Supplementary material for Botuyan et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(16), 9033-9038.

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Fig. 5. Representative sedimentation equilibrium data, fitted curves, and residuals for Elc1 and Ela1(1-143)/Elc1 complex. Data for three samples (0.1, 0.3, and 0.7 mg/ml total protein concentration) at 16,000, 17,500, and 19,000 rpm were globally fitted to the sedimentation equilibrium equation, and representative data sets are shown. (A) Elc1 (0.7 mg/ml, 19,000 rpm). The apparent molecular mass obtained from the fitting procedure was 42 kDa, indicating that Elc1 is forming a tetramer. (B) Ela1(1-143)/Elc1 complex (0.3 mg/ml, 19,000 rpm). The apparent molecular mass obtained from the fitting procedure was 31.5 kDa, indicating that Elc1 and Ela1(1-143) form a 1:1 complex.