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The sources of the data used in the preparation of the figures in this paper are listed below following summaries of the range in conditions and environments for the studies from which these data are drawn, listed separately for soil production rates and for the geological, native vegetation, and both conventional and conservation agricultural erosion rates shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and for the direct comparisons of erosion under native vegetation and conventional agriculture or of no-till versus conventional agriculture, respectively shown in Figs. 3 and 4.

Soil Production Rates

Data on rates of soil production are drawn from studies in the United States (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming, and the Eastern Seaboard), Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, France, Luxemburg, Mexico, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Java, New Guinea, Kenya, Rhodesia, and Zimbabwe (Table 4).

Geological Erosion Rates

The geological erosion rate data span locations with slopes from <1° to 48° and a range of mean annual precipitation of 220-4,000 mm/yr from studies in the United States (California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, and the Eastern Seaboard), Canada, Britain, Scotland, central Europe, and the European Alps, Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, Guyana, South Africa, Kenya, Namibia, Australia, New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Réunion, India, Nepal, Tibet, Spitsbergen and Antarctica (Table 5).

Native Vegetation Erosion Rates

Erosion rate data for native vegetation span locations with slopes from 1° to 32° and a range of mean annual precipitation of 503-1,874 mm/yr from studies in the United States (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin), Britain, Sweden, Java, India, Sri Lanka, and China (Table 6).

Conventional Agriculture Erosion Rates

Erosion rate data for conventional agriculture span locations with slopes from <1° to 37° and a range of mean annual precipitation of 250-5,588 mm/yr from studies in the United States (Alabama, California, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and the Eastern Seaboard), Canada, Britain, Scotland, Sweden, France, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Slovakia, Greece, India, Easter Island, New Zealand, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Java, Sumatra, Malaysia, Philippines, China, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Benin, Ethiopia, Guinea, Niger, Lesotho, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (Table 6).

Conservation Agriculture Erosion Rates

Erosion rate data for conservation agriculture include locations using terraces, perennial cover (including grasses), conservation tillage, and no-till methods with slopes from 1° to 17° and a range of mean annual precipitation of 829-2,000 mm/yr from studies in the United States (Georgia, Iowa, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas), Chile, Croatia, India, Nigeria, Peru, Sumatra, and Zimbabwe (Table 6).

Ratio of Erosion Rates Under Conventional Versus Native Vegetation

Data on the ratio of erosion rates under conventional agricultural practices vs. native vegetation are drawn from studies based on sediment yields, 10Be inventories, measured soil loss, soil profile truncation, and stratigraphic volumes, including lake sediments, from studies in the United States (Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, and the eastern Seaboard), Britain, Italy, Sweden, Guatemala, Java, Sri Lanka, Australia, South Africa, India, and China (Table 7).

Ratio of Erosion Rates Under No-Till vs. Conventional Agriculture

Data on the ratio of erosion rates under conventional and no-till agricultural practices are drawn from studies based on measured soil loss from experimental plots and watersheds, from studies in the United States (Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennessee), France, Italy, Croatia, Ghana, and Nigeria (Table 8).

Sources of Agricultural Erosion Rates

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Sources of Human Acceleration Factors

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