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Figure S3. Detection of Cindr in 41-h-APF retina. GMR>lacZ (A) and GMR>cindr-IR2+3 (B) retinae with DE-Cad (green in overlay) and Cindr (A′ and B′, red in overlay) shown. Cindr (green), Rst (red), and DE-Cad (blue) at the apical (C), rhabdomere (D), and basal (E) levels of the same wild-type retina. (C) Cindr puncta are observed along the length of the apical-basal cell axis but concentrated in the apical third of each IPC. In 1° cells, Cindr was detected at AJs. (D) Cindr was concentrated at the apical membranes photoreceptor rhabdomeres (arrow). (E) Cindr localizes to where the photoreceptor axon bundles project through the basement membrane (arrow). (F) Schematic of an ommatidium indicating these focal planes: IPCs are illustrated in green, cone cells in blue, 1° cells in orange, underlying photoreceptors in light gray, the basal fenestrated membrane in brown (lateral view), cell membranes in gray, and AJs in black. The lateral view was inspired by Tepass and Harris (Tepass, U., and K.P. Harris. 2007. Trends Cell Biol. 17:26–35). Bars, 10 µm.