Mori et al. 10.1073/pnas.0702164104. |
Fig. 4. Plots of failure rates for the inward (Top) and the outward (Bottom) component over time.
Fig. 5. Facilitation at granule cell-interneuron synapses leads to suprathreshold responses. A recording from an interneuron in the cell-attached mode shows that induction of single action potentials (APs) at 0.1 Hz in a synaptically coupled granule cell (Bottom trace) fails to evoke a response (Top trace). After granule cell bursting (3 ´ 40 Hz), granule cell APs reliably evoke APs in the interneuron (Middle trace). Time course of the failure rate in spike-to-spike transmission after the 40-Hz bursts (n = 7) is shown. [Scale bars: vertical, 100 pA (interneurons, IN), 100 mV (granule cells, GC); horizontal, 20 ms.]
Fig. 6. A single granule cell (GC) mediates extensive CA3 inhibition. (A) Camera lucida drawing of a GC labeled with biocytin, showing the regularly spaced distribution of mossy terminals (surrounded by circles), each of which is associated with feed-forward inhibitory circuitry in the CA3 pyramidal cell layer. (B) Scheme of the mechanism for short-term enhancement of feed-forward inhibition through mossy fiber transmission. DG, dentate gyrus; IN, interneuron.