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Figure S2. Exocytosis (A) and Ca2+ influx (B) elicited by depolarizations (-89 to 1 mV) of progressively longer duration to estimate the size of IRP and derive suitable double-pulse protocol parameters (dashed lines, pulse durations used in Fig. 4). Up to a pulse duration of 250 ms, the Ca2+ charge entry increased almost linearly with the length of the depolarization (B). The exocytotic ΔCm, however, increased rapidly and showed saturation already around 200 ms (A). The increase in ΔCm up to that point could be fitted with a single exponential function that approached 16 fF with a time constant of 40 ms. The depression of ΔCm can be interpreted as the fast depletion of a release ready pool. The experiment was performed with [Ca2+]o = 7 mM, pulse durations have been randomized and pauses of at least 30 s were given between stimulations to allow for pool refilling.