Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.200211076
Lénárt et al.

Supplemental materials and methods

Figure S1 Dextran entry through a local perforation on the NE.

Figure S2 Entry kinetics of MBP is similar to dextrans during phase I.

Figure S3 Quantitation of expression levels of GFP-nucleoporins.

Figure S4 Nocodazole does not block the spreading permeabilization.

Figure S5 Inhibition of nuclear transport prevents maturation.

Figure S6 Dextran entry kinetics are fluorophore and concentration independent.

Video 1 (1.7 MB) Entry of a 10 kD dextran into the nucleus of an immature oocyte.

Video 2 (6.4 MB) Sequential entry of different sized dextran fractions during NEBD.

Video 3 A and B (2.6 and 3.4 MB) Release of IBB-MBP and M9-MBP from the nucleus during phase I of NEBD.

Video 4 A--D (2.7, 2.9, 2.7, and 2.4 MB) Gradual release of nucleoporins from the nuclear rim during NEBD.

Video 5 A and B (1.1 MB and 212 K) Dextran wave on a single optical section of a 4D dataset (A). Isosurface reconstruction of the spreading permeabilization (B).

Video 6 (2.1 MB) Entry of the dextran wave through the lamina and nuclear membranes.