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Figure S3. Immunofluorescence staining of GFP-CH-ILKBP-expressing cells with monoclonal antipaxillin antibody. Rat mesangial cells expressing GFP-CH-ILKBP were plated on fibronectin-coated coverslips and stained with mouse monoclonal antipaxillin antibody (clone 349; Transduction Laboratories) and Rhodamine redTX-conjugated anti-mouse IgG antibody. GFP-CH-ILKBP (A) and paxillin (B) were visualized under a fluorescence microscope equipped with GFP and rhodamine filters. Note that although both GFP-CH-ILKBP and paxillin were localizing to focal adhesions and they overlapped there, there were minor variations in the distribution of CH-ILKBP and paxillin in other areas in the GFP-CH-ILKBP-expressing cell. Also note that at the top of the image, there was a portion of a neighboring cell that does not express GFP-CH-ILKBP. Thus, the difference between the GFP-CH-ILKBP and paxillin staining at focal adhesions was solely due to the lack of GFP-CH-ILKBP expression. Bar, 5 µm.