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Figure S3. Protein levels of Dap160 and dynamin are not substantially reduced in third instar larval brains. (A) Western blots of ∼10 third instar larval brains from control (w), eps15EP2513/eps15EP2513, eps15Δ29/eps15Δ29, and eps15e75/eps15Δ29 show little difference between genotypes in Dap160 and dynamin levels. α-Tubulin levels serve as loading controls for the amount of proteins loaded per lane. (B and C) Protein levels in control (w) and eps15Δ29/eps15Δ29 were quantified and normalized against α-tubulin levels. The Western blots for dynamin and Dap160 were repeated three and four times, respectively, with α-tubulin serving as a loading control. There is no significant difference between control and eps15Δ29/eps15Δ29 in levels of dynamin and Dap160 in the third instar brain (P > 0.5, t test). Error bars indicate SEM.