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Figure S3. Migration, spreading, and FA dynamics of Icap-1−/− MEF cells were not affected on VN. (A) The migration of Icap-1+/+ and Icap-1−/− MEF cells was studied using a random chemotactic transwell assay with both sides of the chambers coated with increasing concentrations of VN. Error bars indicate SD of at least three individual experiments. (B) The spreading of Icap-1+/+ and Icap-1−/− MEF cells on various concentrations of VN treated or not treated with 0.5 mM MnCl2 was measured. Each point represents the mean of at least three separate experiments, and error bars represent SD. (C) EGFP-paxillin–expressing Icap-1+/+ and Icap-1−/− MEF cells were spread on 1 µg/ml VN and recorded by time-lapse video microscopy at 4-min intervals for 6 h. The rates of formation and disassembly as well as FA steady state and lifetime were determined as described in Fig. 4. At least 20 cells per experimental condition were recorded. Each data point represents one FA, and the horizontal bar shows the mean of all FAs, with error bars indicating the SD.