Cyclin D dysregulation: an early and unifying pathogenic event in multiple myeloma
Blood Bergsagel et al. 106: 296
Supplemental Figures and Worksheet for: Bergsagel et al, Vol. 106, Issue 1, 296-303
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1. Expression of cyclin D1, D2, and D3 (PDF, 97 KB) - The cumulative relative expression of the three D-type cyclins is plotted on a large scale. There are two polyadenylation sites in CCND1; the total mRNA is plotted above the axis, while the long form is plotted below. A color key in the middle identifies the samples from MM, relapsed MM, MGUS, and HMCL. The inset shows the range for the ratio of the raw scores for the long form (Affymetrix probe 38418_at) to total (Affymetrix probe 2017_s_at) CCND1 mRNA, plotted for the three subgroups that express CCND1. The top, bottom, and line through the middle of the box correspond to the 75th percentile (top quartile), 25th percentile (bottom quartile), and 50th percentile (median) respectively. The whiskers on the bottom extend from the 10th percentile (bottom decile) and top 90th percentile (top decile). The small square in the middle identifies the mean.
- Figure S2. Chromosome arm index (PDF, 294 KB) - For each patient, a chromosome arm index was calculated for each chromosome arm using the median level of expression of the genes on that arm, and plotted with chromosome 1p at the top, down to Xq at the bottom. No index was calculated for chromosome Y. The chromosome arm index was normalized to the median value in PC. Red indicates values above 1.3; yellow, for 1; and green, below 0.7. The patients are ordered as in Figure 2.
- Worksheet S1 (XLS file, 1.88 MB) - An Excel spreadsheet is provided with multiple worksheets containing supplemental materials described in the text: Table S1 contains the values for the genes used to assign patients to the different TC groups. Table S2 contains the karyotypes for the 101 patients in whom they were informative. Table S3 contains the list of 576 genes used in the supervised cluster (Figure 4A). Proliferation Index contains the values used to calculate the proliferation index used in figure 1. Supplemental data for Figure 3 includes the list of genes overexpressed in hyperdiploid ALL and in D1 group of MM, with their chromosomal localization. It also contains the values of the chromosome index for each chromosome for each patient. BMPC contamination of MM contains the calculation of the extent of normal plasma cells present in the CD138 selected samples (PC index). Additional worksheets: In addition, there are five worksheets that list the genes overexpressed in groups 4p16, 11q13, maf, D1, and D2.