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Figure S2.Inhibitionof Rac activity blockspolarity, whereasinhibitionof Cdc42 activity preventsthe consolidationof one leading edge.Migrationof differentiatedHL-60 cellsexpressing PH-Akt-GFP incombinationwith RacN17 (a andc) or WASpC (b) inresponse to a uniform concentration(100 nM) of fMLP (a andb) or to fMLP suppliedby micropipette (c).The top five imagesof each panel show the morphology of a single cell by Nomarski microscopy atthe indicatedtimesafter chemoattractantstimulation.The bottom five imagesshow spatial localizationof PH-Akt-GFP inthe same cell atthe same time points.Arrowsidentify leading edges.Bars, 10 &microm.