Abnormality in Initiation Program of DNA Replication Is Monitored by the Highly Repetitive rRNA Gene Array on Chromosome XII in Budding Yeast
Mol. Cell. Biol. Ide et al. 27: 568 Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Table S1 (Yeast strains used in this study) and Fig. S1 (Copy number of rDNA repeats in orc2-1 cells with reduced rDNA copy number), S2 (Reduction of rDNA copy number in orc1-4 diploid cells), S3 (Capacity for origin firing and lowered concentration of mutant Orc2p in orc2-1 cells), S4 (DNA damage checkpoint response in cells with a reduced rDNA copy number after MMS treatment), S5 (Migration of chromosome XII from orc2-1 synchronously growing cells), and S6 (Rates of decrease in origin activity in orc2-1, orc2-1 fob1δ, and orc2-1 rdnδ30 cells)
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