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Video 16 (1.3 MB)
Proposedmechanism for microtubule sliding along the budcortex.DyneinDyn1 (red) andPac1 (yellow) associatedwith the plusendof a cytoplasmic microtubulesprobe the budcortex for attachmentsites, which containNum1 (blue) andprobably other components.Uponattachmentto a cortical site, dyneinandPac1 are offloadedfrom the endof the microtubule andanchoredto the cortex.Then, the motor activity of anchoreddyneinisactivated, causing itto walk towardthe SPB.Individual frameswere drawnandanimatedusing Adobe Illustrator andiMovie programs.Selectedframesfrom thisanimatedmovie are showninFig. 8.