Supplemental materials for: Wiestner et al, Vol 109, Issue 11, 4599-4606 -- Blood

Blood, Vol. 109, Issue 11, 4599-4606, June 1, 2007

Point mutations and genomic deletions in CCND1 create stable truncated cyclin D1 mRNAs that are associated with increased proliferation rate and shorter survival
Blood Wiestner et al. 109: 4599

Supplemental materials for: Wiestner et al, Vol 109, Issue 11, 4599-4606

The Lymphoma/Leukemia Molecular Profiling Project is an international consortium of the following institutions: the National Cancer Institute, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, the University of Rochester Medical Center, Cleveland Clinic, the British Columbia Cancer Agency, University of Würzburg in Germany, University of Barcelona in Spain, Norwegian Radium Hospital in Oslo, and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.