Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.200708048
Cortesio et al.

Figure S1 ysates of control and calpain 2 knockdown cell lines

Figure S2 Wild type (WT) or calpain resistant (D28) GFP-cortactin

Figure S3 Src activity is required for invadopodia formation in MTLn3 cells.

Figure S4 Control or calpain 2–deficient MTLn3 cells

Figure S5 Lysates from v-Src transformed MTLn3 cells stably expressing control or calpain 2 siRNA

Video 1 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-actin in a representative control MTLn3 cell.

Video 2 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-actin in a representative calpain 2–deficient MTLn3 cell.

Video 3 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-cortactin in a representative control MTLn3 cell.

Video 4 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-cortactin in a calpain 2–deficient MTLn3 cell.

Video 5 Live fluorescent imaging of wild-type GFP-cortactin in a cortactin-deficient MTLn3 cell.

Video 6 Live fluorescent imaging of a calpain-resistant GFP-cortactin D28 in a cortactin-deficient MTLn3 cell.

Video 7 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-cortactin in a v-Src transformed MTLn3 control cell.

Video 8 Live fluorescent imaging of GFP-cortactin in calpain 2–deficient v-Src transformed MTLn3 cells.