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Figure S1. The endogenous Spindly protein also enriches on unattached, unaligned, and anaphase kinetochores. S2 cells stably expressing Mis12-GFP (CG18156) were fixed and stained with an affinity-purified antibody that was raised against recombinant Drosophila Spindly. (a) In colchicine-treated cells, Spindly colocalizes extensively with Mis12. (b) In metaphase cells, the protein brightly stains the spindle and an unaligned kinetochore (indicated by an arrow). (c) In anaphase, Spindly returns to kinetochores. (d) The three different Spindly dsRNAs all effectively deplete Spindly after 5 d of RNAi treatment. White lines indicate that intervening lanes have been spliced out. Bars, 5 µm.