Mechanisms of organelle transport and capture along proplatelets during platelet production
Blood Richardson et al. 106: 4066
Supplemental materials for: Richardson et al
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Video 1. Fluorescence time-lapse sequence of mitotracker-labeled mitochondria moving bidirectionally along proplatelets (MOV, 4.33 MB) - Images were taken every 1 min.
- Video 2. Fluorescence time-lapse sequence of fluorescently-labeled α-granules moving bidirectionally along proplatelets (MOV, 5.48 MB) - Images were taken every 1 min.
- Video 3. Fluorescence time-lapse sequence of mepacrine-labeled dense granules moving bidirectionally along a proplatelet (MOV, 4.39 MB) - Images were taken every 1 min.
- Video 4. High magnification fluorescence time-lapse sequence of α-granule movement at a proplatelet tip (MOV, 388 KB)
- Video 5. Fluorescence time-lapse sequence mitotracker-labeled mitochondria movement in a proplatelet tip (MOV, 263 KB)
- Video 6. Differential-interference-contrast time-lapse sequence of kinesin-coated latex beads translocating bidirectionally over a permeabilized proplatelet (MOV, 688 KB) - An attached bead in the lower left translocates towards the left. A second bead enters the field, attaches in the upper right-hand corner, and moves towards the upper right. Images were taken every 1 second.
- Video 7. Differential-interference-contrast time-lapse sequence of kinesin-coated latex beads translocating towards the tip of a permeabilized proplatelet (MOV, 1 MB) - An attached bead near the cell body (CB) moves tipward. A second bead at the tip remains stationary throughout the recording period. Images were taken every 5 seconds.
- Video 8. Differential-interference-contrast time-lapse sequence showing the movement of exogenously added megakaryocyte organelles over the microtubule array of a detergent-extracted proplatelet (MOV, 1.08 MB)
- Video 9. Differential-interference-contrast time-lapse sequence showing the movement of uncoated, latex beads attached to translocating microtubules of a permeabilized proplatelet (MOV, 492 KB)
- Video 10. Differential-interference-contrast time-lapse sequence showing the movement of uncoated, latex beads attached to translocating microtubules of a permeabilized proplatelet (MOV, 511 KB)