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Figure S1. Characterization of hSgo2 antibodies and siRNA. (A, left) 10 and 20 µg of lysates (lanes 1 and 2) from cells transfected with hSgo2 siRNA were probed with anti-hSgo2 antibody. (right) HeLa lysates from cells transfected with control (lane 1) or hSgo2 siRNAs were probed with the indicated antibodies (lane 2). (B, left) Cells transfected with control (top) and hSgo2 (bottom) siRNAs were blocked in mitosis with nocodazole and stained with hSgo2 antibodies and DAPI. 92% (SMARTpool) or 98% (oligo # 3) of all the mitotic cells examined exhibited reduced hSgo2 staining (not depicted). (right) Comparison of hSgo2 staining intensity at kinetochores showed the hSgo2 siRNA reduced intensity levels by 94% (SMARTpool) and 98% (single sequence 3) compared with controls (n = 50).