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Figure S1. (A) Targeting strategy. (Top) Genomic organizationof Lrp5 genomic fragment. Exons6, 7, and8 are showninbars. (Middle) Structure of the targeting vector. Exon6, the 5' 108 basesof exon6 ligatedto andIRES-ß-galactosidase andneor cassette. (Bottom) Targetedallele. Probesusedfor Southernblotanalysisandexpectedsizesof wild-type andtargetedalleles for the 5' probe are asindicated. S, SstI. (B). Southern blotanalysisof DNA from wild-type, heterozygote, andLrp5-/- mice digestedwith SstI using a 5' flanking probe consisting of 220 bp SphI/AvaI fragment. Fragmentsizeswere 7.2 kb for wild-type and9.5 kb for mutant. (C) Genotype distributionof offspring from heterozygous intercrosses. Genotype wasdeterminedatbirth or at4 wk after birth.