Experiment Section name Human atherosclerosis cell apoptosis sensitivity experimental_design between_groups_design experimental_factor_name SvR1 experimental_factor_type apoptosis_resistance submitter Tim McCaffrey submitter_email mcc@gwu.edu organization "The George Washington University, Catherine Birch McCormick Genomics Center" submitter_address "Ross Hall Rm 541, 2300 I Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20037" submitter_affiliation "Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, " publication_title "Genomic profiling of acquired resistance to apoptosis in cells derived from human atherosclerotic lesions: Potential role of STATs, cyclinD1, BAD, and Bcl-XL " authors Dmitri Gagarin; Xhaoqing Yang; Jason Butler; Monica Wimmer; Baoheng Du; Patrick Cahan; Timothy McCaffrey journal Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology volume 39 issue pages 453-465 year 2005 pubmed_id 16005468 doi 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2005.01.015 public_release_date 7/7/05 /comment YYYY-MM-DD/ Protocol Section Date of Experiment 12/1/04 /comment YYYY-MM-DD/ Replicate Type biological_replicate (n=8 per group) Organism Homo Sapiens OrganismPart Carotid artery lesion CellType Lesion-derived cells in culture accession text (description) name parameters /commentt - create as many lines here as necessary to describe procedure and analysis/ P-apo-1 "Human lesion-derived cells with known sensitivity or resistance to fas-induced apoptosis (CH11 fas activating antibody) were cultured in vivo, dropped to low serum conditions, and then RNA extracted. The cells were routinely maintained at 37 C and 5% CO2." cell_culture /comment - you can refer to any other line by the accession/ P-apo-2 Sensitivity to fas-induced apoptosis was determined using CH11 (50 ng/ml) and survival testing with MTT apoptosis testing MTT P-apo-3 Approximately 2 x 10^6 cells were lysed in Trizol.Total RNA was repurified using an RNeasy kit (Qiagen). nucleic_acid_extraction ug RNA P-apo-4 ten micrograms of total RNA was reverse transcribed and labeled with Enzo IVT nucleic_acid_labeling IVT yield P-apo-5 "Summarization by GC-RMA, " bioassay_data_transformation P-apo-6 Normalization by median per chip in GeneSpring bioassay_data_transformation P-apo-7 "t-Test (alpha threshold = 0.05), no multiple testing correction" bioassay_data_transformation "/comment - other options include K-means clustering, fold-change, ROC/" Hybridization Section "Array Platform"" ?" Affymetrix "/comment - or Agilent, GE, Clontech, spotted/" "Array Type"" ?" U95aV2 geo_accession GSE2522 /comment - when possible use GEO or ArrayExpress accessions for raw data files/ SDRF File example.sdf /comment - if available/ transcript_numbers_total 12651 "/comment - total number of transcripts on array, this helps in calculating probability of overlap between lists/" Results Section list_name Transcripts altered in fas-resistant versus sensitive human lesion cells /comment - imported to LOLA as list name/ list_type Differentially Expressed Genes "/comment - other options may be: miRNA Predicted Targets, SAGE, Differential Display, ChIP-CHIP/" list_size 390 "Table#"" ?" Table 1. Microarray Profiling of Sensitive versus Resistant Human Atherosclerotic LDC. "SupplementaryData"" ?" Full listing from Appendix B of data in Table 1. number_of_columns 8 number_of_rows 390 column_descriptor transcript_id fold_change transcript_level transcript_level p_val transcript_id transcript_id transcript_id affymetrix probe set id "Simple ratio, resistant/sensitive" group = sensitive group = resistant t-test genbank_id common_id description AFFYID Ratio Mean Mean P val Genbank SYMBOL GENENAME start_data_list 1615_at 6.64 0.26 1.74 0.043 Z23115 BCL2L1 BCL2-like 1 33533_at 3.67 1.3 4.77 0.064 U40992 DNAJB4 "DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 4" 38352_at 3.4 0.55 1.86 0.012 AF016371 PPIH peptidyl prolyl isomerase H (cyclophilin H) 1732_at 2.32 1.29 2.99 0.085 M37825 FGF5 fibroblast growth factor 5 41717_at 2.32 1.02 2.36 0.077 AC004770 FADS1 fatty acid desaturase 1 33634_at 2.19 2.02 4.41 0.059 AF038007 ATP8B1 "ATPase, Class I, type 8B, member 1" 1880_at 2.16 0.26 0.57 0.095 M92424 MDM2 "Mdm2, transformed 3T3 cell double minute 2, p53 binding protein (mouse)" 39001_at 2.15 0.52 1.12 0.031 AF047470 MDH2 "malate dehydrogenase 2, NAD (mitochondrial)" 36956_at 2.07 3.24 6.7 0.063 L20852 SLC20A2 "solute carrier family 20 (phosphate transporter), member 2" 1137_at 2.04 1.19 2.44 0.06 L20852 SLC20A2 "solute carrier family 20 (phosphate transporter), member 2" 40768_s_at 1.99 0.52 1.05 0.065 X64228 NUP214 nucleoporin 214kDa 31875_at 1.97 1.41 2.79 0.069 AF055024 ASB1 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 1 36216_at 1.94 0.44 0.86 0.09 AF065485 SNX4 sorting nexin 4 589_at 1.93 1.3 2.5 0.063 M32313 SRD5A1 "steroid-5-alpha-reductase, alpha polypeptide 1 (3-oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4-dehydrogenase alpha 1)" 2020_at 1.88 30.68 57.64 0.065 M73554 CCND1 cyclin D1 (PRAD1: parathyroid adenomatosis 1) 37696_at 1.84 3.93 7.24 0.053 L06328 VDAC2 voltage-dependent anion channel 2 36347_f_at 1.84 2.78 5.1 0.048 AA873858 HIST1H2BN "histone 1, H2bn" 1696_at 1.81 0.89 1.6 0.054 D29013 POLB "polymerase (DNA directed), beta" 36732_at 1.81 1.9 3.43 0.036 AI004207 ABCC10 "ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 10" 158_at 1.8 2.02 3.63 0.052 U40992 DNAJB4 "DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 4" 39074_at 1.8 0.88 1.59 0.05 U79241 PP591 FAD-synthetase 32088_at 1.79 0.73 1.3 0.016 U79751 BLZF1 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 (JEM-1) 40789_at 1.77 1.56 2.76 0.088 U54645 AK2 adenylate kinase 2 38576_at 1.76 1.93 3.4 0.017 AJ223353 HIST1H2BD "histone 1, H2bd" 39705_at 1.76 1.15 2.03 0.01 AB014600 SIN3B "SIN3 homolog B, transcriptional regulator (yeast)" 33354_at 1.75 18.12 31.76 0.075 AA630312 SMURF2 E3 ubiquitin ligase SMURF2 39004_at 1.73 1.75 3.02 0.066 AI432190 MRPS11 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 34743_at 1.7 3.17 5.4 0.073 D63481 SCRIB scribble 31689_at 1.7 0.46 0.79 0.089 AL096715 DKFZP564G092 DKFZP564G092 protein 34157_f_at 1.69 2.38 4.03 0.067 AI200373 HIST1H2AL "histone 1, H2al" 37651_at 1.66 1 1.67 0.05 D31888 RCOR REST corepressor 582_g_at 1.66 0.45 0.74 0.092 M29960 NR2C1 "nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 1" 753_at 1.65 9.17 15.16 0.097 D86425 NID2 nidogen 2 (osteonidogen) 36219_at 1.65 0.6 1 0.091 AF064093 KEO4 similar to Caenorhabditis elegans protein C42C1.9 39126_at 1.64 1.53 2.51 0.079 AL080101 PMF1 polyamine-modulated factor 1 447_g_at 1.64 1.17 1.91 0.076 U89896 CSNK1G2 "casein kinase 1, gamma 2" 32578_at 1.63 1.8 2.93 0.051 AW005997 TCFL4 transcription factor-like 4 399_at 1.63 1.71 2.78 0.063 X99325 STK25 "serine/threonine kinase 25 (STE20 homolog, yeast)" 36173_r_at 1.62 4.13 6.69 0.074 AF002163 AP3D1 "adaptor-related protein complex 3, delta 1 subunit" 40098_at 1.62 2.79 4.52 0.07 AF001434 EHD1 EH-domain containing 1 738_at 1.58 2.68 4.24 0.08 D38524 NT5C2 "5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic II" 39357_at 1.58 2.01 3.17 0.096 U72514 C2F C2f protein 40056_at 1.57 1.87 2.94 0.021 D87989 SLC35B1 "solute carrier family 35, member B1" 185_at 1.57 0.73 1.15 0.075 U04840 NOVA1 neuro-oncological ventral antigen 1 41228_r_at 1.55 3.1 4.8 0.034 X60221 ATP5F1 "ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit b, isoform 1" 1119_at 1.54 4.16 6.41 0.05 J05249 RPA2 "replication protein A2, 32kDa" 35756_at 1.54 8.61 13.23 0.06 AF089816 RGS19IP1 regulator of G-protein signalling 19 interacting protein 1 38823_s_at 1.53 3.02 4.62 0.074 AI961743 STK17A serine/threonine kinase 17a (apoptosis-inducing) 39309_at 1.53 2.29 3.5 0.051 M88714 BDKRB2 bradykinin receptor B2 38224_at 1.49 3.15 4.68 0.053 U71300 SNAPC3 "small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 3, 50kDa" 40673_at 1.48 0.8 1.18 0.097 U12778 ACADSB "acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short/branched chain" 41342_at 1.48 2.19 3.24 0.045 D38076 RANBP1 RAN binding protein 1 40966_at 1.48 2.68 3.96 0.036 AF099989 STK39 "serine threonine kinase 39 (STE20/SPS1 homolog, yeast)" 36432_at 1.48 0.81 1.2 0.07 AL079298 MCCC2 methylcrotonoyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase 2 (beta) 40457_at 1.47 1.59 2.34 0.053 AF038250 SFRS3 "splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 3" 34737_at 1.47 1.62 2.4 0.051 AF058718 COG5 component of oligomeric golgi complex 5 812_at 1.46 1.68 2.45 0.063 U68111 PPP1R2 "protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2" 32856_at 1.46 1.35 1.97 0.034 AB020626 KIAA0819 KIAA0819 protein 41329_at 1.46 0.79 1.15 0.076 AI458463 PACE-1 ezrin-binding partner PACE-1 41062_at 1.46 1.6 2.33 0.024 AA037278 NSPC1 likely ortholog of mouse nervous system polycomb 1 39153_r_at 1.46 0.53 0.78 0.027 U06632 COIL coilin 41603_at 1.45 2.94 4.28 0.072 U02609 TBL3 transducin (beta)-like 3 34833_at 1.45 7.79 11.29 0.026 AL050157 DKFZP586O0120 DKFZP586O0120 protein 37981_at 1.44 11.76 16.98 0.09 D17530 DBN1 drebrin 1 41843_r_at 1.44 0.77 1.11 0.019 W28275 MGC11061 hypothetical protein MGC11061 32730_at 1.44 2.13 3.05 0.062 AL080059 KIAA1750 KIAA1750 protein 39450_s_at 1.43 1.85 2.66 0.037 AF050145 IDS iduronate 2-sulfatase (Hunter syndrome) 1861_at 1.42 1.17 1.67 0.058 U66879 BAD BCL2-antagonist of cell death 37050_r_at 1.42 3.83 5.46 0.044 AI130910 TOMM34 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 34 39368_at 1.42 6.61 9.38 0.01 AL031668 EIF2S2 "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 2 beta, 38kDa" 32165_at 1.42 1.78 2.52 0.06 L41887 SFRS7 "splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 7, 35kDa" 41401_at 1.41 4.28 6.06 0.059 U57646 CSRP2 cysteine and glycine-rich protein 2 36872_at 1.41 1.71 2.4 0.052 AL120559 ARPP-19 "cyclic AMP phosphoprotein, 19 kD" 33422_at 1.4 5.73 8.01 0.054 AF052155 SEC13L1 SEC13-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) 39519_at 1.39 2.13 2.97 0.043 AB014592 KIAA0692 KIAA0692 protein 951_at 1.39 0.97 1.35 0.031 D88378 PSMF1 "proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31)" 39410_at 1.39 3.77 5.24 0.084 AB007860 DDEF2 development and differentiation enhancing factor 2 600_at 1.39 1.34 1.86 0.048 M28215 RAB5A "RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family" 33339_g_at 1.39 12.94 17.96 0.077 M97936 STAT1 "signal transducer and activator of transcription 1, 91kDa" 40569_at 1.39 1.59 2.2 0.081 M58297 ZNF42 zinc finger protein 42 (myeloid-specific retinoic acid- responsive) 39686_g_at 1.38 11.3 15.65 0.047 AL050282 E46L like mouse brain protein E46 33720_at 1.38 1.15 1.59 0.059 L48692 LOC56902 putatative 28 kDa protein 38943_at 1.38 4.08 5.62 0.097 U36787 HCCS holocytochrome c synthase (cytochrome c heme-lyase) 941_at 1.37 15.86 21.79 0.098 D29012 PSMB6 "proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 6" 37938_at 1.37 1.54 2.12 0.05 U15552 HSU15552 acidic 82 kDa protein mRNA 40727_at 1.37 0.75 1.02 0.018 AL080090 APC10 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 10 41328_s_at 1.37 1.14 1.56 0.026 AL096717 EML2 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2 32196_at 1.36 1.11 1.52 0.071 AB020636 TIP120A TBP-interacting protein 32609_at 1.36 8.46 11.53 0.026 AI885852 HIST2H2AA "histone 2, H2aa" 35671_at 1.36 6.1 8.3 0.085 U02619 GTF3C1 "general transcription factor IIIC, polypeptide 1, alpha 220kDa" 40022_at 1.36 0.96 1.3 0.066 AB008226 FCMD Fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy (fukutin) 38987_at 1.36 1.33 1.81 0.028 AF052183 MEP50 MEP50 protein 39041_at 1.35 1.33 1.8 0.019 Y00978 DLAT dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) 32583_at 1.35 2.93 3.97 0.078 J04111 JUN v-jun sarcoma virus 17 oncogene homolog (avian) 38068_at 1.34 7.66 10.27 0.082 M63175 AMFR autocrine motility factor receptor 1813_at 1.34 3.45 4.6 0.081 41656_at 1.33 6.98 9.27 0.023 AF043325 NMT2 N-myristoyltransferase 2 33741_at 1.32 3.42 4.52 0.019 AI741756 ATP6V1H "ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 50/57kDa, V1 subunit H" 40745_at 1.32 9.21 12.19 0.086 L13939 AP1B1 "adaptor-related protein complex 1, beta 1 subunit" 40214_at 1.32 1.08 1.43 0.06 AI698066 UGCG UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase 39344_at 1.32 2.55 3.36 0.027 U53209 TRA2A transformer-2 alpha 41632_at 1.31 1.63 2.13 0.08 D38550 E2F3 E2F transcription factor 3 38693_at 1.31 1.51 1.98 0.003 AA917672 ATP5L "ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit g" 38642_at 1.31 12.32 16.14 0.061 Y10183 ALCAM activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule 40696_at 1.31 1.39 1.81 0.039 U50062 RIPK1 receptor (TNFRSF)-interacting serine-threonine kinase 1 33124_at 1.31 1.36 1.78 0.065 AB000450 VRK2 vaccinia related kinase 2 39745_at 1.3 0.98 1.28 0.057 AB011139 OPA1 optic atrophy 1 (autosomal dominant) 339_at 1.3 10.58 13.74 0.06 AF035752 CAV2 caveolin 2 41663_at 1.3 2.29 2.97 0.066 AF038202 STX6 syntaxin 6 36648_at 1.3 2.56 3.32 0.097 AF031383 CRSP9 "cofactor required for Sp1 transcriptional activation, subunit 9, 33kDa" 36551_at 1.29 1.31 1.69 0.092 AL049382 37381_g_at 1.29 2.44 3.16 0.08 X59268 GTF2B general transcription factor IIB 38060_at 1.29 17.66 22.8 0.089 AI541336 NDUFS5 "NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 5, 15kDa (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase)" 33458_r_at 1.29 40.37 52.07 0.088 AI688098 HIST1H2BC "histone 1, H2bc" 39729_at 1.29 20.83 26.8 0.022 L19185 PRDX2 peroxiredoxin 2 32260_at 1.29 34.86 44.84 0.086 X86809 PEA15 phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15 387_at 1.28 2.6 3.34 0.038 X80230 CDK9 cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDC2-related kinase) 33180_at 1.28 3.26 4.19 0.078 U68111 PPP1R2 "protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2" 34201_at 1.28 1.67 2.14 0.013 Y13350 DNAJA2 "DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 2" 32745_at 1.28 4.85 6.21 0.074 AF034091 MRPL40 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L40 32223_at 1.28 5.18 6.63 0.08 AB002363 SFRS14 "splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 14" 448_s_at 1.28 3.25 4.14 0.048 U93237 MEN1 multiple endocrine neoplasia I 41838_at 1.27 1.72 2.19 0.083 X99270 TREX2 three prime repair exonuclease 2 40036_at 1.27 1.13 1.44 0.097 AF035940 MAGOH "mago-nashi homolog, proliferation-associated (Drosophila)" 37752_at 1.27 0.93 1.18 0.084 M15353 EIF4E eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E 36332_at 1.27 3.84 4.89 0.085 U40391 AANAT arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase 40027_at 1.27 0.84 1.07 0.059 W52999 ATP5S "ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit s (factor B)" 34879_at 1.27 7.46 9.46 0.006 AF007875 DPM1 "dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit" 38079_at 1.27 32.79 41.56 0.01 AL049367 GNG12 "guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 12" 38016_at 1.26 5.58 7.04 0.055 M94630 HNRPD "heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa)" 31883_at 1.26 1.03 1.29 0.035 AF025794 MTRR 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase 38727_at 1.26 14.03 17.64 0.005 M23161 MCFD2 multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2 38756_at 1.25 2.2 2.76 0.035 M22995 RAP1A "RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family" 36001_at 1.25 1.73 2.17 0.095 Y18643 METTL1 methyltransferase-like 1 38099_r_at 1.25 3.09 3.86 0.061 AF030555 FACL4 "fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase, long-chain 4" 40509_at 1.25 7.4 9.24 0.094 J04058 ETFA "electron-transfer-flavoprotein, alpha polypeptide (glutaric aciduria II)" 36172_s_at 1.25 25.06 31.27 0.048 AF002163 AP3D1 "adaptor-related protein complex 3, delta 1 subunit" 32397_r_at 1.24 0.89 1.1 0.026 AA079018 ERCC2 "excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 (xeroderma pigmentosum D)" 37212_at 1.23 1.41 1.73 0.062 D28588 SP2 Sp2 transcription factor 33249_at 1.23 1.39 1.72 0.079 M16801 NR3C2 "nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2" 31879_at 1.23 4.52 5.56 0.036 U69127 FUBP3 far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 3 33859_at 1.23 36.04 44.29 0.087 U96915 SAP18 "sin3-associated polypeptide, 18kDa" 37229_at 1.23 2.15 2.63 0.069 U49844 ATR ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related 38139_at 1.22 1.44 1.76 0.092 AF017445 FPGT fucose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase 40455_at 1.22 2.08 2.54 0.019 AB020637 KIAA0830 KIAA0830 protein 37506_at 1.22 4.04 4.93 0.012 Z78308 FNBP3 formin binding protein 3 36576_at 1.21 9.46 11.47 0.06 AF054174 H2AFY "H2A histone family, member Y" 38441_s_at 1.21 6.02 7.29 0.039 X59408 MCP "membrane cofactor protein (CD46, trophoblast-lymphocyte cross-reactive antigen)" 32827_at 1.21 11.56 14 0.026 AI365215 RRAS2 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2 32647_at 1.21 7.48 9.06 0.042 AF060902 VTI1B vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs homolog 1B (yeast) 782_at 1.21 2.21 2.66 0.077 U93867 RPC62 polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) (62kD) 36628_at 1.21 8.1 9.78 0.028 L42542 RALBP1 ralA binding protein 1 41187_at 1.2 40.45 48.74 0.037 U26162 MRLC2 myosin regulatory light chain MRLC2 34326_at 1.2 15.58 18.75 0.028 X82103 COPB "coatomer protein complex, subunit beta" 32770_at 1.2 3.86 4.63 0.086 AB018298 SEC24D "SEC24 related gene family, member D (S. cerevisiae)" 34680_s_at 1.2 12.85 15.43 0.037 D14663 P44S10 KIAA0107 gene product 1440_s_at 1.2 2.12 2.55 0.012 X83490 TNFRSF6 "tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6" 36643_at 1.2 2.45 2.94 0.066 L20817 DDR1 "discoidin domain receptor family, member 1" 38097_at 1.2 10.46 12.52 0.004 AF010313 EI24 etoposide induced 2.4 mRNA 34427_g_at 1.2 1.34 1.61 0.079 U22963 MR1 "major histocompatibility complex, class I-related" 39751_at 1.19 4.29 5.12 0.062 AF052182 ZDHHC3 "zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 3" 34667_at 1.19 1.82 2.17 0.022 U15306 NFX1 "nuclear transcription factor, X-box binding 1" 38695_at 1.18 17.88 21.13 0.094 AA203303 NDUFS4 "NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 4, 18kDa (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase)" 32591_at 1.18 5.56 6.57 0.043 AI494623 HCDI HCDI protein 37010_at 1.18 12.27 14.44 0.022 AI203737 GTF2A2 "general transcription factor IIA, 2, 12kDa" 35235_at 1.18 2.35 2.76 0.014 AA099265 RECK reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with kazal motifs 40349_at 1.18 1.18 1.39 0.095 AL049442 FLJ14431 hypothetical protein FLJ14431 40990_at 1.18 7.01 8.25 0.024 AF065389 TM4SF9 transmembrane 4 superfamily member 9 33880_at 1.17 0.87 1.02 0.063 D89053 FACL3 "fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase, long-chain 3" 843_at 1.17 5.7 6.66 0.095 U48296 PTP4A1 "protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 1" 36827_at 1.16 11.43 13.31 0.071 AF020762 GOCAP1 "golgi complex associated protein 1, 60kDa" 36107_at 1.16 10.88 12.67 0.081 AA845575 ATP5J "ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit F6" 38233_at 1.16 2.95 3.41 0.018 AF093265 HOMER3 homer homolog 3 (Drosophila) 41212_r_at 1.16 18.42 21.3 0.058 D26068 WBSCR1 Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 1 36535_at 1.15 4.99 5.76 0.034 U04209 MFAP1 microfibrillar-associated protein 1 34818_at 1.15 4.27 4.92 0.043 X96381 ETV5 ets variant gene 5 (ets-related molecule) 34855_at 1.14 2.9 3.31 0.052 X76770 PAPOLA poly(A) polymerase alpha 39443_s_at 1.14 20.62 23.45 0.066 M19961 COX5B cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vb 34385_at 1.13 8.54 9.69 0.045 U57877 SDHC "succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit C, integral membrane protein, 15kDa" 40404_s_at 1.13 7.55 8.55 0.076 U18291 CDC16 CDC16 cell division cycle 16 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 40841_at 1.13 12.17 13.71 0.1 AF049910 TACC1 "transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 1" 33392_at 1.12 5.37 6.03 0.072 AL080155 DKFZP434J154 DKFZP434J154 protein 37736_at 1.12 9.75 10.96 0.084 D13892 PCMT1 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 38538_at 1.12 2.36 2.64 0.07 AB014602 SLC24A1 "solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 1" 40815_g_at 1.11 5.32 5.93 0.034 L40586 IDS iduronate 2-sulfatase (Hunter syndrome) 39727_at 1.1 7.53 8.28 0.042 AF023917 DUSP11 dual specificity phosphatase 11 (RNA/RNP complex 1-interacting) 1848_at 1.1 5.32 5.85 0.014 M22995 RAP1A "RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family" 39792_at 1.09 5.26 5.74 0.073 AF000364 HNRPR heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R 32316_s_at 1.09 52.71 57.26 0.065 X15183 HSPCA "heat shock 90kDa protein 1, alpha" 39709_at 0.92 17.24 15.92 0.067 U67171 SEPW1 "selenoprotein W, 1" 1030_s_at 0.9 8.57 7.74 0.043 U07806 TOP1 topoisomerase (DNA) I 39112_at 0.89 12.29 10.91 0.043 Y07661 USF2 "upstream transcription factor 2, c-fos interacting" 34573_at 0.89 6.04 5.37 0.056 U14187 EFNA3 ephrin-A3 33740_at 0.89 8.74 7.76 0.069 AF023268 C1orf2 chromosome 1 open reading frame 2 32803_at 0.89 30.78 27.33 0.008 AF104398 CNIH cornichon homolog (Drosophila) 37375_at 0.89 7.17 6.36 0.081 AB014538 KIAA0638 KIAA0638 protein 41737_at 0.89 12.23 10.83 0.022 AF048977 SRRM1 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 1 38479_at 0.88 38.52 34.07 0.079 Y07969 ANP32B "acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member B" 32748_at 0.88 136.48 119.85 0.1 AI557852 RPS27 ribosomal protein S27 (metallopanstimulin 1) 37045_at 0.87 2.3 2 0.071 D87443 SNX19 sorting nexin 19 36616_at 0.87 29.99 26.11 0.026 D31767 DAZAP2 DAZ associated protein 2 40106_at 0.87 12.87 11.2 0.071 AJ007509 E1B-AP5 E1B-55kDa-associated protein 5 1496_at 0.87 2.66 2.31 0.07 M34668 PTPRA "protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, A" 39759_at 0.87 5.56 4.82 0.043 AL031781 QKI "quaking homolog, KH domain RNA binding (mouse)" 37620_at 0.86 2.71 2.33 0.029 U57693 TAF12 "TAF12 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 20kDa" 32092_at 0.86 14.54 12.53 0.048 AB007937 SDC3 syndecan 3 (N-syndecan) 32858_at 0.86 4.95 4.26 0.088 AI341565 UBN1 ubinuclein 1 37928_at 0.86 7.04 6.05 0.066 AA621555 NFYB "nuclear transcription factor Y, beta" 36954_at 0.86 3.1 2.66 0.014 D86972 KIAA0218 KIAA0218 gene product 38628_at 0.86 4.02 3.44 0.037 AF029777 GCN5L2 GCN5 general control of amino-acid synthesis 5-like 2 (yeast) 36137_at 0.86 12.63 10.81 0.027 X86691 CHD4 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4 1785_at 0.85 3.94 3.37 0.024 S66431 RBBP2 retinoblastoma binding protein 2 571_at 0.85 58.8 50.17 0.02 M86667 NAP1L1 nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 36822_at 0.85 7.83 6.66 0.062 U51334 TAF15 "TAF15 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 68kDa" 31600_s_at 0.85 2.62 2.22 0.023 D38435 PMS2L1 postmeiotic segregation increased 2-like 1 1325_at 0.85 1.59 1.35 0.014 U59423 MADH1 "MAD, mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1 (Drosophila)" 274_at 0.85 8.68 7.34 0.047 L04282 ZNF148 zinc finger protein 148 (pHZ-52) 31935_s_at 0.84 2.82 2.37 0.033 U75968 DDX11 "DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 11 (CHL1-like helicase homolog, S. cerevisiae)" 34755_at 0.84 3.89 3.27 0.064 AJ236876 ADPRTL2 ADP-ribosyltransferase (NAD+; poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase)-like 2 33116_f_at 0.84 150.07 126.1 0.07 AA977163 C1S "complement component 1, s subcomponent" 33753_at 0.84 2.37 1.99 0.085 AB014566 DAAM1 dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 40275_at 0.84 5.15 4.32 0.058 AL046322 KPNA6 karyopherin alpha 6 (importin alpha 7) 39168_at 0.84 10.46 8.76 0.049 AB018328 ALTE Ac-like transposable element 41691_at 0.83 2.03 1.69 0.094 AB018337 KIAA0794 KIAA0794 protein 40124_at 0.83 3.42 2.85 0.077 Y18418 RUVBL1 RuvB-like 1 (E. coli) 31719_at 0.83 167.1 139.25 0.04 X02761 FN1 fibronectin 1 36907_at 0.83 11.19 9.32 0.098 M88468 MVK mevalonate kinase (mevalonic aciduria) 37980_at 0.83 1.83 1.52 0.008 U03644 CIR CBF1 interacting corepressor 35688_g_at 0.83 4.55 3.79 0.005 Z24459 MTCP1 mature T-cell proliferation 1 41386_i_at 0.83 5.85 4.87 0.098 AB002344 KIAA0346 KIAA0346 protein 40887_g_at 0.83 192.11 159.8 0.048 L41498 EEF1A1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 35252_at 0.83 1.76 1.46 0.012 AB011100 KIAA0528 KIAA0528 gene product 1367_f_at 0.82 148.84 122.21 0.043 M26880 UBC ubiquitin C 1499_at 0.82 20.3 16.64 0.077 L10413 FNTA "farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, alpha" 35359_at 0.82 6.78 5.56 0.01 D87078 PUM2 pumilio homolog 2 (Drosophila) 38439_at 0.82 13.39 10.97 0.1 L24123 NFE2L1 nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 1 421_at 0.82 5.04 4.12 0.053 X66397 TPR translocated promoter region (to activated MET oncogene) 40602_at 0.82 2.82 2.31 0.023 AF052178 SPRED2 "sprouty-related, EVH1 domain containing 2" 654_at 0.82 12.99 10.61 0.057 L07648 MXI1 MAX interacting protein 1 34409_at 0.82 40.18 32.79 0.062 AL080164 LRP10 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 10 33895_at 0.82 2.5 2.04 0.024 AL050373 SH3YL1 likely ortholog of mouse Sh3 domain YSC-like 1 32466_at 0.81 192.72 156.97 0.06 Z12962 RPL41 ribosomal protein L41 40589_at 0.81 4.68 3.81 0.082 U40572 SNTB2 "syntrophin, beta 2 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 2)" 35436_at 0.81 17.05 13.87 0.041 L06147 GOLGA2 "golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 2" 35675_at 0.81 12.27 9.97 0.004 AF037261 SCAM-1 vinexin beta (SH3-containing adaptor molecule-1) 41498_at 0.81 26.85 21.8 0.024 AB020718 CLSTN1 calsyntenin 1 464_s_at 0.81 4.01 3.25 0.05 U72882 IFI35 interferon-induced protein 35 202_at 0.81 1.65 1.34 0.043 M65217 HSF2 heat shock transcription factor 2 41594_at 0.81 12.95 10.5 0.075 M64174 JAK1 Janus kinase 1 (a protein tyrosine kinase) 34366_g_at 0.81 3.59 2.91 0.096 AF042386 PPIE peptidylprolyl isomerase E (cyclophilin E) 38779_r_at 0.81 22.29 18.07 0.043 D16431 HDGF hepatoma-derived growth factor (high-mobility group protein 1-like) 39845_at 0.81 5.87 4.76 0.081 AF020760 PRSS25 "protease, serine, 25" 41841_at 0.81 6.66 5.39 0.045 AF052138 37040_at 0.81 42.22 34.12 0.082 D42041 G2AN alpha glucosidase II alpha subunit 34792_at 0.81 11.83 9.53 0.009 AL049954 AHCYL1 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like 1 32747_at 0.8 11.08 8.91 0.032 X05409 ALDH2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family (mitochondrial) 34166_at 0.8 15.47 12.42 0.023 S80071 SLC6A7 "solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, L-proline), member 7" 35283_at 0.8 3.11 2.5 0.073 H05692 C14orf114 chromosome 14 open reading frame 114 36957_at 0.8 10.2 8.18 0.063 W22296 PRKCBP1 protein kinase C binding protein 1 38633_at 0.8 5.04 4.04 0.094 U35113 MTA1 metastasis associated 1 31670_s_at 0.8 5.67 4.54 0.056 U81554 SRP72 signal recognition particle 72kDa 39723_at 0.8 6.04 4.84 0.065 AF062536 CUL1 cullin 1 39518_at 0.8 4.1 3.28 0.07 H97470 LOC133619 hypothetical protein MGC12103 39055_at 0.8 3.6 2.87 0.061 M32886 SRI sorcin 37656_at 0.79 5.79 4.6 0.093 D83782 SCAP SREBP CLEAVAGE-ACTIVATING PROTEIN 34733_at 0.79 4.3 3.41 0.039 X85237 SF3A1 "splicing factor 3a, subunit 1, 120kDa" 37101_at 0.79 9.77 7.73 0.065 AL050008 BRMS1 breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1 31697_s_at 0.79 217.02 171.48 0.06 J04755 FTH1 "ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1" 344_s_at 0.79 9.32 7.34 0.016 D13146 CNP "2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase" 37860_at 0.79 10.98 8.65 0.072 AL049942 ZNF337 zinc finger protein 337 39072_at 0.79 16.32 12.82 0.017 L07648 MXI1 MAX interacting protein 1 32655_s_at 0.79 2.28 1.79 0.001 X87613 BRD8 bromodomain containing 8 37825_at 0.78 1.06 0.83 0.071 M84443 GALK2 galactokinase 2 32535_at 0.78 53.3 41.68 0.03 X63556 FBN1 fibrillin 1 (Marfan syndrome) 36209_at 0.78 11.7 9.15 0.006 S78771 BRD2 bromodomain containing 2 319_g_at 0.78 15.07 11.78 0.081 D64142 TGM2 "transglutaminase 2 (C polypeptide, protein-glutamine-gamma-glutamyltransferase)" 37947_at 0.78 8.89 6.94 0.071 D26362 BRD3 bromodomain containing 3 38237_at 0.78 6.66 5.19 0.095 M64099 GGTLA1 gamma-glutamyltransferase-like activity 1 33035_at 0.78 2.42 1.88 0.005 AL021397 MGC3794 putative MAPK activating protein 32809_at 0.78 2.69 2.09 0.086 AL118582 34091_s_at 0.78 225.63 175.55 0.027 Z19554 RPLP2 "ribosomal protein, large P2" 36996_at 0.78 28.31 22.01 0.058 U41635 OS-9 amplified in osteosarcoma 34794_r_at 0.78 0.91 0.7 0.099 M22299 PLS3 plastin 3 (T isoform) 32307_s_at 0.78 133.72 103.72 0.056 V00503 COL1A2 "collagen, type I, alpha 2" 33943_at 0.77 127.6 98.86 0.035 L20941 FTH1 "ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1" 37205_at 0.77 4.71 3.63 0.032 AB020647 FBXL7 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 7 37487_at 0.77 6.36 4.88 0.008 AB029016 KIAA1093 KIAA1093 protein 35848_at 0.77 6.41 4.92 0.068 AL049432 RAI17 retinoic acid induced 17 41344_s_at 0.77 7.15 5.48 0.062 M96684 PURA purine-rich element binding protein A 41462_at 0.76 8.81 6.73 0.023 AF065482 SNX2 sorting nexin 2 40136_at 0.76 3.65 2.79 0.074 AB014576 KIAA0676 KIAA0676 protein 34728_g_at 0.76 14.74 11.26 0.087 AI800578 AHCYL1 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like 1 1375_s_at 0.76 16.52 12.58 0.041 M32304 TIMP2 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 37817_at 0.76 8.38 6.38 0.045 AF052087 NY-REN-24 NY-REN-24 antigen 31431_at 0.76 5.87 4.46 0.07 U12255 FCGRT "Fc fragment of IgG, receptor, transporter, alpha" 41499_at 0.76 1.65 1.25 0.081 X15218 SKI v-ski sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (avian) 567_s_at 0.76 8.11 6.16 0.074 M79463 PML promyelocytic leukemia 35083_at 0.76 204.54 155.19 0.05 AL031670 FTL "ferritin, light polypeptide" 39007_at 0.76 9.74 7.38 0.098 M55593 MMP2 "matrix metalloproteinase 2 (gelatinase A, 72kDa gelatinase, 72kDa type IV collagenase)" 1241_at 0.76 29.28 22.16 0.073 U14603 PTP4A2 "protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 2" 39395_at 0.76 34.79 26.31 0.063 AA704137 THY1 Thy-1 cell surface antigen 492_g_at 0.76 0.9 0.68 0.049 U46116 PTPRG "protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, G" 40839_at 0.76 2.31 1.75 0.082 AL080177 UBL3 ubiquitin-like 3 35018_at 0.76 1.97 1.49 0.055 U61538 CHP calcium binding protein P22 845_at 0.75 2.71 2.04 0.087 U16031 STAT6 "signal transducer and activator of transcription 6, interleukin-4 induced" 36593_at 0.75 4.01 3.02 0.085 U67368 EXT2 exostoses (multiple) 2 36132_at 0.75 12.69 9.52 0.066 S74728 ALDH7A1 "aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family, member A1" 40250_at 0.75 1.94 1.45 0.063 U55766 HRB2 HIV-1 rev binding protein 2 33850_at 0.75 6.22 4.66 0.017 W28892 MAP4 microtubule-associated protein 4 37906_at 0.75 17.28 12.93 0.034 Z37976 LTBP2 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 1719_at 0.75 2.06 1.54 0.001 U61981 MSH3 mutS homolog 3 (E. coli) 34206_at 0.75 3.82 2.85 0.087 AB018325 CENTD2 "centaurin, delta 2" 671_at 0.75 156.71 116.85 0.029 J03040 SPARC "secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich (osteonectin)" 31936_s_at 0.74 4.43 3.29 0.082 AB007890 LKAP limkain b1 37345_at 0.74 68.97 51.14 0.089 AF013759 CALU calumenin 35652_g_at 0.74 1.62 1.2 0.075 AF002715 MAP3K4 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 34821_at 0.74 2.38 1.76 0.03 AL050197 C6orf80 chromosome 6 open reading frame 80 36795_at 0.74 66.53 49.07 0.062 J03077 PSAP prosaposin (variant Gaucher disease and variant metachromatic leukodystrophy) 38812_at 0.74 12.93 9.53 0.014 X79683 LAMB2 "laminin, beta 2 (laminin S)" 32305_at 0.73 89.8 65.75 0.075 J03464 COL1A2 "collagen, type I, alpha 2" 39708_at 0.73 13.23 9.66 0.054 L29277 STAT3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor) 37466_at 0.73 1.98 1.44 0.023 D84488 RAB7L1 "RAB7, member RAS oncogene family-like 1" 41681_at 0.73 1.66 1.21 0.069 AB005289 ABCB7 "ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 7" 40973_at 0.72 2.89 2.09 0.067 AI146846 PARD3 par-3 partitioning defective 3 homolog (C. elegans) 40505_at 0.72 7.35 5.3 0.063 AA883502 UBE2L6 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 33361_at 0.72 6.45 4.65 0.048 AF052149 BSCL2 Bernardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (seipin) 37758_s_at 0.72 5.1 3.67 0.009 W28479 TFDP1 transcription factor Dp-1 36162_at 0.72 41.47 29.79 0.06 X64364 BSG "basigin (OK blood group) CD147, receptor for cyclophilin A" 34324_at 0.71 1.79 1.27 0.039 AF068227 CLN5 "ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 5" 605_at 0.71 26.1 18.55 0.07 L78833 VAT1 vesicle amine transport protein 1 homolog (T californica) 32878_f_at 0.7 15.29 10.77 0.075 AA524802 37706_at 0.7 6.98 4.91 0.067 U28811 GLG1 golgi apparatus protein 1 311_s_at 0.7 154.74 108.35 0.063 33268_at 0.7 4.21 2.95 0.086 L25270 SMCX "Smcx homolog, X chromosome (mouse)" 38393_at 0.7 2.9 2.03 0.078 D87434 KIAA0247 KIAA0247 gene product 39373_at 0.7 6.02 4.2 0.033 AF035284 FADS1 fatty acid desaturase 1 32604_s_at 0.7 1.33 0.92 0.022 AB011154 KIAA0582 KIAA0582 protein 41302_at 0.69 13.8 9.59 0.004 R59606 AHCYL1 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like 1 40081_at 0.69 7.73 5.37 0.092 L26232 PLTP phospholipid transfer protein 440_at 0.69 2.41 1.67 0.076 X12492 NFIC nuclear factor I/C (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) 32124_at 0.69 2.57 1.77 0.051 AL030996 THOC2 THO complex 2 34850_at 0.69 11.11 7.66 0.066 AB017644 UBE2E3 "ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 (UBC4/5 homolog, yeast)" 35643_at 0.69 9.02 6.22 0.03 X76732 NUCB2 nucleobindin 2 32606_at 0.69 4.65 3.2 0.065 AA135683 BASP1 "brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1" 1052_s_at 0.69 27.43 18.84 0.002 M83667 CEBPD "CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), delta" 657_at 0.69 13.32 9.13 0.067 L11373 PCDHGC3 "protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3" 33221_at 0.68 2.18 1.49 0.06 U80735 PAXIP1L PAX transcription activation domain interacting protein 1 like 41138_at 0.68 74.82 51.08 0.089 M16279 CD99 CD99 antigen 34707_at 0.68 8.55 5.82 0.02 U91543 CHD3 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 3 38590_r_at 0.68 51.92 35.27 0.074 M14630 PTMA "prothymosin, alpha (gene sequence 28)" 1491_at 0.68 98.02 66.29 0.058 M31166 PTX3 "pentaxin-related gene, rapidly induced by IL-1 beta" 37745_s_at 0.68 3.59 2.42 0.066 U15780 ST5 suppression of tumorigenicity 5 40817_at 0.68 11.82 7.99 0.029 M96824 NUCB1 nucleobindin 1 38271_at 0.68 1.25 0.85 0.022 AB006626 HDAC4 histone deacetylase 4 37319_at 0.67 111.51 75.21 0.085 M35878 IGFBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 35017_f_at 0.67 16.81 11.25 0.084 M80469 HLA-J "major histocompatibility complex, class I, J (pseudogene)" 1737_s_at 0.67 125.08 83.59 0.099 M62403 IGFBP4 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 120_at 0.67 3.05 2.04 0.089 X68742 ITGA1 "integrin, alpha 1" 38478_at 0.67 1.76 1.17 0 U08377 SFRS8 "splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 8 (suppressor-of-white-apricot homolog, Drosophila)" 35992_at 0.66 7.9 5.23 0.083 AF087036 MSC musculin (activated B-cell factor-1) 1841_s_at 0.66 1.17 0.77 0.041 33852_at 0.66 1.59 1.04 0.093 M77142 TIA1 TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein 1926_at 0.65 5.61 3.66 0.081 U48801 VEGFB vascular endothelial growth factor B 35988_i_at 0.65 2.4 1.57 0.092 AI417075 MYST1 MYST histone acetyltransferase 1 40437_at 0.65 7.37 4.76 0.04 AL049944 DKFZP564G2022 DKFZP564G2022 protein 1836_at 0.64 45.54 29.3 0.019 D50310 CCNI cyclin I 35638_at 0.64 7.18 4.6 0.097 D43638 CBFA2T1 "core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 1; cyclin D-related" 1586_at 0.64 95.97 60.96 0.074 M35878 IGFBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 35705_at 0.63 4.67 2.95 0.094 D16815 NR1D2 "nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group D, member 2" 1693_s_at 0.63 177.5 111.12 0.024 D11139 TIMP1 "tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (erythroid potentiating activity, collagenase inhibitor)" 40182_s_at 0.63 7.16 4.48 0.098 AF055027 CARM1 coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase-1 39417_at 0.62 3.47 2.16 0.054 AB028951 CDK11 cyclin-dependent kinase (CDC2-like) 11 692_s_at 0.62 10.36 6.42 0.099 J02947 SOD3 "superoxide dismutase 3, extracellular" 36888_at 0.62 3.65 2.25 0.051 AB020648 KIAA0841 KIAA0841 protein 40814_at 0.61 0.97 0.59 0.018 L40586 IDS iduronate 2-sulfatase (Hunter syndrome) 38722_at 0.61 71.5 43.57 0.059 X15880 COL6A1 "collagen, type VI, alpha 1" 36917_at 0.61 1.78 1.08 0.075 Z26653 LAMA2 "laminin, alpha 2 (merosin, congenital muscular dystrophy)" 520_at 0.6 4.48 2.71 0.025 U07358 MAP3K12 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 39310_at 0.6 4.58 2.75 0.067 X86163 BDKRB2 bradykinin receptor B2 38775_at 0.6 10.82 6.47 0.038 X13916 LRP1 low density lipoprotein-related protein 1 (alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor) 40604_at 0.59 1.37 0.81 0.056 Y13493 DYRK2 dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 2 33299_at 0.58 1.07 0.62 0.02 M37712 CDC2L2 cell division cycle 2-like 2 1372_at 0.56 5.93 3.34 0.057 M31165 TNFAIP6 "tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 6" 34727_at 0.52 24.05 12.43 0.006 AI800578 AHCYL1 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase-like 1 34281_at 0.52 0.76 0.39 0.007 AF039555 VSNL1 visinin-like 1 39547_at 0.5 1.85 0.93 0.01 AB008515 RARG-1 retinoic acid repressible protein 36993_at 0.48 18.98 9.12 0.089 M33210 PDGFRB "platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide" 38761_s_at 0.42 17.89 7.6 0.1 AA487755 FKBP9 "FK506 binding protein 9, 63 kDa" 507_s_at 0.41 2.08 0.85 0.011 U43189 ELF2 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) 33131_at 0.38 14.57 5.57 0.085 X70683 SOX4 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4