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Video 3, A (2.6 MB) and B (3.4 MB)
A, Release of IBB-MBP andMBP from the nucleusof a starfish oocyte during phase I of NEBD(see Fig. 4).The nucleusof anoocyte wasinjectedwith Alexa 594 IBB-MBP (showninred), MBP (green); a Cy5-labeled500-kDdextran(cyan) wasinjectedinto the cytoplasm.Imageswere takenevery 30 s, later every 15 s.Time isinmm:ss.Displayedat8 frames/s. B, Release of M9-MBP andMBP from the nucleusof a starfish oocyte during phase I of NEBD(see Fig. 4).The nucleusof anoocyte wasinjectedwith Alexa 594 M9-MBP (showninred), MBP (green); a Cy5-labeled500-kDdextran(cyan) wasinjectedinto the cytoplasm.Imageswere takenevery 30 s, later every 15 s.Time isinmm:ss.Displayedat8 frames/s.

Video 3 A

Video 3 B