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Figure S2. A dominant-negative mutant of Rac1, N17Rac1, prevented p-STAT5 from translocating to the nucleus. (a-c) The 293T cells were transfected with pME/STAT5A-HA and MOCK (a) or pMKIT/ITD-Flt3 (b and c) together with pCMV5/N17Rac1-Flag (c). (d-f) Identical to a-c except that the cells were stained with the anti-MgcRacGAP and anti-p-STAT5 antibodies. 36 h after transfection, the cells were fixed and stained with the anti-MgcRacGAP and anti-Flag antibodies. Bar, 10 µm. N17Rac1 strongly inhibited the ITD-Flt3-induced nuclear translocation of STAT5A-HA (c). In addition, N17Rac1 blocked the ITD-Flt3-induced nuclear translocation of both p-STAT5 and MgcRacGAP (f).