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Figure S4. Deletion of RPB4 displays synthetic lethality in combination with rpb7 ts alleles whose products are defective in stimulating mRNA decay. yMC436 cells (lacking RPB4 and carrying pRPB7::URA3 in lieu of RPB7; see Table 1) were transformed with pMC257 (a HIS3 plasmid) carrying the indicated RPB7 or rpb7 (ts) alleles. Transformants were allowed to proliferate in the presence of uracil to permit loss of pRPB7::URA3, and then were plated on either histidine lacking plate (left) or on 5-FOA plate (right). 5-FOA is toxic for cells expressing URA3; hence, this plate can support proliferation only if pMC257 can replace pRPB7::URA3.