table and Figures

Table W1 Annual hip implantation rates/105 inhabitants – national health authorities data
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Figure W1 Age- and sex-specific THR rates per 100,000 inhabitants: ethnic groups of Hawaii.[26]

Figure W1

Figure W2  Age- and sex-specific THR rates per 100,000 inhabitants: England [27] and America.[28]

Figure W2  

(26) Oishi CS, Hoaglund FT, Gordon L, Ross PD. Total hip replacement rates are higher among Caucasians than Asians in Hawaii. Clin Orthop
(27) Sheldon T, Eastwood A, Sowden A, Sharp. Total hip replacement. Effective Health Care 1996;2:1–12.
(28)  Praemer A, Furner S, Rice DP. Musculoskeletal conditions in the United States. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1999