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Figure S2. Anti-Akt antibody injections lead to specific defects in centrosome migration. 1–2-h-old embryos expressing tubulin-GFP were injected with either 1.5 mg/ml BSA (A) or 1 mg/ml anti-Akt in 0.5 mg/ml BSA (B and C), transferred to a confocal microscope, and imaged at 1 frame per 10 s. Stills from time-lapse movies ∼20 s before NEB are shown. The site of injection is marked as the center of the inner circle. Nuclei possessing defects in centrosome migration (separation angles of <160° or the presence of wandering centrosomes) are shown as red circles. Defects in centrosome migration are not observed in control-injected embryos. In anti-Akt–injected embryos, the proportion of nuclei showing defects is greater closer to the site of injection. In B: inner circle, 60%; middle circle, 44%; outer circle, 25%. In C: inner circle, 75%; middle circle, 36%; outer circle, 23%; outside, 17%. Bars, 10 μm.