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Figure S1. Generation of Langerin-Cre BAC. (A) Schematic representation of the shuttle vector used to introduce Cre into BAC RP11-504o1 (top line). The vector contains a Cre cassette flanked by 2 1.0-kb sequences homologous to the 5′ end of the human Langerin gene in RP11-504O1 (middle line). The final recombined product is pictured on the bottom line. Xho I sites are indicated with an X. (B) BAC DNA digested with Xho I from either the unmodified (WT) or a recombined clone (Cre), run on a 1% agarose pulse field gel. Note that a 48-kb band present in the WT is replaced by 26- and 24-kb bands, indicating the successful insertion of the cassette.