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Figure S1. GFP-cofilin complements a cof1Δ-null allele. (A) DDY427 was transformed with GFP-cofilin on a high-copy plasmid (pRS426-GFP-cofilin). The transformed diploid was sporulated, and HIS3 cells that contained pRS426-GFP-cofilin were selected. Growth of cof1Δ +pRS426-GFP-cofilin and wild-type cells transformed with empty vector (+pRS426) was compared by spotting serial dilutions on YPD and casamino acid, uracil-deficient (CasAA) plates at the indicated temperatures. (B) Each putative cof1Δ mutant with pRS426-GFP-cofilin was tested for growth on 5-fluroorotic acid (5-FOA) plates to test viability in the absence of the plasmid. (C) Total cell extract from wild-type (WT) cells expressing low (pRS316-GFP-cofilin) and high-copy (pRS426-GFP-cofilin) plasmids was immunoblotted with anticofilin antibodies to show the relative levels of GFP-cofilin expression compared with endogenous cofilin. Pgk1p immunoblotting is included as a loading control.