Safety of low dose glucocorticoid treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: published evidence and prospective trial data
J A P Da Silva, J W G Jacobs, J R Kirwan, M Boers, K G Saag, L B S Inês, E J P de Koning, F Buttgereit, M Cutolo, H Capell, R Rau, and J W J Bijlsma
Files in this Data Supplement:
- [view PDF] - Trial data incorporated in this review.
- [view PDF] - Previously unpublished detailed monitoring results from the "combination treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis" (COBRA) trial.
- [view PDF] - Figure 1 from web-only appendix 2.
- [view PDF] - Figure 2 from web-only appendix 2.
- [view PDF] - Figure 3 from web-only appendix 2.