Supplementary material for Kawamura et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(12), 6654-6659.

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Fig. 6. ROESY (rotating-frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy; tm 100 ms) of ouabain borate in 10% acetonitrile-d3 in deuterium oxide. The major isomer peaks in the F1 and F2 projection spectra were labeled with bold numbers, whereas the minor isomer peaks were labeled with shadowed numbers. NOE peaks appear in a positive phase (solid line), whereas crosspeaks due to chemically or conformationally exchanging protons have a negative phase (dotted line). (A) The large chemical shift difference between H-1 (major) and H-1 (minor) and the NOE crosspeak between H-1 (major) and H-9 (major) are clear. (B) The isomeric exchange between H-1 (major) and H-1 (minor) is seen as the negative phase peak (dotted line).