Funderburg et al. 10.1073/pnas.0702130104. |
Fig. 5. hBD-3 does not stimulate HEK293 cell lines expressing single TLRs. HEK293 cells expressing the indicated TLR were cultured in medium alone, or medium supplemented with shBD-3 (20 mg/ml) or with positive controls for each of the TLRs [heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes (HKLM), 108 cells per milliliter; poly(I:C), 1 mg/ml; LPS, 100 ng/ml; flagellin, 1 mg/ml; Loxorobrine, 1 mM; ssRNA 40, 5 mg/ml; CPG ODN 2006, 1 mg/ml]. NF-kB activation was monitored by secretory alkaline phosphatase reporter gene expression. hBD-3 did activate reporter gene expression in any of the TLR-expressing cell lines. Experiments were performed in duplicate.
Fig. 6. hBD-3 does not activate mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages. Macrophages were derived from femur marrow precursors by 7-day culture in DMEM/10% FBS (D10F) medium supplemented with 20% LADMAC conditioned medium. Macrophages were subsequently incubated overnight in D10F. The medium was replaced with fresh D10F or D10F supplemented with various concentrations of shBD-3 or Pam3CSK4 ranging from 0 to 5,000 nM. After centrifugation of the cell culture plates, supernatants were collected and TNF-a was measured by ELISA (BD Biosciences). hBD-3 did not stimulate TNF-a production from the WT or TLR2-/- macrophages. Pam3CSK4 induced TNF-a production from WT macrophages but not from TLR2-/- macrophages.
Fig. 7. Disruption of the structure of shBD-3 results in loss of activity. shBD-3, or Pam3CSK4, was heated to 95°C for 30 min to disrupt secondary and tertiary structure. Whole PBMCs were isolated from healthy control donors (106 cells per 500 ml) and incubated in medium alone, or in medium supplemented with 20 mg/ml shBD-2, shBD-3, boiled shBD-3, or 100 ng/ml Pam3CSK4 or boiled Pam3CSK4. Synthetic hBD-2 failed to induce heightened levels of costimulatory molecules (results are representative of 10 experiments). Boiling shBD-3 resulted in ≈90% reduction in its ability to induce CD80. The activity of Pam3CSK4 was not affected by boiling (results are representative of three experiments).