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Figure S1. Timeline of the Copenhagen City Heart Study. This study is a prospective study of individuals randomly selected according to the Copenhagen Central Population-Register code to reflect the adult Danish general population. Those invited were stratified into 5-yr age groups ranging from 20 to 95 yr; 35-70-yr-old persons were emphasized. At the 1991-1994 examination, 16,563 were invited, 10,135 (61%) participated, 9,259 (56%) gave blood, and 9,219 (56%) underwent p53 Arg72Pro genotyping. More than 99% of participants were whites of Danish descent. We had 100% complete follow-up and followed all individuals from baseline until event or until the end of follow-up. Because the Danish national health registries are 98-100% complete, we defined baseline as the start date of the relevant registry or birthday, whichever came last. In analyses where death was the event, the day of blood sampling was defined as baseline. Follow-up ended for most end points March 11, 2004. Follow-up for cancer morbidity ended December 31, 2002.