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Figure S6. Frequencies of centromeric and telomeric parts of 44 allele-level KIR haplotypes. The frequencies of the centromeric and telomeric parts of 44 deduced KIR haplotypes were calculated and displayed on a bilogarithmic plot. Data points are coded according to the following haplotype groups: open circle, A haplotypes, open square, B haplotypes with 3DS1+2DS1; open triangle, B haplotypes with 2DL2+2DS2; cross: B haplotypes with both 2DL2 and 3DS1. The parts in common with the high frequency haplotype in this panel (haplotype no. 1) are boxed, thus the data points lying outside the boxes represent KIR haplotype components at low frequency that are not shared with haplotype no. 1.