Jak3 negatively regulates dendritic-cell cytokine production and survival
Blood Yamaoka et al. 106: 3227
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Spleens were harvested from wild-type, Jak3-/- and c-/- mice and the total number of cells was counted after lysis of red blood cells with ACK lysing buffer. The absolute number (mean +/- SD) of splenocytes in wild-type, Jak3-/- and
c-/- mice from three separate experiments are shown.
A) Bone marrow cells from wild-type (left panel) and Jak3-/- (right panel) mice were cultured for 10 days with Flt3L (100ng/ml). The resultant cells were stained with anti-CD11c antibody. Shaded histograms represent samples stained with an isotype control. The data are representative of 2 separate experiments. B, C) Bone marrow cells from wild-type (CD45.1+) and Jak3-/- (CD45.2+) mice were mixed in a 1:1 ratio and injected intravenously into lethally irradiated Rag2-/- C57BL/6 congenic mice (CD45.1+). Six to eight weeks later, low density splenic cells were stained and gated on CD11c+ (B)or CD11b+ (C) cells to analyze the repopulation with each source.