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Figure S1. Selective removal of BCL11B starting with DP thymocytes. Expression of BCL11B determined by qRT-PCR in sorted DN (A, top), DP (B, top left), CD4+ (C, top), and CD8+ (D, top) thymocytes from BCL11BF/F CD4cre (KO) and BCL11BF/F (WT) mice. (B, right) Western blot analysis of BCL11B in nuclear extracts from sorted BCL11BF/FCD4cre and BCL11BF/F DP thymocytes. (A–D, bottom) Thymocytes were stained for CD4 and CD8 and BCL11B. Histograms show the levels of BCL11B in gated DN, DP, CD4, and CD8 SP populations. (E) Lymphocytes were stained for CD4 and CD8 and BCL11B. Histograms show the levels of BCL11B in gated CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte populations.