Carriere et al. 10.1073/pnas.0606854104.

Supporting Figure

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Supporting Figure 6

Supporting Figure 6

Fig. 6. Evolutionary conservation of N-terminal and IL-1-like C-terminal domains in vertebrate IL-33 sequences. Multiple alignment of vertebrate IL-33 sequences was performed with ClustalW ( according to the Blosum matrix and colored with Boxshade ( Black boxes indicate identical residues, whereas shaded boxes show similar amino acids. Dashed lines represent gaps introduced to align sequences. The homeodomain-like helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif and the bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) are indicated. Gray arrows show the 12 predicted b strands of the IL-1/FGF b-trefoil fold. Arrowhead indicates the start of the mature form of human IL-33, predicted by Schmitz et al. (1). Accession nos. of the vertebrate IL-33 protein sequences are as follows: hIL33, Homo sapiens, NP_254274.1; pIL33, Sus scrofa, BX924734.2 (partial cDNA sequence); cIL33, Canis familiaris, NP_001003180.1; bIL33, Bos taurus, XP_583604.2; mIL33, Mus musculus, NP_598536.1.

1. Schmitz J, Owyang A, Oldham E, Song Y, Murphy E, McClanahan TK, Zurawski G, Moshrefi M, Qin J, Li X, et al. (2005) Immunity 23:479-490.