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Figure S1. Amino acid sequences of the Necl proteins. Amino acid sequences from the four Necl proteins that were cloned and analyzed in this study are shown. The signal peptides are indicated (black bar), as are the three Ig domains in the extracellular region (green bars), each containing two cysteines (asterisks). Potential N-linked glycosylation sites are shown in bold. The FERM-binding domain (blue box) and the C-terminal PDZ-binding sequence (red box) are also shown. The extracellular domains share a similar structural identity and have 34-48% amino acid identity; the cytoplasmic domains share 77-83% amino acid identity between Necl-1, -2, and -3 and ∼40% with Necl-4. All sequences were deposited in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database (accession nos. DQ272743, DQ279856, DQ272744, and DQ272745).