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Figure S1. Endogenous R-Ras protein is essential for PC12 cell migration. (A) Knockdown of endogenous R-Ras expression in PC12 cells was confirmed by the immunostaining with an antibody against R-Ras (left), and relative fluorescence intensity was determined by the fluorescent intensity of ∼50 cells (right). Arrows indicate the transfected cells. Bar, 50 µm. (B) PC12 cells transfected with control or the R-Ras-specific siRNA expression plasmid together with a plasmid encoding GFP were tested in the transwell assay. Migrated cells were shown by the fluorescence of GFP. Bar, 1 mm. (C) Relative cell migration was determined by the number of the migrated cells normalized to the total number of the transfected cells. Results are the means ± SEM of three independent experiments.