Wang et al. 10.1073/pnas.0703637104. |
Fig. 4. Genomewide distribution properties of p53 site-containing LTRs. Distribution metrics were calculated for four types of elements: all ERV/LTRs, LTRs of LTR10 and MER61 families that have a p53 site, LTRs of LTR10 and MER61 families that do not have any p53 site, and simulated elements. Simulation is done three times for all ERV/LTRs in a way such that the length distribution, orientation, and chromosome distribution of simulated elements is identical to that of all ERV/LTRs, but the location of the simulated element is randomly selected from the same chromosome. (A) Distribution of distance to known genes. (B) The relative location distribution of all elements that fall into gene boundary. Transcriptional start site of a gene is denoted as 0%, and transcriptional end site of the same gene is denoted as 100%. (C) Distribution of all elements that are within 100 kb of transcriptional start sites. (D) Strand bias, or the percentage of elements that are on the same strand of the closest known gene, binned based on the distance to the closest known gene. Distance 0 indicates LTRs in introns.
Fig. 5. Evolution of the TP53AP1 locus. (A) Genomic context of human TP53AP1 locus on chromosome 7, based on the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser (1). Selected tracks include (from top): ChIP PET fragment location; ERV structure prediction (2); UCSC gene prediction; human mRNA from GenBank; vertebrate conservation track; repetitive elements predicted by RepeatMasker. The TP53AP1 gene (or P53TG1 in graph) locus is included in the display, plus part of gene CROT. The MER61E elements are marked on the RepeatMasker track. (B) Genomic context of the mouse orthologous region on chromosome 5. The orientation of this part of the mouse genome is reversed with respect to the human region. Selected tracks include (from top): UCSC gene prediction; mouse mRNA from GenBank; conservation track; repetitive elements predicted by RepeatMasker. The CROT gene locus is included in the display. The empty space on the right of CROT locus is orthologous to the human TP53AP1 locus. The only transcript that covers this regions (besides those corresponding to CROT), AK040107, belongs to a more downstream mouse gene DMTF1 (not shown in graph). The human orthologous DMTF1 gene locates in the same syntenic block upstream of TP53AP1. (C) Multiple-species genomic sequence alignment of the TP53AP1 gene. The human genomic sequence that is potentially coding (270 bp) is used as an anchor. Orthologous sequences from chimp, rhesus, bushbaby, treeshrew, mouse, and rat are aligned to the human sequence to produce a multiple-sequence alignment. The predicted protein sequences of these species are also aligned under the nucleotide alignment. In the nucleotide alignment, darker blue shade indicates completely conserved position across all seven species; lighter blue shade indicates identical nucleotide to human; pink shade indicates positions at which the rhesus nucleotide is different from the human one. In the protein alignment, yellow shade indicates positions with a same amino acid as the human one; pink shade indicates a change of amino acid sequence in rhesus; red shade indicates stop codon.
1. Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Baertsch R, Barber GP, Bejerano G, Clawson H, Diekhans M, Furey TS, Harte RA, Hsu F, et al. (2006) Nucleic Acids Res 34:D590-D598.
2. Villesen P, Aagaard L, Wiuf C, Pedersen FS (2004) Retrovirology 1:32.
Table 4. Distribution of p53 sites in ERV/LTR elements
LTR/ERV | Fragment no. | Copy with p53 binding site | Percentage | Site/copy | Site/kb |
All ERV | 319106 | 1509 | 0.47 | 0.0048 | 0.011 |
MER61C | 294 | 157 | 53.40 | 0.5300 | 1.500 |
MER61E | 316 | 112 | 35.44 | 0.3600 | 0.950 |
LTR10B1 | 246 | 77 | 31.30 | 0.4309 | 1.367 |
LTR10E | 252 | 69 | 27.38 | 0.4400 | 0.960 |
LTR10C | 512 | 47 | 9.18 | 0.1100 | 0.250 |
ERVL-E | 9573 | 38 | 0.40 | 0.0040 | 0.009 |
LTR76 | 184 | 36 | 19.57 | 0.2065 | 0.422 |
HERV16 | 4606 | 29 | 0.63 | 0.0065 | 0.013 |
LTR10D | 190 | 35 | 18.42 | 0.1900 | 0.450 |
MER52A | 1838 | 23 | 1.25 | 0.0125 | 0.012 |
MER74B | 939 | 23 | 2.45 | 0.0245 | 0.075 |
LTR27B | 525 | 22 | 4.19 | 0.0457 | 0.099 |
MER50 | 2613 | 21 | 0.80 | 0.0084 | 0.020 |
MER49 | 1311 | 19 | 1.45 | 0.0145 | 0.036 |
PABL_A | 514 | 16 | 3.11 | 0.0311 | 0.066 |
LTR18B | 396 | 15 | 3.79 | 0.0429 | 0.105 |
LTR27 | 397 | 15 | 3.78 | 0.0378 | 0.069 |
HUERS-P1 | 626 | 14 | 2.24 | 0.0224 | 0.025 |
LTR33 | 9381 | 13 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.006 |
MLT2A1 | 3659 | 12 | 0.33 | 0.0033 | 0.012 |
LTR16C | 9133 | 11 | 0.12 | 0.0012 | 0.005 |
MLT2C1 | 2560 | 11 | 0.43 | 0.0043 | 0.018 |
MLT2E | 1367 | 11 | 0.80 | 0.0088 | 0.035 |
LTR47A | 882 | 10 | 1.13 | 0.0113 | 0.044 |
LTR12C | 2647 | 10 | 0.38 | 0.0038 | 0.003 |
HERVK14C | 98 | 10 | 10.20 | 0.1020 | 0.067 |
LTR4 | 96 | 9 | 9.38 | 0.0938 | 0.197 |
LTR16B | 3471 | 9 | 0.26 | 0.0026 | 0.009 |
HERVL-A1 | 980 | 8 | 0.82 | 0.0082 | 0.004 |
MER70A | 531 | 8 | 1.51 | 0.0151 | 0.039 |
PABL_A-int | 266 | 8 | 3.01 | 0.0338 | 0.047 |
MER77 | 2407 | 8 | 0.33 | 0.0033 | 0.010 |
MLT2B1 | 4552 | 8 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.006 |
LTR28 | 522 | 8 | 1.53 | 0.0153 | 0.026 |
Harlequin | 629 | 8 | 1.27 | 0.0143 | 0.010 |
MER70B | 508 | 7 | 1.38 | 0.0138 | 0.046 |
MER68 | 1914 | 7 | 0.37 | 0.0037 | 0.010 |
HERVK | 243 | 7 | 2.88 | 0.0288 | 0.015 |
LTR2B | 319 | 7 | 2.19 | 0.0219 | 0.048 |
MER39 | 3167 | 7 | 0.22 | 0.0022 | 0.007 |
HUERS-P3 | 852 | 7 | 0.82 | 0.0082 | 0.010 |
ERVL-B4 | 3071 | 6 | 0.20 | 0.0023 | 0.004 |
LTR49 | 1395 | 6 | 0.43 | 0.0043 | 0.013 |
LTR16D | 1752 | 6 | 0.34 | 0.0034 | 0.016 |
MER74A | 1549 | 6 | 0.39 | 0.0039 | 0.011 |
MER21B | 3645 | 6 | 0.16 | 0.0016 | 0.004 |
MER21C | 4915 | 5 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.003 |
HERV1_I | 66 | 5 | 7.58 | 0.0909 | 0.055 |
LTR50 | 2834 | 5 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.007 |
MER4B | 1748 | 5 | 0.29 | 0.0029 | 0.007 |
MER66B | 1423 | 5 | 0.35 | 0.0035 | 0.012 |
MER57A | 2675 | 5 | 0.19 | 0.0019 | 0.006 |
MER41B | 2885 | 5 | 0.17 | 0.0017 | 0.005 |
LTR67 | 6336 | 5 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.005 |
MLT2A2 | 3907 | 5 | 0.13 | 0.0013 | 0.003 |
HERVI | 181 | 5 | 2.76 | 0.0276 | 0.014 |
LTR43 | 441 | 5 | 1.13 | 0.0113 | 0.035 |
MER41A-int | 625 | 5 | 0.80 | 0.0080 | 0.010 |
HERVK9 | 718 | 4 | 0.56 | 0.0056 | 0.004 |
MER4D1 | 1430 | 4 | 0.28 | 0.0028 | 0.006 |
MER87 | 417 | 4 | 0.96 | 0.0096 | 0.035 |
MER72B | 183 | 4 | 2.19 | 0.0219 | 0.056 |
MER51A | 963 | 4 | 0.42 | 0.0042 | 0.010 |
MER50B | 686 | 4 | 0.58 | 0.0058 | 0.012 |
MER89 | 1365 | 4 | 0.29 | 0.0029 | 0.010 |
MER31B | 1472 | 4 | 0.27 | 0.0027 | 0.009 |
LTR1 | 1411 | 4 | 0.28 | 0.0028 | 0.005 |
LTR49-int | 1215 | 4 | 0.33 | 0.0033 | 0.007 |
MER4D0 | 483 | 4 | 0.83 | 0.0083 | 0.024 |
LTR52 | 1052 | 4 | 0.38 | 0.0038 | 0.014 |
MER84-int | 164 | 4 | 2.44 | 0.0244 | 0.036 |
LTR77 | 148 | 3 | 2.03 | 0.0203 | 0.047 |
LTR13A | 182 | 3 | 1.65 | 0.0165 | 0.021 |
HERVH | 5785 | 3 | 0.05 | 0.0005 | 0.001 |
MER41-int | 566 | 3 | 0.53 | 0.0053 | 0.010 |
MER57B-int | 610 | 3 | 0.49 | 0.0049 | 0.007 |
LTR9 | 1962 | 3 | 0.15 | 0.0015 | 0.003 |
HERV3 | 243 | 3 | 1.23 | 0.0123 | 0.008 |
ERVL-B1 | 456 | 3 | 0.66 | 0.0066 | 0.007 |
MER21-int | 397 | 3 | 0.76 | 0.0076 | 0.016 |
LTR18A | 251 | 3 | 1.20 | 0.0120 | 0.038 |
MER66C-int | 201 | 3 | 1.49 | 0.0149 | 0.022 |
MER11C | 838 | 3 | 0.36 | 0.0036 | 0.004 |
LTR16A | 6902 | 3 | 0.04 | 0.0004 | 0.002 |
LTR48 | 1250 | 3 | 0.24 | 0.0024 | 0.007 |
LTR16A1 | 3934 | 3 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.003 |
MER101-int | 826 | 3 | 0.36 | 0.0036 | 0.009 |
LTR9B | 757 | 3 | 0.40 | 0.0040 | 0.010 |
MER72 | 758 | 3 | 0.40 | 0.0040 | 0.009 |
PRIMA4_LTR | 340 | 3 | 0.88 | 0.0088 | 0.022 |
HERVS71 | 153 | 3 | 1.96 | 0.0196 | 0.010 |
MLT2B4 | 4352 | 3 | 0.07 | 0.0007 | 0.002 |
HERV15 | 85 | 3 | 3.53 | 0.0353 | 0.020 |
MER90a | 1186 | 3 | 0.25 | 0.0025 | 0.008 |
MER83B-int | 176 | 3 | 1.70 | 0.0170 | 0.029 |
MER92B | 881 | 3 | 0.34 | 0.0034 | 0.011 |
MER52D | 589 | 3 | 0.51 | 0.0051 | 0.006 |
MER51B-int | 412 | 3 | 0.73 | 0.0073 | 0.010 |
LTR64 | 358 | 2 | 0.56 | 0.0056 | 0.019 |
LTR58 | 87 | 2 | 2.30 | 0.0230 | 0.069 |
HERVL | 1137 | 2 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.003 |
LTR8A | 2701 | 2 | 0.07 | 0.0007 | 0.002 |
LTR1B | 1157 | 2 | 0.17 | 0.0017 | 0.003 |
MLT2F | 1979 | 2 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.003 |
HERVK22 | 398 | 2 | 0.50 | 0.0050 | 0.004 |
MER110A | 664 | 2 | 0.30 | 0.0030 | 0.012 |
MER57A-int | 2221 | 2 | 0.09 | 0.0009 | 0.002 |
MER4-int | 828 | 2 | 0.24 | 0.0024 | 0.006 |
MER4C | 1209 | 2 | 0.17 | 0.0017 | 0.005 |
LTR37B | 1988 | 2 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.005 |
MER4E-int | 172 | 2 | 1.16 | 0.0116 | 0.018 |
PRIMA4-int | 2103 | 2 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.005 |
LTR23 | 837 | 2 | 0.24 | 0.0024 | 0.012 |
LTR12_ | 664 | 2 | 0.30 | 0.0030 | 0.006 |
MER4A1-int | 1436 | 2 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.002 |
MER67B | 456 | 2 | 0.44 | 0.0044 | 0.012 |
HERVL40 | 1233 | 2 | 0.16 | 0.0016 | 0.004 |
MER41B-int | 570 | 2 | 0.35 | 0.0035 | 0.006 |
LTR53 | 662 | 2 | 0.30 | 0.0030 | 0.008 |
MER34B | 1299 | 2 | 0.15 | 0.0015 | 0.005 |
MER4A | 1104 | 2 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.005 |
MER54B | 429 | 2 | 0.47 | 0.0047 | 0.012 |
LTR40c | 618 | 2 | 0.32 | 0.0032 | 0.010 |
MLT2C2 | 1380 | 2 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.006 |
LTR12D | 505 | 2 | 0.40 | 0.0040 | 0.005 |
MER73 | 279 | 2 | 0.72 | 0.0072 | 0.018 |
LTR10B | 72 | 2 | 2.78 | 0.0278 | 0.066 |
HERVFH21 | 139 | 2 | 1.44 | 0.0144 | 0.012 |
MER52A-int | 137 | 2 | 1.46 | 0.0146 | 0.020 |
ERVL-D | 254 | 2 | 0.79 | 0.0079 | 0.011 |
LTR55 | 405 | 2 | 0.49 | 0.0049 | 0.014 |
LTR40a | 2075 | 2 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.003 |
MER90 | 675 | 2 | 0.30 | 0.0030 | 0.009 |
LTR1D | 980 | 2 | 0.20 | 0.0020 | 0.003 |
MER65C | 692 | 2 | 0.29 | 0.0029 | 0.009 |
ERVL | 836 | 2 | 0.24 | 0.0024 | 0.006 |
MLT2B3 | 3284 | 2 | 0.06 | 0.0006 | 0.002 |
MER34 | 2402 | 2 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.003 |
HERV35I | 533 | 2 | 0.38 | 0.0038 | 0.007 |
MER21A | 1860 | 2 | 0.11 | 0.0011 | 0.003 |
HERVIP10F | 415 | 2 | 0.48 | 0.0048 | 0.004 |
MER4E | 711 | 1 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.003 |
MER4A1_-int | 88 | 1 | 1.14 | 0.0114 | 0.015 |
MER51B | 698 | 1 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.005 |
ERVL-F | 470 | 1 | 0.21 | 0.0021 | 0.004 |
MER4A-int | 113 | 1 | 0.89 | 0.0088 | 0.011 |
LTR45C | 392 | 1 | 0.26 | 0.0026 | 0.008 |
LTR39 | 1214 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.002 |
MER61B-int | 240 | 1 | 0.42 | 0.0042 | 0.005 |
MER51C | 179 | 1 | 0.56 | 0.0056 | 0.014 |
LTR51 | 406 | 1 | 0.25 | 0.0025 | 0.006 |
HERV4_I | 384 | 1 | 0.26 | 0.0026 | 0.004 |
LTR59 | 123 | 1 | 0.81 | 0.0081 | 0.024 |
LTR54 | 1108 | 1 | 0.09 | 0.0009 | 0.004 |
MER92A | 149 | 1 | 0.67 | 0.0067 | 0.025 |
LOR1b | 1103 | 1 | 0.09 | 0.0009 | 0.003 |
MER21B-int | 190 | 1 | 0.53 | 0.0053 | 0.010 |
HERVL74 | 552 | 1 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.004 |
LTR38-int | 86 | 1 | 1.16 | 0.0116 | 0.034 |
LTR1C | 249 | 1 | 0.40 | 0.0040 | 0.009 |
LTR43B | 218 | 1 | 0.46 | 0.0046 | 0.014 |
HERV9 | 1077 | 1 | 0.09 | 0.0009 | 0.001 |
MER83C-int | 43 | 1 | 2.33 | 0.0233 | 0.028 |
MER70-int | 145 | 1 | 0.69 | 0.0069 | 0.018 |
LOR1-int | 645 | 1 | 0.16 | 0.0016 | 0.004 |
MER61A-int | 448 | 1 | 0.22 | 0.0022 | 0.002 |
MER51-int | 202 | 1 | 0.50 | 0.0050 | 0.010 |
MER67C | 1498 | 1 | 0.07 | 0.0007 | 0.002 |
MER61B | 419 | 1 | 0.24 | 0.0048 | 0.015 |
MER41A | 2514 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.0004 | 0.001 |
MER39-int | 142 | 1 | 0.70 | 0.0070 | 0.019 |
HERVL-B3 | 99 | 1 | 1.01 | 0.0101 | 0.008 |
LTR33A | 3531 | 1 | 0.03 | 0.0003 | 0.001 |
MER70A-int | 101 | 1 | 0.99 | 0.0099 | 0.011 |
MER92C | 341 | 1 | 0.29 | 0.0029 | 0.018 |
MER76 | 706 | 1 | 0.14 | 0.0014 | 0.004 |
MER67B-int | 7 | 1 | 14.29 | 0.1429 | 0.209 |
PABL_B | 363 | 1 | 0.28 | 0.0028 | 0.007 |
MER34-int | 459 | 1 | 0.22 | 0.0022 | 0.005 |
MER54A | 633 | 1 | 0.16 | 0.0016 | 0.004 |
LTR35 | 310 | 1 | 0.32 | 0.0032 | 0.011 |
LTR42 | 288 | 1 | 0.35 | 0.0035 | 0.010 |
LTR29 | 674 | 1 | 0.15 | 0.0015 | 0.005 |
MER50-int | 503 | 1 | 0.20 | 0.0020 | 0.003 |
MER66B-int | 169 | 1 | 0.59 | 0.0059 | 0.007 |
PABL_B-int | 169 | 1 | 0.59 | 0.0059 | 0.007 |
LTR14A | 112 | 1 | 0.89 | 0.0089 | 0.027 |
LTR25-int | 284 | 1 | 0.35 | 0.0035 | 0.004 |
MER41D-int | 71 | 1 | 1.41 | 0.0141 | 0.034 |
MER41G | 109 | 1 | 0.92 | 0.0092 | 0.023 |
ERVL-A1 | 24 | 1 | 4.17 | 0.0417 | 0.024 |
LTR45 | 179 | 1 | 0.56 | 0.0056 | 0.019 |
LTR26B | 445 | 1 | 0.22 | 0.0022 | 0.007 |
LTR14B | 356 | 1 | 0.28 | 0.0028 | 0.006 |
MER4E1-int | 79 | 1 | 1.27 | 0.0127 | 0.022 |
ERVL-B2 | 161 | 1 | 0.62 | 0.0062 | 0.006 |
MER89-int | 678 | 1 | 0.15 | 0.0015 | 0.003 |
LTR12 | 981 | 1 | 0.10 | 0.0010 | 0.002 |
MER101B | 239 | 1 | 0.42 | 0.0042 | 0.014 |
MER65D | 432 | 1 | 0.23 | 0.0023 | 0.008 |
MER57B | 1249 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.002 |
HERVL-A2 | 527 | 1 | 0.19 | 0.0019 | 0.001 |
HUERS-P3b | 381 | 1 | 0.26 | 0.0026 | 0.003 |
LTR48B | 1073 | 1 | 0.09 | 0.0009 | 0.003 |
LTR62 | 316 | 1 | 0.32 | 0.0032 | 0.008 |
HERVFH19 | 143 | 1 | 0.70 | 0.0070 | 0.007 |
HERVL18 | 541 | 1 | 0.18 | 0.0018 | 0.003 |
PRIMA4_LTR-int | 30 | 1 | 3.33 | 0.0333 | 0.033 |
LTR39-int | 155 | 1 | 0.65 | 0.0065 | 0.018 |
MER93a | 831 | 1 | 0.12 | 0.0012 | 0.005 |
MER41C-int | 166 | 1 | 0.60 | 0.0060 | 0.006 |
MER31-int | 1272 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.002 |
HERVE | 349 | 1 | 0.29 | 0.0029 | 0.001 |
MER31A | 1332 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.0008 | 0.002 |
LOR1b-int | 375 | 1 | 0.27 | 0.0027 | 0.004 |
MER54B-int | 2 | 1 | 50.00 | 0.5000 | 6.024 |
HERVP71A | 197 | 1 | 0.51 | 0.0051 | 0.004 |
HUERS-P2 | 244 | 1 | 0.41 | 0.0041 | 0.004 |
LTR71A | 167 | 1 | 0.60 | 0.0060 | 0.016 |
MER110 | 753 | 1 | 0.13 | 0.0013 | 0.005 |
MER52-int | 231 | 1 | 0.43 | 0.0043 | 0.004 |
MER65B | 245 | 1 | 0.41 | 0.0041 | 0.021 |
ERVL-B3 | 211 | 1 | 0.47 | 0.0047 | 0.004 |
HERVH48 | 120 | 1 | 0.83 | 0.0083 | 0.005 |
MER52C | 373 | 1 | 0.27 | 0.0027 | 0.003 |
MER66A-int | 61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER51A-int | 64 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER95 | 155 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR3B | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR6B | 152 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV16-MLT2B1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV16-MLT2B2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10G-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR26B-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19A-int | 59 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR5B | 427 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR25 | 265 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR46-int | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR72-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-C1 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER11B | 556 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR48B-int | 57 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61C-int | 159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR11 | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR26 | 617 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR40a-int | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR8 | 3570 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2B2-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR1C-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR1D-int | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34C_-int | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-D | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34D-int | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR16B-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR75_1-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR31 | 246 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER57-int | 404 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10C-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4D1-int | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR26E | 303 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24C-int | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV16-MLT2C2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER70B-int | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR9B-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61F-int | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24B-int | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ERVL-C1 | 335 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4D | 1264 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR56-int | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER51D | 155 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER67D | 1161 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65A-int | 707 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19-int | 120 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-B4 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR35-int | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER21C-int | 127 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19C-int | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER90-int | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19C | 213 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR3A | 157 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR6A-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7Y | 472 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR77-int | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR76-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER84 | 349 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER39B | 1188 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR45B | 435 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER31B-int | 174 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2B5 | 448 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER48 | 193 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR70-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61D-int | 145 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER93B-int | 79 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER72B-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR34 | 367 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR75_1 | 130 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR47A-int | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER83A-int | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVK3 | 341 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR38 | 316 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR30 | 139 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2D-int | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4A1 | 2190 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR73-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR5A | 252 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR2C-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV1_LTRb | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-B2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR4-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR16C-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR23-int | 167 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ERVL-B5 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER87-int | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR40b | 1239 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR72 | 149 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR9-int | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR45B-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER101B-int | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVIP10FH | 643 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4E1 | 1085 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR44 | 209 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV17 | 927 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR46 | 240 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-C2 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR66 | 362 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER51E | 245 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7A | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10A | 307 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR44-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19B | 275 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4C-int | 325 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR22B | 224 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2C1-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR51-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER68-int | 342 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR56 | 953 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER9 | 1151 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR12B-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR27-int | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR14C | 138 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR37B-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4A1_ | 397 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER66C | 661 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER67A-int | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER66-int | 270 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2D | 4447 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19A | 416 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV1_LTRc | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR12B | 466 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LOR1a | 793 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV16-MLT2B3 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR13_ | 37 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR2-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR17 | 831 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR2C | 262 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR73 | 212 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24 | 314 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER51C-int | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER67C-int | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER92A-int | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65B-int | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER54A-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61E-int | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR21B | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVKC4 | 67 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2B2 | 2228 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR65 | 460 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR32 | 1308 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER74C | 228 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVK14 | 318 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR65-int | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER92B-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
PRIMA41-int | 190 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER67A | 493 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10F-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2A2-int | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65D-int | 81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10F | 436 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR61-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR14 | 85 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR6A | 256 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER39B-int | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24B | 451 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER93a-int | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR22C | 378 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR48-int | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR27B-int | 55 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24-int | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR28-int | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER11A | 941 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV1_LTRa | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4B-int | 1116 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVK13 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR38C-int | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER41G-int | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER88 | 112 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER52C-int | 57 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR45-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR16A-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34C_ | 1058 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61A | 801 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV1_LTRd | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR61 | 157 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7B-int | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR22 | 103 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER76-int | 156 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR8A-int | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR38B-int | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER67D-int | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER101 | 382 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR54-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10G | 116 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER83C | 150 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR5 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ERVL-C2 | 55 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61-int | 196 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR29-int | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10A-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65-int | 333 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR47B | 381 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER83-int | 68 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ERVL-A2 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4D-int | 67 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR40b-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-B1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL66 | 109 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR15 | 259 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR72B | 178 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR21A | 93 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR41 | 2383 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR33-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2C2-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR34-int | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR26E-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER66A | 345 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER83 | 438 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR22A | 188 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR75-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER110-int | 313 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR43B-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER92C-int | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER90a-int | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR1B-int | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR60 | 253 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV1_LTRe | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVK11 | 301 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER74A-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34C | 261 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER9B | 62 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR54B | 845 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR72B-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR57-int | 321 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER61F | 153 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER52D-int | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR68 | 347 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LOR1a-int | 219 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65C-int | 123 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR36-int | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-F | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR33A-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR54B-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34D | 330 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR12C-int | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR26-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR38B | 227 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR75 | 410 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER41E-int | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR52-int | 264 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER65A | 1344 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR41-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR59-int | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR71B | 215 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERV30 | 68 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL-B5 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER41C | 824 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR31-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR70 | 133 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MLT2B1-int | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER83B | 147 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR12E | 121 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVL32 | 102 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7B | 880 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR2B-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER31A-int | 214 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR3B_ | 241 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER72-int | 71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR8-int | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER93B | 489 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER4D0-int | 51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR37A | 1979 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER77-int | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER49-int | 108 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR69 | 143 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER50B-int | 61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER41E | 355 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR19B-int | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34B-int | 552 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER11D | 260 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR3 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HERVK11D | 53 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
PRIMAX-int | 225 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR57 | 236 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR24C | 381 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR60-int | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR15-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER21A-int | 169 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR17-int | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR13 | 475 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER41D | 449 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR38C | 133 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER51E-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR5_Hs | 610 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER110A-int | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR36 | 479 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR16A1-int | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
MER34C-int | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR43-int | 67 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR2 | 894 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR10D-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR7 | 2357 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR37A-int | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LTR47B-int | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Predicted p53 sites within repetitive sequences of the human genome. The columns contain the following: names of selected LTR families defined in RepBase; total number of fragments identified in the human genome; total number of fragments that contain a predicted p53 site; percentage of fragments that contain a p53 site; average number of site per fragment; average number of site per thousand bases.
Table 5. Distribution of repetitive elements
Type of repeats | Human Genome (hg18), % | PET3+ Loci, % |
Total Repeats | 48 | 52 |
SINEs | 13.62 | 10.2 |
LINEs | 21.33 | 9.14 |
Total LTRs | 8.7 | 18.28 |
MaLRs | 3.79 | 2.45 |
ERVL | 1.6 | 1.22 |
ERV Class I | 3 | 14.25 |
ERV Class II | 0.31 | 0 |
DNA elements | 3.01 | 2.54 |
Human genome (hg18) and PET3+ loci are annotated with RepeatMasker. Percentage is of total sequence length. Entries in bold exhibit significant enrichment in PET3+ loci.
Table 6. Genes that are associated with ERV-derived p53 sites.
Gene symbol | Chromosome | txStart | txEnd | Strand | Description | p53 target | Distance | LTR |
FLJ20972 | 1 | 42720951 | 42776227 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC80098 | Known | 0 | LTR10D/chr1:42771315-42771680:- |
ERBB4 | 2 | 211955059 | 213111532 | - | V-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene | Known | 0 | MER61C/chr2:211986687-211987122:- |
CCNG2 | 4 | 78297401 | 78573564 | + | CCNG2 protein. | Known | 0 | LTR10B1/chr4:78482472-78482941:- |
0 | LTR10B1/chr4:78472974-78473434:- | |||||||
PHF14 | 7 | 10980040 | 11109807 | + | PHD finger protein 14 isoform 1,PHD finger protein 14 isoform 2, | Known | 0 | LTR10D/chr7:11088965-11089457:+ |
PTHB1 | 7 | 33135676 | 33612205 | + | Parathyroid hormone-responsive B1 isoform 2 | Known | 0 | MER61C/chr7:33357770-33358027:- |
0 | MER61E/chr7:33293971-33294543:+ | |||||||
TP53AP1 | 7 | 86792476 | 86812767 | - | TP53 activated protein 1 | Known | 0 | MER61E/chr7:86798001-86798562:- |
1843 | MER61E/chr7:86790079-86790633:- | |||||||
FRMD4A | 10 | 13725717 | 14412889 | - | FERM domain containing 4A,FERM domain containing 4A, | Known | 0 | MER61C/chr10:13840517-13840823:+ |
TRIM22 | 11 | 5667630 | 5688668 | + | Tripartite motif-containing 22 | Known | 0 | LTR10D/chr11:5667981-5668489:- |
CNAP1 | 12 | 6473519 | 6511381 | + | CDNA FLJ43165 fis, clone FCBBF3002163, highly similar to Homo sapiens chromosome condensation-related SMC-associated protein 1. | Known | 0 | LTR10D/chr12:6486783-6487369:- |
CHD2 | 15 | 91244422 | 91366396 | + | Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2 | Known | 0 | LTR10E/chr15:91293970-91294588:- |
DTWD1 | 15 | 47700530 | 47709446 | + | DTWD1 protein. | Known | 0 | LTR10B1/chr15:47705024-47705471:- |
NEO1 | 15 | 71131927 | 71382835 | + | Neogenin homolog 1 | Known | 0 | MER61E/chr15:71244967-71245539:- |
PIAS2 | 18 | 42646058 | 42751464 | - | Protein inhibitor of activated STAT X isoform | Known | 0 | LTR10B1/chr18:42702154-42702735:+ |
0 | LTR10B1/chr18:42711259-42711833:+ | |||||||
PTPRM | 18 | 7557816 | 8396852 | + | Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M | Known | 0 | MER61C/chr18:7723654-7723955:- |
0 | MER61C/chr18:7718236-7718536:- | |||||||
GPC3 | X | 132497443 | 132947332 | - | Glypican 3 | Known | 0 | MER61C/chrX:132748146-132748578:+ |
PCCA | 13 | 99539337 | 99980687 | + | Propionyl Coenzyme A carboxylase, alpha | Known | 3906 | LTR10C/chr13:99535181-99535431:- |
38205 | MER61C/chr13:99500756-99501132:+ | |||||||
IFNAR1 | 21 | 33650878 | 33654038 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ41819. | Known | 7383 | LTR10B1/chr21:33661421-33661888:+ |
MTHFD1L | 6 | 151228383 | 151464713 | + | Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 1-like (Fragment). | Known | 7961 | LTR10E/chr6:151219799-151220422:- |
VIM | 10 | 17311303 | 17319598 | + | Vimentin | Known | 9708 | MER61E/chr10:17329306-17329873:+ |
DENND2D | 1 | 111531325 | 111548554 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ22457. | Known | 9860 | MER61E/chr1:111558414-111558972:- |
UBP1 | 3 | 33404834 | 33456874 | - | Upstream binding protein 1 (LBP-1a) | Known | 17931 | MER61C/chr3:33474805-33475187:- |
27409 | MER61C/chr3:33484283-33484604:- | |||||||
BCAT1 | 12 | 24855547 | 24993499 | - | Branched chain aminotransferase 1, cytosolic | Known | 20628 | MER61E/chr12:25014127-25014664:- |
ANK1 | 8 | 41629901 | 41774297 | - | Ankyrin 1 isoform 3,ankyrin 1 isoform 4,ankyrin 1 isoform 2, | Known | 21132 | MER61E/chr8:41795429-41795974:+ |
KCNMA1 | 10 | 78299369 | 79067583 | - | Potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, alpha member 1 | Known | 21295 | LTR10E/chr10:79088878-79089435:- |
TRIM24 | 7 | 137795618 | 137920870 | + | Transcriptional intermediary factor 1 alpha | Known | 28459 | MER61E/chr7:137766589-137767159:- |
PDCD1LG2 | 9 | 5500569 | 5560398 | + | Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 | Known | 28599 | MER61E/chr9:5588997-5589420:+ |
BCL2A1 | 15 | 78040289 | 78050698 | - | BCL2-related protein A1,BCL2-related protein A1, | Known | 31952 | LTR10B1/chr15:78082650-78082888:- |
BNIP3 | 10 | 133631193 | 133645425 | - | BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kD-interacting protein 3 | Known | 33856 | LTR10C/chr10:133679281-133679628:- |
PCDH7 | 4 | 30331134 | 30753832 | + | Protocadherin 7 isoform c precursor | Known | 91272 | MER61C/chr4:30845104-30845504:- |
289468 | MER61C/chr4:31043300-31043693:+ | |||||||
ASCC3 | 6 | 101269729 | 101435961 | - | ASCC3 protein. | Known | 151235 | MER61C/chr6:101587196-101587624:+ |
CTNNA3 | 10 | 67349936 | 69125933 | - | Catenin, alpha 3 | Known | 304538 | LTR10E/chr10:67044866-67045398:- |
AF277188 | 1 | 141560417 | 142073831 | + | PNAS-130. | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr1:141647238-141647642:+ |
0 | MER61C/chr1:141775568-141775972:- | |||||||
0 | MER61C/chr1:142043710-142044114:+ | |||||||
AK128336 | 1 | 233897607 | 233901002 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ46478. | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr1:233900027-233900368:+ |
INADL | 1 | 61980736 | 62353170 | + | InaD-like protein isoform 4 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr1:62111917-62112344:+ |
LYST | 1 | 233890970 | 234096843 | - | Lysosomal trafficking regulator isoform 1 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr1:233900027-233900368:+ |
NEGR1 | 1 | 71641213 | 72339202 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp686P14120 (Fragment). | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr1:72239096-72239624:+ |
PCNXL2 | 1 | 231267831 | 231460521 | - | PCNXL2 protein. | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr1:231379413-231379999:+ |
0 | LTR10E/chr1:231381989-231382549:+ | |||||||
PKN2 | 1 | 88922843 | 89072010 | + | Protein kinase N2 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr1:89039935-89040496:- |
648640 | MER61C/chr1:88273814-88274203:- | |||||||
RASAL2 | 1 | 176330252 | 176710178 | + | RAS protein activator like 2,RAS protein activator like 2 isoform 1,RAS protein activator like 2 isoform 2, | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr1:176513685-176514245:- |
RGS7 | 1 | 239005437 | 239587008 | - | Regulator of G-protein signalling 7 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr1:239166717-239167291:+ |
AGPS | 2 | 177965748 | 178111251 | + | Alkylglycerone phosphate synthase precursor | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr2:178047231-178047638:- |
ALS2CR19 | 2 | 205118760 | 206188782 | + | Hypothetical protein ALS2CR19 (Fragment). amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile), | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr2:205336959-205337513:- |
DKFZP566N034 | 2 | 134929800 | 135241804 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp666J217 (Fragment). | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr2:135064828-135065369:+ |
PDE11A | 2 | 178201057 | 178645728 | - | Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 11A1. | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr2:178406762-178407192:+ |
TSGA10 | 2 | 98980788 | 99124467 | - | Testis specific, 10 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr2:99023711-99024262:+ |
ACAD11 | 3 | 133759675 | 133861616 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ16200.,putative acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr3:133828615-133828942:+ |
AF458053 | 3 | 6877926 | 7711138 | + | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 variant (Fragment). | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr3:7075270-7075854:- |
AF458054 | 3 | 6877926 | 7711138 | + | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 variant (Fragment). | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr3:7075270-7075854:- |
CLSTN2 | 3 | 141136896 | 141769320 | + | Calsyntenin 2 | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr3:141625114-141625622:+ |
EPHA6 | 3 | 98641163 | 98850105 | + | EPH receptor A6,EPH receptor A6, | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr3:98705711-98706250:- |
GRM7 | 3 | 6877926 | 7758217 | + | Glutamate receptor, metabotropic 7 isoform a,glutamate receptor, metabotropic 7 isoform b, | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr3:7075270-7075854:- |
HRH1 | 3 | 11269399 | 11279415 | + | Histamine receptor H1 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr3:11271411-11271862:- |
5006 | LTR10B1/chr3:11263944-11264393:- | |||||||
NPHP3 | 3 | 133759675 | 133923993 | - | Nephronophthisis 3 (adolescent) | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr3:133828615-133828942:+ |
ABLIM2 | 4 | 8017940 | 8211438 | - | Hypothetical protein ABLIM2 (Fragment). | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr4:8116375-8116881:+ |
AK098536 | 4 | 6106386 | 6253183 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ25670.,multiple coiled-coil GABABR1-binding protein, | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr4:6110839-6111437:+ |
BC057761 | 4 | 24418907 | 24523669 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr4:24474282-24474827:+ |
DKFZp761B107 | 4 | 24437678 | 24590924 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC91050 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr4:24474282-24474827:+ |
MARLIN1 | 4 | 6106386 | 6253183 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ25670.,multiple coiled-coil GABABR1-binding protein, | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr4:6110839-6111437:+ |
RBPSUH | 4 | 25930429 | 26042376 | + | Recombining binding protein suppressor of | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr4:26017181-26017715:- |
ZNF718 | 4 | 43276 | 146488 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC255403 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr4:84853-85041:+ |
IL31RA | 5 | 55182963 | 55240723 | + | Interleukin 31RA splice variant x2 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr5:55216862-55217287:- |
MYO10 | 5 | 16718412 | 16989372 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ90236. | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr5:16831494-16831797:+ |
AK131269 | 6 | 20209002 | 20320637 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ36675. | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr6:20296615-20297170:- |
BC011600 | 6 | 31529509 | 32034664 | - | RD RNA binding protein. | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr6:31562964-31563532:- |
BC036553 | 6 | 118893160 | 119079747 | - | OTTHUMP00000017094. | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr6:119001900-119002359:+ |
C6orf204 | 6 | 118919310 | 119080376 | - | Chromosome 6 open reading frame 204 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr6:119001900-119002359:+ |
C6orf97 | 6 | 151856918 | 151981830 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ14394. | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr6:151886683-151887173:- |
GPR126 | 6 | 142664758 | 142809078 | + | G protein-coupled receptor 126 alpha 1 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr6:142739948-142740369:- |
LOC389429 | 6 | 127940011 | 127954651 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC389429 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr6:127949099-127949464:- |
OACT1 | 6 | 20208926 | 20320608 | - | O-acyltransferase (membrane bound) domain containing 1 | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr6:20296615-20297170:- |
SYNE1 | 6 | 152484515 | 152999679 | - | Spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 1 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr6:152584683-152585151:+ |
TMEM30A | 6 | 76019368 | 76051200 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp686K1722.,transmembrane protein 30A, | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr6:76038622-76039154:+ |
ACN9 | 7 | 96584955 | 96649009 | + | ACN9 homolog | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr7:96635108-96635498:+ |
BC075797 | 7 | 12562711 | 12583336 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr7:12563384-12563890:- |
C7orf10 | 7 | 40141099 | 40866882 | + | Protein C7orf10 (Dermal papilla derived protein 13). | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr7:40723319-40723742:- |
CFTR | 7 | 116907252 | 117095951 | + | Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr7:117057713-117058116:- |
COBL | 7 | 51051403 | 51351990 | - | Cordon-bleu homolog | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr7:51182488-51182933:- |
EXOC4 | 7 | 132588362 | 133401051 | + | SEC8 protein isoform a | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr7:132925180-132925512:- |
ZPBP | 7 | 49947584 | 50103372 | - | Zona pellucida binding protein | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr7:49995834-49996251:+ |
AK130913 | 8 | 145889279 | 146016955 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ27403. | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr8:145897851-145898497:- |
TSNARE1 | 8 | 143291348 | 143482444 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC203062 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr8:143407351-143407908:+ |
UNQ9433 | 8 | 53609252 | 53640565 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC389658 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr8:53621476-53622008:+ |
XKR4 | 8 | 56177570 | 56601262 | + | X Kell blood group precursor-related family, | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr8:56285741-56286285:- |
AF338194 | 9 | 94029001 | 94633205 | + | FKSG56 (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen HCA25b). | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr9:94097288-94097782:- |
ANKRD18A | 9 | 38561362 | 38610305 | - | Ankyrin repeat domain 18A | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr9:38573824-38574252:+ |
FGD3 | 9 | 94776601 | 94838332 | + | FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr9:94790122-94790562:- |
IFT74 | 9 | 26946409 | 27052802 | + | Coiled-coil domain containing 2 | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr9:26966271-26966758:- |
LOC441459 | 9 | 33514212 | 33565593 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC441459 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr9:33550109-33550537:- |
PTGES3 | 9 | 68713875 | 68771498 | + | Prostaglandin E synthase 3 (cytosolic),unactive progesterone receptor, 23 kD, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr9:68724105-68724516:- |
PTGES3 | 9 | 43017657 | 43081468 | - | Prostaglandin E synthase 3 (cytosolic),unactive progesterone receptor, 23 kD, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr9:43070818-43071229:+ |
FLJ46300 | 10 | 133454757 | 133472525 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC399827 | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr10:133459941-133460022:- |
PPAPDC1A | 10 | 122206455 | 122339357 | + | PPAPDC1A protein.,phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain, | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr10:122253602-122254161:- |
PRKG1 | 10 | 52421123 | 53723827 | + | cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1, alpha isozyme (EC (CGK 1 alpha) (cGKI-alpha). | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr10:53195795-53196382:- |
DKFZp686O24166 | 11 | 17329884 | 17355444 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC374383 | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr11:17347965-17348496:+ |
1367 | MER61E/chr11:17356811-17357381:+ | |||||||
RIC3 | 11 | 8084224 | 8147127 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp451C1317.,resistance to inhibitors of cholinesterase 3, | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr11:8116671-8117249:+ |
CLEC2A | 12 | 9942538 | 9976213 | - | C-type lectin domain family 2, member A | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr12:9954779-9955276:- |
811 | MER61C/chr12:9941297-9941727:- | |||||||
U80760 | 12 | 6304598 | 6648609 | + | CAGH1 alternate open reading frame. | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr12:6486783-6487369:- |
ZNF384 | 12 | 6304598 | 6648609 | + | CAGH1 alternate open reading frame. | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr12:6486783-6487369:- |
B3GTL | 13 | 30672131 | 30803657 | + | Beta 3-glycosyltransferase-like | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr13:30742938-30743387:- |
SPATA13 | 13 | 23632860 | 23696936 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ35435. | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr13:23664004-23664410:- |
MNAT1 | 14 | 60271222 | 60505149 | + | Menage a trois 1 (CAK assembly factor) | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr14:60472320-60472703:- |
NRXN3 | 14 | 77706680 | 79398129 | + | Neurexin 3 | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr14:78576645-78577166:- |
ATPBD4 | 15 | 33450374 | 33625656 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC89978 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr15:33520149-33520261:+ |
CR627426 | 15 | 40655148 | 40752587 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp686O248. | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr15:40750777-40751280:- |
OCA2 | 15 | 25673615 | 26018053 | - | Oculocutaneous albinism II (pink-eye dilution homolog, mouse) | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr15:25926904-25927497:+ |
59681 | LTR10D/chr15:25613436-25613934:+ | |||||||
SNRPN | 15 | 22619886 | 22774822 | + | Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr15:22655038-22655539:+ |
CDH13 | 16 | 81218078 | 82387698 | + | Cadherin 13 preproprotein | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr16:81717237-81717811:- |
MGC18079 | 16 | 27709712 | 27982323 | - | KTSR5831. | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr16:27912452-27913011:+ |
BC110608 | 17 | 25320326 | 25459595 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ46247.,hypothetical protein LOC374786 isoform 1, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr17:25355043-25355374:- |
0 | LTR10E/chr17:25391823-25392319:+ | |||||||
CA10 | 17 | 47062680 | 47590422 | - | Carbonic anhydrase X,carbonic anhydrase X, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr17:47552910-47553327:+ |
FLJ43826 | 17 | 34439684 | 34462984 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC342666 | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr17:34456527-34457037:+ |
FLJ46247 | 17 | 25320326 | 25459595 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ46247.,hypothetical protein LOC374786 isoform 1, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chr17:25355043-25355374:- |
0 | LTR10E/chr17:25391823-25392319:+ | |||||||
PPM1E | 17 | 54188230 | 54417314 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp781F1422.,protein phosphatase 1E, | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr17:54344005-54344474:- |
SEC14L1 | 17 | 72648616 | 72724774 | + | SEC14 (S. cerevisiae)-like 1 isoform a | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr17:72682415-72682886:- |
AK124155 | 19 | 12064150 | 12071475 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ42161. | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr19:12069949-12070140:- |
AK128700 | 19 | 12064077 | 12086499 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ46867. | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr19:12069949-12070140:- |
DKKL1 | 19 | 54558853 | 54570183 | + | Dickkopf-like 1 (soggy) precursor | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr19:54563716-54564311:+ |
IGFL2 | 19 | 51274061 | 51356385 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ43766. | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chr19:51328304-51328890:- |
MADCAM1 | 19 | 447489 | 456342 | + | Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr19:453613-454171:- |
ZNF560 | 19 | 9438181 | 9470244 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chr19:9458446-9459002:+ |
C20orf133 | 20 | 13924268 | 15981839 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC140733 isoform 1 | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr20:15233123-15233632:+ |
AK125338 | 21 | 26700132 | 26863442 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ43348. | Novel | 0 | MER61E/chr21:26735216-26735657:- |
C21orf29 | 21 | 44742202 | 44955923 | - | Chromosome 21 open reading frame 29 | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chr21:44842328-44842835:+ |
4807 | LTR10C/chr21:44736821-44737395:+ | |||||||
BC012876 | 22 | 21094123 | 21568011 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr22:21137054-21137608:+ |
BC030983 | 22 | 21003081 | 21578874 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp667J0810 (Fragment) | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr22:21137054-21137608:+ |
BC071725 | 22 | 21003081 | 21578874 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp667J0810 (Fragment) | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr22:21137054-21137608:+ |
IGLC1 | 22 | 20783109 | 21578968 | + | Immunoglobulin lambda constant 1 (Mcg marker) | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr22:21137054-21137608:+ |
X57820 | 22 | 21003081 | 21578874 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp667J0810 (Fragment) | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chr22:21137054-21137608:+ |
FLJ20105 | X | 71341230 | 71375506 | - | FLJ20105 protein.,hypothetical protein LOC54821 isoform b,hypothetical protein LOC54821 isoform a, | Novel | 0 | LTR10C/chrX:71364321-71364909:+ |
HS6ST2 | X | 131589163 | 131920557 | - | Heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chrX:131839780-131840203:- |
LOC90167 | X | 131038703 | 131089729 | - | Novel protein.,hypothetical protein LOC90167, | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chrX:131080005-131080391:- |
SPANXE | X | 140163264 | 140500736 | - | SPANX-C. | Novel | 0 | LTR10E/chrX:140169160-140169541:+ |
UTX | X | 44617724 | 44856787 | + | Ubiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide | Novel | 0 | MER61C/chrX:44719903-44720336:+ |
PRKY | Y | 7202335 | 7295458 | + | Protein kinase, Y-linked | Novel | 0 | LTR10D/chrY:7207387-7207898:- |
TBL1Y | Y | 6838726 | 7019723 | + | Transducin beta-like 1Y | Novel | 0 | LTR10B1/chrY:6941150-6941640:+ |
ZNF561 | 19 | 9580139 | 9592899 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ90306. | Novel | 461 | LTR10C/chr19:9593360-9593927:- |
AF229804 | 17 | 602649 | 605326 | + | Endozepine-like protein type 2 mutant. | Novel | 665 | LTR10D/chr17:605991-606486:- |
AK126077 | 15 | 60337442 | 60340906 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ44089. | Novel | 1000 | LTR10E/chr15:60341906-60342562:- |
CNOT8 | 5 | 154218390 | 154236544 | + | CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 8 | Novel | 1345 | LTR10B1/chr5:154237889-154237970:+ |
HERC5 | 4 | 89597329 | 89646333 | + | Hect domain and RLD 5 | Novel | 1536 | MER61C/chr4:89595400-89595793:- |
GEMIN5 | 5 | 154247168 | 154297941 | - | Gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 5 | Novel | 1607 | LTR10B1/chr5:154245480-154245561:+ |
C1orf99 | 1 | 185876980 | 185879609 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC339476 | Novel | 1922 | LTR10B1/chr1:185874561-185875058:+ |
10034 | LTR10B1/chr1:185866567-185866946:+ | |||||||
232666 | MER61E/chr1:185643770-185644314:- | |||||||
TREML2 | 6 | 41267966 | 41276903 | - | Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like 2 | Novel | 2033 | MER61E/chr6:41265361-41265933:- |
ZNF33A | 10 | 38339619 | 38396287 | + | Zinc finger protein 33a (KOX 31) (Hypothetical protein FLJ23404). | Novel | 2148 | LTR10B1/chr10:38336982-38337471:+ |
ZNF11B | 10 | 42404560 | 42453998 | - | Zinc finger protein 33B,zinc finger protein 11B, | Novel | 2184 | LTR10B1/chr10:42456182-42456631:- |
ARSA | 22 | 49410321 | 49413442 | - | Arylsulfatase A precursor | Novel | 2588 | LTR10C/chr22:49407162-49407733:- |
ADH5 | 4 | 100211154 | 100228954 | - | Class III alcohol dehydrogenase 5 chi subunit | Novel | 2953 | LTR10C/chr4:100231907-100232418:- |
MED4 | 13 | 47548092 | 47567241 | - | Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, | Novel | 3188 | MER61C/chr13:47544507-47544904:+ |
8892 | MER61C/chr13:47538776-47539200:+ | |||||||
61467 | MER61C/chr13:47628708-47629043:+ | |||||||
BIRC8 | 19 | 58484667 | 58486687 | - | Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 8 | Novel | 3297 | LTR10E/chr19:58489984-58490610:- |
GCC2 | 2 | 108432067 | 108492285 | + | GRIP and coiled-coil domain-containing 2 isoform, | Novel | 3471 | MER61C/chr2:108428166-108428596:+ |
FAM12A | 14 | 20283938 | 20286378 | + | Human epididymis-specific 3 alpha precursor | Novel | 3632 | LTR10B1/chr14:20290010-20290441:+ |
GSTM1 | 1 | 110031964 | 110037889 | + | Glutathione S-transferase M1 isoform 1 | Novel | 3650 | LTR10C/chr1:110027792-110028314:+ |
OR52K2 | 11 | 4427145 | 4428090 | + | Olfactory receptor, family 52, subfamily K, | Novel | 3766 | LTR10B1/chr11:4431856-4432400:+ |
14015 | LTR10B1/chr11:4442105-4442294:+ | |||||||
LOC343066 | 1 | 12627152 | 12649683 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC343066 | Novel | 3784 | LTR10B1/chr1:12623287-12623368:- |
TMEM14C | 6 | 10831323 | 10839344 | + | Transmembrane protein 14C | Novel | 4206 | LTR10E/chr6:10826687-10827117:- |
CPA2 | 7 | 129693959 | 129716871 | + | Carboxypeptidase A2 (pancreatic) | Novel | 4271 | MER61C/chr7:129689265-129689688:+ |
AKR1B10 | 7 | 133862938 | 133876698 | + | Aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B10 | Novel | 4771 | LTR10D/chr7:133881469-133881975:+ |
SPANXB1 | X | 139912421 | 139913536 | + | Sperm protein associated with the nucleus, X | Novel | 4818 | LTR10E/chrX:139907222-139907603:- |
40630 | MER61C/chrX:139871388-139871791:+ | |||||||
CLCA2 | 1 | 86662412 | 86694826 | + | Calcium activated chloride channel 2 | Novel | 4911 | MER61E/chr1:86699737-86700133:- |
GLT6D1 | 9 | 137655322 | 137671207 | - | Galactosyltransferase family 6 domain containing 1. | Novel | 5027 | LTR10B1/chr9:137676234-137676798:+ |
AK123794 | 1 | 110052236 | 110054435 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ41800. | Novel | 5477 | LTR10C/chr1:110046237-110046759:+ |
AK131420 | 19 | 20768459 | 20787695 | + | DNA-binding protein (Fragment). | Novel | 6142 | LTR10C/chr19:20793837-20794414:- |
AK026467 | 19 | 40511929 | 40519980 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ22814. | Novel | 6146 | LTR10C/chr19:40505195-40505783:- |
KIAA1128 | 10 | 86078389 | 86268256 | + | Granule cell antiserum positive 14 | Novel | 6571 | MER61E/chr10:86274827-86275106:+ |
MFSD2 | 1 | 40193396 | 40208214 | + | Novel protein (Fragment).,major facilitator superfamily domain containing, | Novel | 6716 | LTR10D/chr1:40214930-40215444:- |
SEMA3C | 7 | 80209790 | 80386603 | - | Semaphorin 3C | Novel | 6763 | LTR10D/chr7:80202521-80203027:- |
IMPAD1 | 8 | 58034918 | 58037024 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ33669. | Novel | 6947 | MER61C/chr8:58027570-58027971:+ |
GAS7 | 17 | 9754650 | 10042593 | - | Growth-arrest-specific protein 7 (GAS-7).,growth arrest-specific 7 isoform b,growth arrest-specific 7 isoform c, | Novel | 7067 | MER61E/chr17:10049660-10050237:+ |
JMJD4 | 1 | 225985557 | 225989735 | - | Jumonji domain containing 4 | Novel | 7387 | LTR10E/chr1:225977717-225978170:- |
BTBD15 | 11 | 129608336 | 129689791 | - | BTBD15 protein. | Novel | 7554 | LTR10C/chr11:129697345-129697935:- |
GLYAT | 11 | 58232806 | 58256023 | - | Glycine-N-acyltransferase isoform a | Novel | 7838 | MER61C/chr11:58263861-58264290:+ |
AK123968 | 12 | 123997323 | 124003933 | - | DHX37 protein (Fragment). | Novel | 7853 | LTR10E/chr12:123988989-123989470:+ |
CHD1 | 5 | 98218808 | 98290138 | - | Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 | Novel | 8419 | MER61C/chr5:98210068-98210389:- |
15351 | MER61C/chr5:98203339-98203457:- | |||||||
ANKRD20A3 | 9 | 67516580 | 67560111 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC441425 | Novel | 8799 | MER61C/chr9:67568910-67569321:- |
ANKRD20A3 | 9 | 42358298 | 42401857 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC441425 | Novel | 8808 | MER61C/chr9:42410665-42411076:- |
FLJ25369 | 2 | 88605283 | 88610217 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC200523 | Novel | 8816 | LTR10B1/chr2:88619033-88619457:+ |
SCGB2A1 | 11 | 61732715 | 61737984 | + | Secretoglobin, family 2A, member 1 | Novel | 8871 | LTR10E/chr11:61746855-61747475:+ |
AK095499 | 20 | 1403235 | 1420042 | - | OTTHUMP00000029984. | Novel | 9070 | LTR10D/chr20:1429112-1429611:+ |
AKAP10 | 17 | 19749343 | 19821721 | - | A-kinase anchor protein 10 precursor | Novel | 9136 | LTR10D/chr17:19830857-19831019:- |
SAP130 | 2 | 128415266 | 128501337 | - | mSin3A-associated protein 130 | Novel | 9525 | LTR10B1/chr2:128510862-128511302:+ |
15577 | LTR10B1/chr2:128516914-128517369:+ | |||||||
AK092379 | 10 | 29783276 | 29786234 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ35060. | Novel | 9904 | MER61C/chr10:29772995-29773372:- |
ADAM21 | 14 | 69993969 | 69996374 | + | ADAM metallopeptidase domain 21 preproprotein | Novel | 10050 | MER61C/chr14:69983585-69983919:- |
SCGB1D4 | 11 | 61820329 | 61823112 | - | Secretoglobin family 1D member 4 | Novel | 10108 | LTR10D/chr11:61809726-61810221:+ |
OR1N1 | 9 | 124328457 | 124329393 | - | Olfactory receptor, family 1, subfamily N, | Novel | 10411 | MER61E/chr9:124339804-124340383:- |
CTBS | 1 | 84791394 | 84812751 | - | CTBS protein. | Novel | 11300 | MER61C/chr1:84824051-84824367:- |
KIAA1576 | 16 | 76379983 | 76571502 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC57687 | Novel | 11511 | LTR10B1/chr16:76583013-76583559:+ |
15768 | LTR10B1/chr16:76587270-76587732:+ | |||||||
C1orf88 | 1 | 111690744 | 111697156 | + | C1orf88 protein. | Novel | 11560 | LTR10D/chr1:111708716-111709215:- |
ASCL4 | 12 | 106692291 | 106694544 | + | Achaete-scute complex-like 4 | Novel | 11979 | MER61C/chr12:106706523-106706930:- |
HCG27 | 6 | 31278125 | 31279723 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 12320 | LTR10B1/chr6:31292043-31292549:+ |
CCL23 | 17 | 31364209 | 31369118 | - | Small inducible cytokine A23 isoform CKbeta8 | Novel | 12486 | LTR10D/chr17:31381604-31382116:+ |
CR609923 | 6 | 31479364 | 31491040 | + | Stress inducible class I homolog (OTTHUMP00000035033) (MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A). | Novel | 12747 | MER61E/chr6:31466049-31466617:- |
AF172850 | 1 | 142240478 | 142242715 | - | Melanoma antigen. | Novel | 12812 | MER61C/chr1:142227283-142227666:- |
AK097266 | 22 | 34392151 | 34394399 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ39947. | Novel | 13177 | MER61C/chr22:34407576-34408021:- |
AK127178 | 3 | 188397571 | 188408111 | - | Receptor-transporting protein 1. | Novel | 13391 | MER61C/chr3:188383770-188384180:+ |
TMEM12 | 10 | 129566103 | 129581201 | - | Transmembrane protein 12 | Novel | 14147 | LTR10B1/chr10:129551479-129551956:+ |
OPRK1 | 8 | 54300828 | 54326747 | - | Opioid receptor, kappa 1 | Novel | 15145 | LTR10B1/chr8:54341892-54342434:- |
21136 | LTR10B1/chr8:54347883-54348429:- | |||||||
HLA-B | 6 | 31429629 | 31432914 | - | Major histocompatibility complex, class I, B | Novel | 16276 | LTR10E/chr6:31412741-31413353:- |
24796 | LTR10E/chr6:31404210-31404833:- | |||||||
ARL6IP6 | 2 | 153283375 | 153325669 | + | ADP-ribosylation-like factor 6 interacting | Novel | 16919 | LTR10B1/chr2:153266099-153266456:+ |
LOC401357 | 7 | 56844310 | 56847923 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ46235.,hypothetical protein LOC401357, | Novel | 17215 | LTR10E/chr7:56826529-56827095:- |
AK128836 | 7 | 62855791 | 62865099 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ46348. | Novel | 17241 | LTR10E/chr7:62882340-62882906:+ |
RNASE1 | 14 | 20339355 | 20340876 | - | Pancreatic ribonuclease precursor | Novel | 17314 | MER61E/chr14:20358190-20358706:- |
THOC3 | 5 | 175319139 | 175327886 | - | THO complex 3 | Novel | 17397 | LTR10C/chr5:175345283-175345867:- |
ZNF141 | 4 | 321623 | 359045 | + | Zinc finger protein 141 (clone pHZ-44) | Novel | 17521 | LTR10C/chr4:376566-377136:+ |
C8orf22 | 8 | 50147459 | 50151195 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC492307 | Novel | 18411 | LTR10E/chr8:50169606-50170153:+ |
34345 | MER61E/chr8:50185540-50186107:+ | |||||||
27776 | LTR10E/chr8:50178971-50179518:+ | |||||||
C14orf101 | 14 | 56116263 | 56184038 | + | Protein C14orf101. | Novel | 18737 | MER61E/chr14:56202775-56203310:+ |
BDNF | 11 | 27633017 | 27637249 | - | brain-derived neurotrophic factor isoform b,brain-derived neurotrophic factor isoform c,brain-derived neurotrophic factor isoform a, | Novel | 18792 | MER61E/chr11:27613684-27614225:- |
BC045756 | 9 | 123257139 | 123301965 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 18998 | MER61E/chr9:123320963-123321456:- |
CACNG3 | 16 | 24174376 | 24281237 | + | Voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-3 | Novel | 19175 | LTR10B1/chr16:24300412-24300907:- |
AB037902 | 10 | 4917673 | 4924167 | - | Truncated aldo-keto reductase (Fragment). | Novel | 19195 | MER61C/chr10:4943362-4943782:+ |
26172 | MER61C/chr10:4950339-4950759:- | |||||||
PASD1 | X | 150482749 | 150595865 | + | Hypothetical protein (Fragment).,PAS domain containing 1, | Novel | 19576 | MER61C/chrX:150462906-150463173:- |
24853 | MER61C/chrX:150457511-150457896:- | |||||||
C21orf81 | 21 | 14237966 | 14274631 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC114035 | Novel | 20113 | MER61C/chr21:14217443-14217853:+ |
AK127450 | 10 | 43266236 | 43270106 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ45542. | Novel | 20269 | MER61C/chr10:43290375-43290649:- |
MS4A13 | 11 | 60039461 | 60066765 | + | Testis-expressed transmembrane-4 protein splice variant b.,testis-expressed transmembrane-4 protein, | Novel | 20757 | MER61C/chr11:60087522-60087964:- |
ALDH3B2 | 11 | 67186209 | 67198678 | - | Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3B2 | Novel | 20962 | LTR10E/chr11:67219640-67220243:- |
LOC144097 | 11 | 63337498 | 63351765 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC144097 | Novel | 21375 | LTR10E/chr11:63315566-63316123:+ |
MRGPRE | 11 | 3205617 | 3206636 | - | MAS-related GPR, member E | Novel | 21560 | LTR10E/chr11:3228196-3228755:- |
IGBP1 | X | 69270042 | 69302896 | + | Immunoglobulin binding protein 1 | Novel | 21734 | LTR10E/chrX:69247916-69248308:+ |
PPP2R5E | 14 | 62911107 | 63079832 | - | Epsilon isoform of regulatory subunit B56, | Novel | 21827 | MER61E/chr14:63101659-63102218:- |
TEX10 | 9 | 102104192 | 102154995 | - | Testis expressed sequence 10 | Novel | 22740 | MER61C/chr9:102177735-102178119:- |
ZAK | 2 | 173648810 | 173840982 | + | MLK-related kinase isoform 1 | Novel | 23206 | MER61E/chr2:173864188-173864741:- |
SPTA1 | 1 | 156847119 | 156923112 | - | Spectrin, alpha, erythrocytic 1 (elliptocytosis 2) | Novel | 23245 | LTR10C/chr1:156823294-156823874:+ |
SYBL1 | X | 154764212 | 154826614 | + | Synaptobrevin-like 1 | Novel | 24213 | MER61E/chrX:154850827-154851388:- |
SYBL1 | Y | 57623412 | 57685814 | + | Synaptobrevin-like 1 | Novel | 24213 | MER61E/chrY:57710027-57710588:- |
BC040290 | X | 84075812 | 84076551 | + | MGC42638 protein. | Novel | 24296 | LTR10C/chrX:84100847-84101463:+ |
BC026058 | 7 | 66405093 | 66422821 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ13195. | Novel | 24416 | MER61E/chr7:66447237-66447799:+ |
36892 | MER61E/chr7:66459713-66459937:- | |||||||
ACTR3B | 7 | 152087811 | 152183396 | + | Actin-related protein 3-beta | Novel | 25811 | LTR10E/chr7:152061391-152062000:- |
134530 | LTR10D/chr7:152317926-152318434:+ | |||||||
PCMTD1 | 8 | 52895285 | 52974211 | - | Protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 | Novel | 25909 | MER61C/chr8:53000120-53000537:- |
MGC44505 | 2 | 27213226 | 27215782 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC339779 | Novel | 26037 | LTR10B1/chr2:27241819-27242164:+ |
C1orf121 | 1 | 242882996 | 242938955 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC51029 | Novel | 26423 | MER61E/chr1:242965378-242965935:+ |
CUL1 | 7 | 148026865 | 148129134 | + | cullin 1 | Novel | 26563 | MER61C/chr7:147999968-148000302:- |
UBE2F | 2 | 238540438 | 238615415 | + | NEDD8-conjugating enzyme | Novel | 26981 | MER61E/chr2:238513057-238513457:- |
BC034966 | 1 | 181025494 | 181062778 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 27992 | MER61E/chr1:180997049-180997502:- |
UBE2G2 | 21 | 45013383 | 45046166 | - | Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 isoform 1 | Novel | 28338 | MER61C/chr21:44984637-44985045:+ |
ZNF322B | 9 | 98999357 | 99001731 | - | Zinc finger protein 322B | Novel | 28573 | MER61C/chr9:98970356-98970784:+ |
TFDP3 | X | 132178362 | 132180042 | - | Transcription factor Dp family, member 3 | Novel | 28736 | MER61E/chrX:132208778-132209314:+ |
POLE4 | 2 | 75039282 | 75050366 | + | DNA polymerase epsilon subunit 4 | Novel | 28779 | MER61C/chr2:75079145-75079555:- |
LOC399900 | 11 | 61491841 | 61493538 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC399900 | Novel | 29464 | LTR10E/chr11:61523002-61523592:+ |
NHLRC1 | 6 | 18228696 | 18230830 | - | Malin | Novel | 29771 | MER61E/chr6:18198405-18198925:- |
OR10H1 | 19 | 15778890 | 15779847 | - | Olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily H, | Novel | 29896 | LTR10C/chr19:15809743-15810265:+ |
SEC11L3 | 18 | 54958104 | 54977041 | + | SEC11-like 3 | Novel | 30146 | MER61C/chr18:55007187-55007475:- |
DDHD1 | 14 | 52582492 | 52689750 | - | DDHD domain containing 1 | Novel | 30675 | LTR10C/chr14:52720425-52721008:- |
SACS | 13 | 22800966 | 22840626 | - | Sacsin | Novel | 30741 | LTR10B1/chr13:22871367-22871916:+ |
CDC16 | 13 | 114018475 | 114056252 | + | CDC16 cell division cycle 16 homolog (S. cerevisiae), | Novel | 31047 | MER61C/chr13:113987067-113987428:- |
SERINC2 | 1 | 31658549 | 31680111 | + | Tumor differentially expressed 2-like | Novel | 32008 | LTR10E/chr1:31712119-31712753:+ |
LALBA | 12 | 47247734 | 47250096 | - | Lactalbumin, alpha- precursor | Novel | 32177 | LTR10B1/chr12:47282273-47282730:+ |
CR603663 | 5 | 138310310 | 138561964 | - | SIL1 protein precursor (BiP-associated protein precursor) (Hypothetical protein FLJ90696) (Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone SIL1, homolog of yeast). | Novel | 33742 | MER61E/chr5:138595706-138596169:- |
FLJ11193 | 5 | 31568150 | 31590671 | + | FLJ11193 protein.,hypothetical protein LOC55322, | Novel | 34034 | LTR10B1/chr5:31624705-31625243:- |
SIPA1L1 | 14 | 71065794 | 71275871 | + | Signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 1 | Novel | 34596 | MER61E/chr14:71310467-71311023:+ |
FLJ45974 | 7 | 53690695 | 53847118 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC401337 | Novel | 35237 | LTR10C/chr7:53654869-53655458:- |
357384 | MER61E/chr7:54204502-54205073:+ | |||||||
LHX8 | 1 | 75366706 | 75399804 | + | LIM homeobox 8 | Novel | 36139 | MER61C/chr1:75330267-75330567:- |
PLSCR1 | 3 | 147715657 | 147745186 | - | Phospholipid scramblase 1 | Novel | 37427 | MER61E/chr3:147782613-147783120:+ |
AK127327 | 7 | 48857907 | 48861767 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ45398. | Novel | 38123 | MER61C/chr7:48899890-48900289:+ |
ELMO1 | 7 | 36860491 | 37454981 | - | Engulfment and cell motility 1 | Novel | 39372 | LTR10E/chr7:37494353-37494900:- |
LOC388910 | 22 | 43343882 | 43346993 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC388910 | Novel | 39536 | LTR10E/chr22:43386529-43387156:- |
SLITRK4 | X | 142543610 | 142550685 | - | Slit and trk like 4 protein | Novel | 40073 | LTR10E/chrX:142502983-142503537:- |
MAGEA9 | X | 148671401 | 148677201 | + | Melanoma antigen family A, 9 | Novel | 41370 | LTR10C/chrX:148718571-148719078:+ |
BC045575 | 17 | 41053758 | 41071107 | + | MGC57346 protein. | Novel | 43401 | LTR10C/chr17:41009774-41010357:+ |
AUTS2 | 7 | 68702254 | 69895790 | + | Autism susceptibility candidate 2 | Novel | 43586 | LTR10E/chr7:69939376-69939764:+ |
56866 | LTR10E/chr7:69952656-69953047:+ | |||||||
TRPC4 | 13 | 37109001 | 37341939 | - | Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4. | Novel | 44990 | MER61E/chr13:37386929-37387480:- |
C6orf155 | 6 | 72180869 | 72187169 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC79940 | Novel | 46230 | MER61C/chr6:72134260-72134639:+ |
AKR1D1 | 7 | 137411735 | 137453590 | + | Aldo-keto reductase family 1, member D1 | Novel | 46237 | MER61E/chr7:137499827-137500394:- |
70073 | LTR10B1/chr7:137523663-137524149:- | |||||||
KCNK9 | 8 | 140693985 | 140784481 | - | Potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9 | Novel | 47591 | LTR10B1/chr8:140645843-140646394:- |
CEACAM21 | 19 | 46774370 | 46785033 | + | CEACAM3.,carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion, | Novel | 47614 | LTR10E/chr19:46726178-46726756:- |
OSBPL8 | 12 | 75269710 | 75477720 | - | MSTP120. | Novel | 48209 | MER61C/chr12:75525929-75526344:- |
BC058286 | 15 | 29148880 | 29181221 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 49007 | MER61E/chr15:29230228-29230726:+ |
TTTY14 | Y | 19553974 | 19698690 | - | Testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 14 | Novel | 49624 | LTR10B1/chrY:19748314-19748751:+ |
C5orf3 | 5 | 153351457 | 153398619 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC10827 | Novel | 50142 | LTR10B1/chr5:153300742-153301315:+ |
MGC46496 | 4 | 98699056 | 99283414 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC285555 | Novel | 50338 | LTR10E/chr4:99333752-99334374:- |
PNOC | 8 | 28230567 | 28256785 | + | Prepronociceptin | Novel | 50505 | LTR10C/chr8:28179465-28180062:- |
ZNF431 | 19 | 21116727 | 21160645 | + | Zinc finger protein 431 | Novel | 50758 | LTR10C/chr19:21211403-21211987:+ |
C12orf35 | 12 | 32029258 | 32037306 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ10652. | Novel | 50941 | LTR10B1/chr12:32088247-32088708:- |
MGC26718 | 18 | 14169095 | 14175368 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC440482 | Novel | 50952 | MER61C/chr18:14226320-14226730:- |
AF338194 | 21 | 18012926 | 18014603 | + | FKSG56 (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen HCA25b). | Novel | 51224 | MER61C/chr21:17961366-17961702:- |
AK122798 | 12 | 22995326 | 22997930 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ16370. | Novel | 51535 | MER61E/chr12:22943221-22943791:- |
119833 | MER61C/chr12:22875136-22875493:- | |||||||
CTGF | 6 | 132311017 | 132314147 | - | Connective tissue growth factor,connective tissue growth factor, | Novel | 52391 | LTR10B1/chr6:132366538-132366910:+ |
LOC139886 | X | 62483832 | 62487936 | - | Hypothetical protein.,hypothetical protein LOC139886, | Novel | 52743 | MER61E/chrX:62540679-62541234:- |
ZXDB | X | 57634993 | 57640631 | + | Zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated B | Novel | 53106 | MER61C/chrX:57693737-57694159:+ |
RALA | 7 | 39629686 | 39714240 | + | Ras related v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene | Novel | 53472 | LTR10B1/chr7:39767712-39767942:+ |
TXNRD1 | 12 | 103204856 | 103268188 | + | Thioredoxin reductase 1 | Novel | 53605 | LTR10E/chr12:103150646-103151251:- |
BC007251 | 14 | 31614386 | 31615519 | - | Hypothetical protein C14orf128. | Novel | 54133 | MER61E/chr14:31559678-31560253:- |
EPM2AIP1 | 3 | 37004234 | 37009799 | - | EPM2A interacting protein 1 | Novel | 54308 | LTR10D/chr3:36949436-36949926:+ |
GAS8 | 16 | 88616508 | 88638880 | + | Growth arrest-specific 8 | Novel | 54325 | LTR10C/chr16:88693205-88693797:+ |
PPP1R2P9 | X | 42521562 | 42522356 | - | Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2 pseudogene 9 | Novel | 55376 | LTR10C/chrX:42577732-42578322:+ |
191404 | MER61E/chrX:42713760-42714108:- | |||||||
198359 | MER61E/chrX:42720715-42721236:- | |||||||
KIAA1383 | 1 | 231007394 | 231010586 | - | KIAA1383 | Novel | 55654 | LTR10B1/chr1:230951168-230951740:+ |
KIAA0274 | 6 | 110119160 | 110253327 | + | Sac domain-containing inositol phosphatase 3 | Novel | 56521 | LTR10E/chr6:110309848-110310415:- |
TGFBR2 | 3 | 30622997 | 30710635 | + | TGF-beta type II receptor isoform A precursor,TGF-beta type II receptor isoform B precursor, | Novel | 57456 | MER61C/chr3:30565107-30565541:+ |
C9orf47 | 9 | 90795597 | 90798068 | + | Protein C9orf47 precursor. | Novel | 57762 | MER61C/chr9:90737449-90737835:- |
SLITRK1 | 13 | 83349344 | 83354529 | - | Slit and trk like 1 protein | Novel | 59305 | MER61E/chr13:83413834-83414381:+ |
IMMP2L | 7 | 110389603 | 110989774 | - | Hypothetical protein IMMP2L (Fragment). | Novel | 59727 | MER61E/chr7:111049501-111050068:+ |
SEMA3E | 7 | 82831157 | 83116260 | - | Semaphorin 3E | Novel | 59845 | MER61E/chr7:83176105-83176684:+ |
ZNF195 | 11 | 3335733 | 3356929 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp666D035. | Novel | 61175 | LTR10E/chr11:3273999-3274558:- |
C18orf2 | 18 | 1244389 | 1349440 | - | Putative C18orf2 variant 3.,hypothetical protein LOC56651, | Novel | 62443 | LTR10B1/chr18:1181470-1181946:- |
BC042429 | 2 | 94898148 | 94976810 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 63858 | MER61C/chr2:94833879-94834290:+ |
MCPH1 | 8 | 6251529 | 6488548 | + | Microcephaly, primary autosomal recessive 1,microcephalin, | Novel | 67097 | MER61C/chr8:6183988-6184432:+ |
KIAA1729 | 4 | 10050601 | 10068130 | - | CDNA FLJ25343 fis, clone TST01040.,hypothetical protein LOC85460, | Novel | 67747 | MER61C/chr4:9982463-9982854:- |
LOC348840 | 3 | 199269336 | 199291988 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ43952. | Novel | 69552 | LTR10C/chr3:199361540-199362132:+ |
TBX3 | 12 | 113592441 | 113606352 | - | T-box 3 protein isoform 2 | Novel | 69956 | MER61C/chr12:113522175-113522485:+ |
AK127532 | 20 | 46126627 | 46129816 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ45625. | Novel | 71056 | MER61E/chr20:46055049-46055571:- |
RANBP6 | 9 | 6001019 | 6005618 | - | RAN binding protein 6 | Novel | 71730 | LTR10D/chr9:6077348-6077859:+ |
CNTN1 | 12 | 39372624 | 39750361 | + | Contactin 1 isoform 1 precursor | Novel | 71990 | MER61C/chr12:39822351-39822771:- |
LOC442247 | 6 | 112775224 | 112779191 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC442247 | Novel | 75222 | LTR10C/chr6:112854413-112854805:+ |
KIF5B | 10 | 32340076 | 32385221 | - | Kinesin family member 5B | Novel | 76031 | MER61C/chr10:32461252-32461647:- |
NY-REN-7 | 5 | 177082971 | 177140283 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC285596 | Novel | 76867 | LTR10C/chr5:177217150-177217734:+ |
THRAP1 | 17 | 57377823 | 57497425 | - | Thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 1 | Novel | 78854 | MER61E/chr17:57576279-57576682:+ |
YTHDC2 | 5 | 112877308 | 112958878 | + | YTH domain containing 2,YTH domain containing 2, | Novel | 79654 | MER61E/chr5:113038532-113039089:- |
AK125309 | X | 6154398 | 6158332 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ43319. | Novel | 80482 | MER61E/chrX:6238814-6239343:- |
BC047021 | 11 | 114545165 | 114880451 | - | Secretory isoform of TSLC-1. | Novel | 82911 | MER61E/chr11:114963362-114963912:- |
RCBTB2 | 13 | 47961101 | 48005317 | - | Regulator of chromosome condensation and BTB | Novel | 85921 | MER61E/chr13:48091238-48091800:+ |
CACNA1B | 9 | 139892061 | 140136452 | + | Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, | Novel | 87912 | LTR10C/chr9:140224364-140224956:+ |
FGF10 | 5 | 44340853 | 44424541 | - | Fibroblast growth factor 10 precursor | Novel | 90479 | MER61E/chr5:44515020-44515577:+ |
CR604753 | 14 | 65548904 | 65550391 | - | RcNSEP1 (Fragment). | Novel | 90647 | MER61C/chr14:65641038-65641418:+ |
TRIM36 | 5 | 114488365 | 114543755 | - | HAPRIN-a2 (Fragment). | Novel | 91493 | MER61E/chr5:114396375-114396872:+ |
199507 | MER61C/chr5:114288427-114288858:+ | |||||||
SH2D4B | 10 | 82287637 | 82396296 | + | SH2 domain containing 4B | Novel | 100971 | LTR10D/chr10:82497267-82497773:+ |
158921 | LTR10B1/chr10:82555217-82555617:+ | |||||||
531222 | LTR10E/chr10:82927518-82928045:- | |||||||
797722 | MER61C/chr10:83194018-83194437:+ | |||||||
ZFP64 | 20 | 50133957 | 50241931 | - | Zinc finger protein 64 isoform d | Novel | 105480 | MER61E/chr20:50028054-50028477:+ |
PABPCP2 | 2 | 147061730 | 147065027 | + | Poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic, pseudogene 2 | Novel | 106005 | MER61E/chr2:147171032-147171598:- |
FLJ21908 | 12 | 46343341 | 46386041 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC79657 | Novel | 106457 | MER61E/chr12:46236356-46236884:+ |
PVRL3 | 3 | 112273415 | 112335509 | + | PVRL3 protein. | Novel | 106829 | LTR10C/chr3:112166014-112166586:- |
FAM3C | 7 | 120776140 | 120823577 | - | Predicted osteoblast protein | Novel | 109382 | LTR10B1/chr7:120932959-120933434:- |
114705 | LTR10B1/chr7:120938282-120938743:- | |||||||
C18orf21 | 18 | 31806585 | 31813238 | + | Chromosome 18 open reading frame 21 | Novel | 109948 | MER61E/chr18:31696086-31696637:+ |
AF217970 | 8 | 8135302 | 8139795 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 113723 | LTR10E/chr8:8253518-8254097:- |
117748 | LTR10E/chr8:8257543-8258196:- | |||||||
BPY2 | Y | 25586439 | 25607639 | - | Variable charge, Y chromosome, 2 protein | Novel | 114273 | LTR10E/chrY:25721912-25722492:+ |
BPY2 | Y | 25173538 | 25194738 | + | Variable charge, Y chromosome, 2 protein | Novel | 114276 | LTR10E/chrY:25058673-25059262:- |
BPY2 | Y | 23539797 | 23560996 | + | Variable charge, Y chromosome, 2 protein | Novel | 114284 | LTR10E/chrY:23424933-23425513:- |
SOCS6 | 18 | 66107242 | 66145328 | + | Suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 | Novel | 115946 | LTR10B1/chr18:66261274-66261742:- |
SMC2L1 | 9 | 105896427 | 105941758 | + | Structural maintenance of chromosomes 2-like 1 | Novel | 116396 | LTR10E/chr9:106058154-106058717:+ |
C18orf34 | 18 | 28771586 | 29274683 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC374864 | Novel | 119902 | MER61C/chr18:29394585-29394973:- |
125810 | MER61C/chr18:29400493-29400904:- | |||||||
HS3ST4 | 16 | 25610847 | 26056509 | + | Heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl | Novel | 122677 | MER61E/chr16:25487609-25488170:- |
137947 | MER61E/chr16:25472353-25472900:- | |||||||
PAMCI | 12 | 84722461 | 84754214 | - | Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase | Novel | 122769 | LTR10C/chr12:84599118-84599692:+ |
PHF17 | 4 | 129950307 | 130004685 | + | Jade1 protein short isoform | Novel | 123270 | MER61E/chr4:129826501-129827037:- |
TMTC4 | 13 | 100054188 | 100125050 | - | OTTHUMP00000018649. | Novel | 124063 | MER61E/chr13:100249113-100249504:- |
ZNF664 | 12 | 123023622 | 123065920 | + | Zinc finger protein 664 | Novel | 127141 | MER61E/chr12:123193061-123193632:+ |
BC020894 | 11 | 111636197 | 111637327 | + | Placenta expressed transcript 1 (Fragment). | Novel | 127205 | MER61E/chr11:111764532-111765062:+ |
AL832377 | 22 | 16336627 | 16413032 | + | Hypothetical protein DKFZp451I027 (Hypothetical protein DKFZp451G017) | Novel | 127547 | LTR10D/chr22:16208893-16209080:+ |
C12orf28 | 12 | 68606703 | 68638770 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC196446 | Novel | 132113 | MER61E/chr12:68770883-68771441:- |
FLJ11151 | 16 | 12664437 | 12805225 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC55313 | Novel | 136473 | LTR10B1/chr16:12941698-12942092:+ |
ITM2A | X | 78502536 | 78509703 | - | Integral membrane protein 2A | Novel | 138586 | MER61C/chrX:78648289-78648717:+ |
148338 | MER61C/chrX:78658041-78658464:+ | |||||||
FLJ25422 | 5 | 36284861 | 36337761 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC202151 | Novel | 140265 | MER61E/chr5:36478026-36478546:- |
NEUROD4 | 12 | 53706622 | 53710065 | + | NEUROD4 protein. | Novel | 142744 | MER61C/chr12:53852809-53853211:+ |
EDIL3 | 5 | 83273881 | 83716367 | - | EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like | Novel | 154743 | LTR10C/chr5:83871110-83871700:+ |
935637 | MER61C/chr5:84652004-84652413:- | |||||||
FLJ36004 | 12 | 25520311 | 25597453 | - | FLJ36004 protein.,hypothetical protein FLJ36004, | Novel | 157834 | LTR10E/chr12:25755287-25755821:- |
AK125281 | 7 | 291780 | 294704 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ43291. | Novel | 158227 | LTR10C/chr7:132964-133553:- |
STXBP5 | 6 | 147566567 | 147748584 | + | Tomosyn | Novel | 159118 | LTR10C/chr6:147406898-147407449:- |
FLJ41649 | 6 | 40420061 | 40431723 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC401260 | Novel | 159846 | LTR10B1/chr6:40259618-40260215:- |
AL833119 | 11 | 22798432 | 22807957 | - | Small VCP/p97-interacting protein. | Novel | 162836 | LTR10B1/chr11:22970793-22971241:- |
170444 | LTR10B1/chr11:22978401-22978851:- | |||||||
RNF190 | 17 | 58132407 | 58239437 | - | Ring finger protein 190,ring finger protein 190,hypothetical protein LOC162333, | Novel | 168236 | LTR10C/chr17:58407673-58408286:+ |
LSAMP | 3 | 117011839 | 117647068 | - | Limbic system-associated membrane protein | Novel | 172637 | MER61E/chr3:117819705-117820271:+ |
NDUFA4 | 7 | 10939339 | 10946338 | - | NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha | Novel | 173387 | LTR10B1/chr7:10765411-10765952:- |
FSTL5 | 4 | 162524500 | 163304636 | - | Follistatin-like 5,follistatin-like 5, | Novel | 174133 | LTR10D/chr4:163478769-163479120:- |
FSIP2 | 2 | 186318511 | 186339521 | + | Fibrous sheath interacting protein 2 | Novel | 177237 | MER61C/chr2:186140845-186141274:- |
MAGEB6 | X | 26120477 | 26123683 | + | Melanoma antigen family B, 6 | Novel | 178106 | MER61C/chrX:26301789-26302220:- |
LARGE | 22 | 31999062 | 32646410 | - | Like-glycosyltransferase | Novel | 179218 | LTR10C/chr22:32825628-32826208:+ |
ZNF521 | 18 | 20895888 | 21186114 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ11390. | Novel | 181074 | MER61E/chr18:21367188-21367732:+ |
BCKDHB | 6 | 80873082 | 81112709 | + | Branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide (maple syrup urine disease) | Novel | 189780 | LTR10E/chr6:81302489-81303019:- |
CPXCR1 | X | 87888911 | 87896435 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC53336 | Novel | 189896 | MER61E/chrX:88086331-88086883:+ |
PEX5L | 3 | 181001547 | 181237419 | - | Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5-like | Novel | 190610 | MER61C/chr3:181428029-181428470:+ |
198573 | MER61C/chr3:181435992-181436423:+ | |||||||
ANXA10 | 4 | 169250281 | 169345466 | + | Annexin A10 | Novel | 195092 | MER61C/chr4:169054859-169055189:- |
HDHD1A | X | 6976960 | 7076189 | - | Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain | Novel | 195615 | MER61E/chrX:6780792-6781345:- |
OLFM3 | 1 | 102040722 | 102235136 | - | NOELIN3_V3. | Novel | 197481 | MER61C/chr1:102432617-102432991:+ |
GK2 | 4 | 80546531 | 80548396 | - | Glycerol kinase 2 | Novel | 199426 | LTR10C/chr4:80346517-80347105:+ |
ZPLD1 | 3 | 103636548 | 103681375 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC131368 | Novel | 212775 | MER61C/chr3:103894150-103894571:- |
FIGN | 2 | 164173068 | 164300763 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ22094.,fidgetin, | Novel | 217187 | MER61E/chr2:164517950-164518512:- |
C20orf19 | 20 | 21054662 | 21163377 | + | OTTHUMP00000030398. | Novel | 225379 | MER61C/chr20:20828862-20829283:- |
KU-MEL-3 | 6 | 4555844 | 4557151 | + | KU-MEL-3 protein | Novel | 226284 | LTR10B1/chr6:4329116-4329560:+ |
AK026367 | Y | 21954251 | 22023120 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ22714. | Novel | 230929 | LTR10B1/chrY:21722856-21723322:- |
TRIM61 | 4 | 166095049 | 166118268 | - | Tripartite motif-containing 61 | Novel | 233089 | MER61E/chr4:165861385-165861960:+ |
PAPSS1 | 4 | 108754271 | 108860741 | - | Hypothetical protein PAPSS1 (Fragment). | Novel | 233633 | LTR10D/chr4:108520140-108520638:+ |
PTER | 10 | 16518972 | 16595742 | + | Phosphotriesterase related | Novel | 239626 | LTR10B1/chr10:16278784-16279346:+ |
VCX | X | 7770302 | 7772183 | + | Variable charge, X chromosome | Novel | 240298 | LTR10C/chrX:7529624-7530004:+ |
ARPP-21 | 3 | 35657513 | 35810953 | + | ARPP-21 protein. | Novel | 247698 | MER61C/chr3:35409370-35409815:+ |
AK124203 | 12 | 58292689 | 58294872 | + | Hypothetical protein FLJ42209. | Novel | 254369 | MER61C/chr12:58037896-58038320:+ |
RGS18 | 1 | 190394214 | 190421566 | + | Regulator of G-protein signalling 18 | Novel | 256351 | MER61C/chr1:190137561-190137863:+ |
JAG1 | 20 | 10566333 | 10602590 | - | Jagged 1 precursor | Novel | 259987 | MER61C/chr20:10862577-10862995:- |
COL22A1 | 8 | 139669660 | 139995418 | - | Collagen, type XXII, alpha 1 | Novel | 265346 | MER61E/chr8:140260764-140261320:- |
CTNNA2 | 2 | 79593633 | 80729415 | + | Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 2 | Novel | 277342 | MER61C/chr2:81006757-81007186:- |
GLULD1 | 6 | 64047518 | 64087841 | - | Glutamate-ammonia ligase (glutamine synthase) | Novel | 280018 | LTR10D/chr6:63766992-63767500:- |
CR625823 | 13 | 81162046 | 81163187 | + | OTTHUMP00000018545. | Novel | 294216 | MER61C/chr13:80867532-80867830:- |
TRHDE | 12 | 70952729 | 71345688 | + | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone degrading enzyme | Novel | 309399 | LTR10B1/chr12:71655087-71655653:- |
SUCLA2 | 13 | 47414792 | 47473427 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp564P2062 (Fragment). | Novel | 310664 | MER61C/chr13:47103713-47104128:- |
IL7 | 8 | 79807560 | 79880313 | - | Interleukin 7 precursor | Novel | 314234 | LTR10B1/chr8:80194547-80195104:+ |
318575 | LTR10B1/chr8:80198888-80199442:+ | |||||||
GRAMD3 | 5 | 125786999 | 125857945 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC65983 | Novel | 314498 | MER61C/chr5:125472105-125472501:+ |
POU1F1 | 3 | 87391472 | 87408427 | - | POU domain, class 1, transcription factor 1 | Novel | 330535 | LTR10B1/chr3:87738962-87739513:- |
PDGFC | 4 | 157902213 | 158111996 | - | Platelet-derived growth factor C precursor | Novel | 343451 | MER61C/chr4:157558372-157558762:+ |
TUBA2 | 13 | 18645919 | 18653936 | - | Tubulin, alpha 2 isoform 2 | Novel | 348607 | MER61C/chr13:18296902-18297312:+ |
IMMP2L | 7 | 110090345 | 110989583 | - | IMP2 inner mitochondrial membrane protease-like | Novel | 353887 | MER61C/chr7:109736058-109736458:- |
KHDRBS2 | 6 | 62447823 | 63054091 | - | KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal | Novel | 357752 | MER61E/chr6:63411843-63412370:- |
LPHN3 | 4 | 62045433 | 62620762 | + | Latrophilin 3 precursor | Novel | 358959 | MER61C/chr4:62979721-62980154:- |
KCTD12 | 13 | 76355305 | 76358371 | - | Potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12 | Novel | 360812 | MER61C/chr13:75994060-75994493:- |
TTTY11 | Y | 8711362 | 8745423 | - | Testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 11 | Novel | 361162 | LTR10E/chrY:8349613-8350200:- |
LRP1B | 2 | 140705465 | 142605740 | - | Low density lipoprotein-related protein 1B | Novel | 366017 | MER61E/chr2:140338912-140339448:+ |
CBLB | 3 | 106859799 | 107070577 | - | Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral | Novel | 367524 | MER61C/chr3:107438101-107438454:+ |
SQRDL | 15 | 43714547 | 43770770 | + | Sulfide dehydrogenase like | Novel | 378170 | LTR10B1/chr15:44148940-44149513:- |
ZWINT | 10 | 57787204 | 57791040 | - | ZW10 interactor isoform a | Novel | 384331 | MER61C/chr10:58175371-58175700:+ |
ZNF659 | 3 | 21437672 | 21767820 | - | Zinc finger protein 659 | Novel | 392411 | MER61C/chr3:21044841-21045261:- |
USP9Y | Y | 13322553 | 13482162 | + | Ubiquitin specific peptidase 9, Y-linked (fat facets-like, Drosophila), | Novel | 394784 | MER61E/chrY:12927214-12927769:+ |
793316 | LTR10E/chrY:12528686-12529237:+ | |||||||
NCAM2 | 21 | 21292503 | 21833085 | + | Neural cell adhesion molecule 2 precursor | Novel | 405508 | MER61E/chr21:20886462-20886995:- |
NMUR2 | 5 | 151751302 | 151765017 | - | Neuromedin U receptor 2 | Novel | 406761 | LTR10B1/chr5:152171778-152172248:+ |
MAN1A1 | 6 | 119540967 | 119712625 | - | Mannosidase, alpha, class 1A, member 1 | Novel | 415015 | LTR10D/chr6:120127640-120128136:- |
SORCS1 | 10 | 108323411 | 108914282 | - | SORCS receptor 1 isoform b | Novel | 420801 | MER61E/chr10:109335083-109335653:- |
875193 | LTR10B1/chr10:109789475-109789907:- | |||||||
CSMD3 | 8 | 113304332 | 114518418 | - | CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3,CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 isoform 1,CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 isoform 2, | Novel | 422084 | MER61C/chr8:114940502-114940919:+ |
BC024198 | 6 | 66554492 | 66555911 | + | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 425406 | MER61C/chr6:66981317-66981668:+ |
FLJ21511 | 4 | 48683021 | 48758850 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC80157 | Novel | 432882 | MER61C/chr4:49191732-49192135:+ |
CDH9 | 5 | 26916465 | 27074431 | - | Cadherin 9, type 2 (T1-cadherin) | Novel | 433507 | MER61C/chr5:27507938-27508351:+ |
438976 | MER61C/chr5:27513407-27513859:+ | |||||||
TMEFF2 | 2 | 192522993 | 192767889 | - | Transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains 2 | Novel | 460932 | MER61C/chr2:193228821-193229249:- |
TUSC3 | 8 | 15442100 | 15666364 | + | Tumor suppressor candidate 3 isoform a | Novel | 461931 | MER61C/chr8:14979766-14980169:+ |
LRRC7 | 1 | 69806720 | 70113275 | + | OTTHUMP00000065338. | Novel | 512632 | MER61E/chr1:69293523-69294088:+ |
AK094187 | 3 | 75861802 | 75864437 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ36868. | Novel | 520444 | MER61C/chr3:75341027-75341358:+ |
LOC119710 | 11 | 36572644 | 36637396 | + | LOC119710 protein (HEPIS). | Novel | 521457 | LTR10C/chr11:37158853-37159443:- |
HTR2C | X | 113724806 | 114050880 | + | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C | Novel | 523352 | MER61E/chrX:113200890-113201454:+ |
CDH11 | 16 | 63538185 | 63713420 | - | Cadherin 11, type 2 preproprotein | Novel | 524536 | MER61E/chr16:63013116-63013649:- |
CNTN3 | 3 | 74394411 | 74653033 | - | Contactin 3 | Novel | 527274 | MER61E/chr3:75180307-75180867:- |
C14orf106 | 14 | 44742143 | 44792146 | - | Chromosome 14 open reading frame 106 | Novel | 532139 | MER61E/chr14:45324285-45324840:+ |
539914 | MER61E/chr14:45332060-45332677:+ | |||||||
AK097143 | 6 | 141944498 | 142393247 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ39824. | Novel | 541292 | MER61C/chr6:141402974-141403206:+ |
CENTD1 | 4 | 35744016 | 35837758 | - | Centaurin delta 1 isoform b | Novel | 545610 | MER61C/chr4:35197979-35198406:- |
CTNND2 | 5 | 11024951 | 11957110 | - | Catenin (cadherin-associated protein), delta 2 | Novel | 556857 | LTR10E/chr5:12513967-12514574:+ |
AK127969 | 13 | 63300980 | 63315575 | - | Hypothetical protein FLJ46084. | Novel | 578754 | MER61C/chr13:62721936-62722226:+ |
DUSP26 | 8 | 33568392 | 33576981 | - | DUSP26 protein.,dual specificity phosphatase 26, | Novel | 597007 | MER61C/chr8:34173988-34174411:- |
CDH5 | 16 | 64958063 | 64996189 | + | Cadherin 5, type 2 preproprotein,cadherin 5, type 2, VE-cadherin (vascular epithelium), | Novel | 597233 | MER61E/chr16:64360267-64360830:- |
MAT2B | 5 | 162865197 | 162878911 | + | Hypothetical protein Nbla02999. | Novel | 600394 | MER61C/chr5:163479305-163479721:- |
DMD | X | 31047265 | 33267647 | - | Dystrophin Dp427c isoform,dystrophin Dp427m isoform,dystrophin Dp427p1 isoform,dystrophin Dp427p2 isoform,dystrophin (muscular dystrophy, Duchenne and Becker types), | Novel | 616598 | MER61E/chrX:33884245-33884822:- |
FLJ40296 | 13 | 56613052 | 56616074 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC122183 | Novel | 628035 | LTR10E/chr13:55984487-55985017:+ |
RP1-32F7.2 | X | 92815860 | 92853917 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC286499 | Novel | 648495 | MER61C/chrX:93502412-93502847:- |
SLITRK5 | 13 | 87122870 | 87129869 | + | SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 5 | Novel | 651005 | LTR10D/chr13:87780874-87781380:+ |
LOC203413 | X | 115506879 | 115508165 | - | Hypothetical protein LOC203413 | Novel | 682661 | MER61C/chrX:116190826-116191248:+ |
RWDD3 | 1 | 95472354 | 95485361 | + | RWD domain containing 3 | Novel | 685826 | MER61C/chr1:96171187-96171618:- |
AF116706 | 3 | 147265047 | 147266852 | + | PRO2533. | Novel | 706595 | LTR10B1/chr3:146558068-146558452:- |
710115 | LTR10D/chr3:146554439-146554932:- | |||||||
TSN | 2 | 122229590 | 122241896 | + | Translin | Novel | 752017 | MER61E/chr2:122993913-122994478:+ |
NUDT12 | 5 | 102912455 | 102926389 | - | Nudix -type motif 12 | Novel | 753901 | LTR10E/chr5:103680290-103680808:+ |
BC040320 | 13 | 90798074 | 90804830 | + | Chromosome 13 open reading frame 25 variant 1 (OTTHUMP00000018549). | Novel | 755383 | MER61E/chr13:90042154-90042691:+ |
BC068609 | 19 | 33618134 | 33910427 | - | Hypothetical protein. | Novel | 775480 | LTR10E/chr19:32842071-32842654:- |
DPP10 | 2 | 114916368 | 116318406 | + | Dipeptidyl peptidase 10 isoform long | Novel | 814725 | MER61C/chr2:117133131-117133397:- |
KCNC2 | 12 | 73720123 | 73888051 | - | Kv3.2d voltage-gated potassium channel.,Shaw-related voltage-gated potassium channel, | Novel | 835464 | MER61E/chr12:72883942-72884659:+ |
HACE1 | 6 | 105282660 | 105414451 | - | Hypothetical protein DKFZp434M0621. | Novel | 848041 | MER61C/chr6:104434189-104434619:+ |
DKFZp564N2472 | 7 | 53070842 | 53072111 | + | Hypothetical protein LOC285877 | Novel | 851069 | LTR10E/chr7:52219160-52219773:+ |
NDST4 | 4 | 115968379 | 116254481 | - | N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase | Novel | 855823 | MER61C/chr4:117110304-117110643:- |
FRK | 6 | 116369386 | 116488614 | - | Fyn-related kinase | Novel | 870157 | LTR10B1/chr6:115498692-115499229:+ |
MYOM2 | 8 | 1980654 | 2080779 | + | Myomesin 2 | Novel | 933893 | LTR10D/chr8:3014672-3015125:+ |
TRIB2 | 2 | 12774658 | 12800307 | + | Tribbles homolog 2 | Novel | 939249 | LTR10E/chr2:13739556-13740110:+ |
GRIK2 | 6 | 101953674 | 102623474 | + | Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2,glutamate receptor 6 isoform 1 precursor,glutamate receptor 6 isoform 2 precursor, | Novel | 971980 | MER61C/chr6:103595454-103595782:- |
CDY2B | Y | 18499533 | 18501493 | - | Y chromosome chromodomain protein 2B | Novel | 990805 | MER61E/chrY:17508181-17508728:- |
PRKX | X | 3532412 | 3641649 | - | Protein kinase, X-linked | Novel | 997027 | MER61E/chrX:4638676-4639232:+ |
Genes that are closest to but no further than 1 Mb from p53 site-containing LTRs. The Gene symbol column contains names of genes used in the University of California Santa Cruz Genome Browser Database; Chromosome column contains the chromosome on which the gene resides; txStart indicates transcription start site; txEnd indicates transcription termination site; strand indicates on which strand the gene resides; Description contains a general description of the gene; p53 target column indicates if the gene is a known target of p53 or a novel predicted target; distance indicates the genomic interval between the ERV element and the gene, with 0 indicating that the element is within gene boundary (in introns); LTR column gives the name of the ERV that contains p53 sites as well as its genomic location and strand orientation.
Table 7. Primers used
Primer name | Sequence | Purpose | Target | Target genomic location |
DHX37f | GGGTGGGAGGAGTGACTTTT | ChIP-qPCR | DHX37 | chr12:123989165-123989620 |
NEOf | AAATAGTCAACAAGCATGGTAAAAA | ChIP-qPCR | Neogenin | chr15:71244907-71245405 |
PTPRMf | CACCATGCAGGAGTTGAAGA | ChIP-qPCR | PTPRM | chr18:7718203-7718546 |
TMEM12f | CAGGGAGGGGGCAGGAGTG | ChIP-qPCR | TMEM12 | chr10:129551335-129551676 |
TWo1 | GCTGGCAGGTCTGAGTAACC | qRT-PCR | TP53AP1 | chr7:86808814-86808912 |
TWo5 | CTGGAGACTCTCAGGGTCGAA | qRT-PCR | p21 | chr6:36760257-36761642 |
TWo11 | GCTCGGTGCATCCTTCGTTTTT | qRT-PCR | TMEM12 | chr10:129566461-129566682 |
TWo13 | CTACTGCCTGCTGCTGCTC | qRT-PCR | Neogenin | chr15:71132123-71195975 |
TWo17 | CGGCGCTACAACATCAAG | qRT-PCR | DHX37 | chr12:124036741-124039506 |
TWo21 | GGTGAACATGGTGCAAACAG | qRT-PCR | PTPRM | chr18:8366574-8368324 |
TWo53 | AAAAGGTACCTGCTTCAATCCTGTTGGTGT | Cloning | MER61E (TP53AP1) | chr7:86797981-86798595 |
TWo55 | AAAAGGTACCAACTTTCCTGCGTAGTCCACA | Cloning | LTR10B1 (TMEM12) | chr10:129551442-129551991 |
TWo57 | AAAAGGTACCAGCAGGTATGGGGGTGGTATCACAGT | Cloning | MER61E (Neogenin) | chr15:71244860-71245577 |
TWo59 | AAAAGGTACCAAAAATTAAAAGGGAAGGAAA | Cloning | LTR10E (DHX37) | chr12:123988958-123989525 |
TWo61 | AAAAGGTACCTGCCTTTTAACCAATGGAATG | Cloning | MER61C (PTPRM) | chr18:7718173-7718582 |
qRT-PCR, quantitative RT-PCR.
SI Text
Sequence Data Sources
The University of California Santa Cruz assemblies and RepeatMasker libraries we used per species are: human (Mar2006/hg18/RM051101), chimp (Mar2006/panTro2/RM060120), macaque (Jan2006/rheMac2/RM20060120), mouse (Feb2006/mm8/RM060120), and rat (Nov2004/rn4/RM060314).
A database of nucleotide sequences of the entire tree of life was assembled by collecting all public nucleotide sequences from the National Center for Biotechnology Information databases including gss (genome survey sequence database), htgs (high-throughput genomic sequence database), nt (nucleotide database), refseq (RefSeq database), wgs (whole genome short gun sequence database), env_nt (environmental nucleotide database), and trace achieves. Description of these databases can be obtained at Location of traces is at, and location of databases is at Sequences were replaced with the most recent genome assembly for all species with currently assembled genomes. The database contains a total of half a trillion bases of sequence.
Cell Culture
HCT116 cells (p53+/+) and p53-null derivatives, provided by Bert Vogelstein (John Hopkins University, Baltimore), were grown in McCoy's 5A medium supplemented with 10% FBS at 37°C.
ChIP assays were performed according to the Upstate Biotechnology protocol with some modifications. A total of 5 ´ 106 HCT116 p53+/+ cells in 10-cm dishes were treated with 375 mM 5-FU for 6 h, then fixed in 1% formaldehyde for 10 min. Cross-linking was stopped with the addition of 125 mM glycine for 10 min at room temperature. Cross-linked cells were washed twice with cold PBS and resuspended in 1% SDS, 50 mM Tris (pH 8.1), and 10 mM EDTA on ice for 10 min. Cross-linked DNA was sonicated under conditions optimized to generate DNA fragments between 200 and 1,000 nt, diluted with ChIP dilution buffer (Upstate), and then precleared with 50% protein A-agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA gel slurry (Upstate) for 1 h at 4°C. Precleared DNA was incubated overnight at 4°C with 10 mg anti-p53 antibody (DO-1; Santa Cruz) or normal mouse IgG antibody as negative control. The next day, 50% protein A-agarose/Salmon Sperm DNA gel slurry (Upstate) was added. After 1 h, beads were collected by centrifugation at 1,000 × g for 2 min and then washed according to the Upstate ChIP protocol. Proteins were eluted from the beads with 500 ml of elution buffer (1% NaHCO 3, 1% SDS) at room temperature for 30 min. Elutes were de-crosslinked with 20 ml of 5 M NaCl, incubated at 65°C for 4 h and digested for 1 h with 40 mg of proteinase K, 20 ml of 1M Tris-HCl (pH 6.5) and 10 ml of 0.5 M EDTA for 1 h at 45°C. DNA was isolated with the Qiagen gel purification kit and analyzed by PCR amplification with primers designed for the ERV LTRs in the proximity of the following genes: DHX37, Neogenin, PTPRM, TMEM12. Please see SI Table 7.
SYBR Green-Based Real-Time Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
A total of 3 ´ 106 HCT116 p53+/+ and p53-/- cells in 60-mm plates were treated with 375 mM 5-FU for 24 h, 0.6 mg/ml doxorubicin for 24 h or 60 J/m2 of UV irradiation with 24 h of recovery. RNA was isolated with Trizol reagent (Invitrogen) and cDNA was generated with SuperScriptIII reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) and random hexanucleotide primer. cDNAs were added to 20-ml reaction mixtures containing 10 ml of 2´ Bio-Rad SYBR Green supermix and gene-specific primers. Please refer to SI Table 7 for primer sequences. The cDNAs were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR on a Rotor Gene 6000 machine (Corbett Research). A melting curve was used to identify a temperature where only the amplicon, and not primer dimers, accounted for the SYBR green-bound fluorescence. CT values (threshold cycle values) were determined by Rotor Gene 6000 Series software. Each experiment was performed independently three times (biological triplicates), and each biological sample was assayed three times (technical triplicates). All data were normalized to an internal standard (b-actin). Specifically, DCT values were calculated for each sample with respect to the internal standard. Mean and variance were calculated, and 95% confidence intervals were determined by assuming normal distribution of data. The mean and confidence intervals were then exponentiated to reflect relative expression levels. The displayed relative expression levels were scaled relative to the mean of p53 (-/-) with no treatment (designated as 1).
Reporter Gene Assays
The firefly luciferase reporter plasmid pp53-TA-Luc (Clontech) was used for the cloning of all LTR reporter constructs (1). Five genomic LTR fragments were chosen for the reporter gene assay. Primers were designed for PCR amplification of individual LTR fragments from the human genomic DNA (Promega), and a KpnI site and a BglII site were introduced to either end of the PCR products. Please refer to SI Table 7 for primer sequences. PCR products were digested by KpnI and BglII (NEB) and ligated to pp53-TA-Luc backbone (digested with KpnI and BglII) which provides a minimal TA promoter, the TATA box from the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter. Each experiment was performed with biological triplicates. HCT116 p53+/+ and p53-/- cells were incubated in 96-well plates at a concentration of 8,000 cells per well. FuGENE 6 (Roche) was used to cotransfect cells with LTR firefly luciferase plasmid and a Renilla luciferase control plasmid following the manufacturer's instruction. Cells were treated 24 h after transfection. Three treatments, 375 mM 5-FU for 24 h, 0.6 mg/ml doxorubicin for 24 h, or 60 J/m2 of UV-irradiation with 24 h of recovery, were performed. Dual luciferase assays were performed according to manufacturer's instruction (Promega), using the Renilla luciferase construct to normalize results. Experiments were performed on a VICTOR Light 1420 Luminescence Counter (PerkinElmer). Mean and variance were calculated, and 95% confidence intervals were determined by assuming normal distribution of data. The displayed relative expression levels were scaled relative to the mean of p53 (-/-) with no treatment (designated as 1).
p53 Binding Sites and Matrix
The consensus p53 DNA binding site is two half-sites of RRRCWWGYYY separated by 0-13 bp (2). This consensus tends to overpredict p53 binding to sites that conform to the consensus, but are not bound well by p53. The TRANSFAC (3) weight matrix for p53 is based on few sequences and does not distinguish well between real p53 DNA binding sites and false-positives. We built a new matrix from a larger dataset of 162 p53 DNA binding sites (including sites contained in TRANSFAC matrix database and site database, as well as a manual collection of published binding sites based on ref. 1) and the following key observations. A symmetric binding motif for the half-site is statistically more significant than an asymmetric one considering the number of parameters in the model. The spacing of 0 between the p53 half-sites is much preferred over any other spacing. This result was confirmed in yeast assays (1), and we find that, with few exceptions, all p53 DNA binding sites positive in yeast have a score higher than the negative p53 binding sites from the previous work. This indicates that our quantitative model was useful in detecting and predicting high-affinity p53 DNA binding sites.
A logo of this half-site model is:
The corresponding positional specific weight matrix is:
The criteria we used to predict a full p53 site require that a site contains at least two consecutive 10-bp half sites that both pass a lower cutoff value (0.5 of the maximum possible score) and at least one passes a higher cutoff value (0.7 of the maximum possible score). The score of individual half site was determined by the program PATSER (4), and an ad hoc perl script was used to enforce the selection rules. Predicted sites agree well with the canonical p53 site (two half sites of RRRCWWGYYY) with at most two mismatches in either half site, none of which occurs in the middle four bases (CWWG).
Genomewide Distribution of LTR10s and MER61s
We examined the genomic distribution properties of LTRs of the LTR10 and MER61 subfamilies. We compared them to each other as two classes, those with a p53 site and those without, and also to the global distribution of ERVs. The two classes show moderate differences in their overall relative locations with respect to known genes. For example, consistent with previous reports, ERVs in general are distant from genes (5, 6). LTRs with a p53 binding site are even less represented in the vicinity of genes (SI Fig. 4A). For those that do overlap with a gene (mostly in introns), LTRs with p53 sites tend to stay away from both transcriptional start sites and termination sites much more than those that do not have any p53 site (SI Fig. 4B). For LTRs that fall within 100 kb of any transcription start site, the ones with a p53 site are lesser represented when they are closer to the start site (SI Fig. 4C). ERVs show a strong strand bias, such that when they are close to a gene, they usually reside on the opposite strand of the gene. LTRs with a p53 site tend to show a stronger strand bias than those without (SI Fig. 4D). We extended the strand bias analysis to also include EPBS that do not overlap with genes (i.e., not in introns) but are relatively close to genes, which is represented as strand bias at longer distance. These data remain observational. The observed bias at 80-100 kb and >1mb may simply be due to limited sample size. Nevertheless, the observed differences consistently indicate that, as a whole, p53 site containing LTRs were more strongly selected against, suggesting that they bear more deleterious potential that may influence regulation of nearby genes than LTRs without p53 DBS. The difference is, however, not striking; suggesting that the p53 binding site is probably not the only regulatory signal differentiating these LTRs.
1. Qian H, Wang T, Naumovski L, Lopez CD, Brachmann RK (2002) Oncogene 21:7901-7911.
2. el-Deiry WS, Kern SE, Pietenpol JA, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B (1992) Nat Genet 1:45-49.
3. Matys V, Fricke E, Geffers R, Gossling E, Haubrock M, Hehl R, Hornischer K, Karas D, Kel AE, Kel-Margoulis OV, et al. (2003) Nucleic Acids Res 31:374-378.
4. Hertz GZ, Stormo GD (1999) Bioinformatics 15:563-577.
5. van de Lagemaat LN, Medstrand P, Mager DL (2006) Genome Biol 7:R86.
6. Medstrand P, van de Lagemaat LN, Mager DL (2002) Genome Res 12:1483-1495.