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Figure S2. SEL1L interacts with RI332 293T cells transfected with RI332 that were pulse-labeled for 5 h in the presence of 50 µM of proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS. The digitonin lysates were split in two and immunoprecipitated with SEL1L antibodies and normal rabbit serum (NRS), respectively. Both immunoprecipitates were analyzed for RI and SEL1L in reimmunoprecipitation experiments (c). b shows the same immunoprecipitates for untransfected cells as a control. A fraction of the transfected cells were lysed in SDS and analyzed for levels of RI332 and endogenous RI with cells that had not been exposed to proteasome inhibitor, as a control for the deglycosylated intermediate of RI332 (a). d is an overexposure of the SEL1L immunoprecipitates from c. A 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel is shown.