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Figure S2. MAP2c- andtau-decoratedmicrotubulesshow additional density along protofilamentscomparedto undecoratedmicrotubules.(A) Anenface view of the undecoratedmicrotubule map (blue) showing four protofilaments.Thisview ischaracterizedby ridgesandholeswhere a tubulinmonomer ishighlightedby the dottedline. (B) A minusendview of the undecoratedmicrotubule map showsthe smooth curvature of protofilamentridgesseparatedby valleysbetweenprotofilaments.(C andE) Enface viewsof the MAP2c- andtau-decoratedmicrotubule mapsshownata similar threshold.The topology of the protofilamentridgesisdifferentthaninthe undecoratedmicrotubule map.(DandF) Minusendviewsof the MAP2c- andtau-decoratedmicrotubule maps(respectively) shownata similar thresholdto the undecoratedmicrotubule map.The dottedoutline of the undecoratedmicrotubule map isshownontop to illustrate the additional densitiesalong the outer protofilamentridges.