Supplementary material for Farruggio et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(13), 7306-7311.

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Fig. 6. (Left) Alignment of clam Cdc20 with human p55CDC and Drosophila fizzy. The clam Cdc20 amino acid sequence (SsCdc20) was deduced from sequencing of three independently isolated cDNAs; the nucleotide sequence is available through GenBank (accession no. AF052575). The clam protein is aligned with homologs from human (HsCdc20) and Drosophila (DmCdc20). Residues identical in two or more sequences are boxed, and the seven WD-40 repeats are indicated by bars over the sequences. Protein sequences were aligned by using the DNAStar MegAlign program. (Right) A phylogenetic tree shows sequence distances among members of the Cdc20 family.