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Video 6
The behavior of centrioles and PCM in WT and cnn embryos after colchicine injection. Images from these embryos are shown in Fig. 3 A. Centrioles are visualized with mRFP-Fzr (pseudocolored green), and the PCM is visualized with GFP-D-TACC (pseudocolored red). Note how, in a WT embryo, the centrioles remain well centered within the PCM even after the MTs have been depolymerized. In a cnn embryo, most of the PCM (which was widely dispersed around the centrioles before the injection of colchicine; see Video 1) is now more tightly associated with the centrioles, although some aggregates remain dispersed in the cytoplasm. In contrast to the WT embryo, the centrioles are not positioned in the center of the PCM but are located at the edge of the PCM. Images were collected every 3 s and are displayed at 20 fps.