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Video 6
Separating cells in pregastrula-stage fmi morphant embryos expressing Fz7-YFP and Wnt11. Embryos were co-injected at the one-cell stage with 60 pg of fz7-yfp and 10 pg of wnt11 mRNA and MOs targeted against fmi1a, fmi1b, and fmi2 (4 ng/MO). 3D time-lapse analysis was performed by two-photon microscopy of blastodermal cells at the animal pole of pregastrula-stage embryos (30% epiboly; 5 hpf). The video serves as an example for the data analysis in Fig. 6 (H-I’) and shows the separation behavior of two blastodermal cells exhibiting Wnt11-induced Fz7-YFP accumulation at their site of cell contact. Arrowheads indicate sites of cell contacts. Time intervals, 137 s. Bar, 10 µm.